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in the past

Another walking simulator with flow-like moments. Lost Ember kinda lacks what makes the other games so special, but also has some moments that are a breath of fresh air. transforming into different animals is very fun and creative, but there are so many times when the gameplay turns into a crawl where you have to control a slow animal. the cutscenes are also pretty bad and the story is forgettable. still a cool experience though.

beautiful story but the lack of polish in some areas really took away from the gameplay and immersion, especially when you have to leave the game to figure out why the fuck i cant ram this damn wall!!

Super fun gameplay throughout the game. You follow a sprite as you learn about your past. During your journey, you can possess wild animals such as: ducks, wombats, fish, etc. The animals give you different abilities to reach secrets and progress your story. The game is pretty chill as you wander around the environments. I had a lot of fun goofing around as each animal to find hidden objects; it made finding collectables enjoyable.

The concept is pretty solid. The story is average. It's not remarkable but it wasn't bad either. The main voice actor has a nice voice and it matches the tone of the game.

It could use a bit of improvements. Sometimes the background sound would be glaringly loud while a couple of lines from a character was super quiet. The controls could be tighter.

The two biggest fixes: the camera and cutscenes. The camera moves a lot. You could see through walls at times. It'll move from first person to third to first again. One night I played, I had bad motion sickness from my session. Terrible vertigo. I think it was the camera moving constantly.

While I appreciate you can pick chapters if you're missing collectibles, but you cannot skip cutscenes. It forces you to watch them again to progress. Incredibly annoying that there's no option to skip.

Overall though, I had fun playing. I didn't mind collecting the extra collectibles too.

Chorei muito. É um jogo que faz exatamente o que se propõe e faz muito bem. Lost Ember é um jogo sobre uma loba que, junto com um recém conhecido orbe rosa falante, está a procura da cidade da luz, a cidade em que todas as pessoas que morrem deveriam ir. A paisagem é linda, os lugares por mais que sejam apenas vazios para exploração, são muito bem ambientados e a escolha de paleta é linda. Você encontra alguns animais no meio do caminho que alteram um pouco a mecânica mas de resto é só isso, é como passear por um quadro vivo. A trilha sonora é bonita também e capricharam muito no final. Eu sinto que o final me pegou muito mesmo, é uma história sobre erros e perdão. Todos cometemos erros e estamos fadados as consequências dos mesmos, pediremos perdão e perdoaremos, ou tentaremos, todos que amamos, mas nada será mais importante do que a habilidade de perdoar a si mesmo. Por mais que a palavra dos outros afete muito nossa vida, a unica força capaz de tirar o peso de nossas costas vem apenas de nós mesmos. Muito lindo, uma experiência muito gratificante vou lembrar com carinho. :)

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I have a lot of fondness for the Journey/Abzu/GRIS/etc. style of gameplay-light story-driven exploration game, and Lost Ember manages to hit enough of those buttons to compel me to finish it, but man, is this lacking in polish. Too long for this subgenre (levels are too large relative to the amount there is to do in them, tedious optional collectibles aside), too much dialogue, too many poorly signposted areas leading to aimless wandering, and too many instances where the controls and level design can get you stuck in a spot to the point where you’re forced to restart from the last checkpoint (admittedly never a huge setback here, but that wouldn’t be an issue at all in a more tightly designed game). How on earth did this get 90% from PC Gamer?

Oh, and the story attempts to apply horseshoe theory to its two ideological poles of “revolution to overthrow an oppressive regime” and “licking said regime’s boots,” so fuck that. Who wrote this, Ken Levine?

Exploring the wilderness as a variety of different animals is sometimes relaxing, sometimes exciting, but always amazing. Cut out the predictable plot with it's mediocre voice acting and forced drama, and you would have a glistening gem of a game.

I played most of the game with audio commentary turned off, and I highly recommend doing so. Big kudos for giving players this option. The little spirit is worse than Navi could ever be. The playthrough took me a bit over 6 hours.

Walking simulator with a beautiful journey. I liked the possessing different animals' thing. Maybe too many cutscenes though.

Cute, pretty, not too riveting

would've been better as an open world sandbox type game completely focused on the animal swap gameplay and without the lackluster, kind of annoying story

Completely forgettable story set in a boring, bland environment.

Amateur-looking and naive.

Lost Ember made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside in a non-ironic way.

It could use more polish, but this game certainly don't miss your tear ducts.

Good game to play in one sitting.