Reviews from

in the past

this game is creepier than i remember it being

bonecão do poço ta maluco ta doidão

I believe this game came out originally in 2012 but it wasn't until 2016 when it got released on Steam with an updated version that included new graphics. In 2020, another graphical upgrade was made to the game (and provided free of charge to owners of the 2016 version).

I completed this game entirely by playing the 2016 version viewing all endings and playing the "if" scenario that adds more to the story. I only put a few minutes into the 2020 version but it seems like besides the updated visuals, the game also features new menus and perhaps slight new room arrangements in the Drevis residence (location where the game takes place).

I really enjoyed the atmosphere, characters and story of the game. The true ending was not of my liking but you win some and lose some. The game itself is not really scary but it does a great job of creating this horror atmosphere through the creepy setup and rooms at the Drevis residence combined with the twisted background of the characters and their actions.

Gameplay is focused on exploration, puzzle solving, some stealth segments and some quick-time events. Puzzles are interesting and for the most part fairly straightforward. Here's hoping that the developer at one point decides to expand upon the story and lore of this game (as hinted by endings and if scenario this game can easily be expanded).

If you enjoyed this game make sure to check out Misao which is a game by the same developer that provides some loose references/connections to this game.

Tenho q rejogar but eu adoro ele e quero MT jogar o remake tbm

Best played if you are on voice call with your friends and voice over all characters.

just as good as i remember.....the remake is even better!

a classic! i always get confused w the puzzles but a classic

It's cheesy and kind of bad but has that rpgmaker charm that I just can't get enough of

not very impressive honestly, plus i have a hate boner for wolfrpg so yeah lol

i played the remaster, which is a lot better than the version i remember playing years ago
it's good but not great, the story is incredibly stupid but the puzzles are cool
also it's wolfrpg not rpgmaker >:|

rpg maker horror is peak horror

being a little generous with this one because that really did give me the heebiejeebies; think it's ultimately maybe a little too short and suffers on a 2nd run (made much shorter), but, as said, man this is really creepy stuff and it's super impressive. Great vibes! perfect for the season

what a funny little game. had a wonderful time playing through.

yea my dad gets mad at me too youre not special

Completely shitted me up as a kid, since then I don't trust amiable girls.

Can't say too much off the top of my head, not a bad game since it had alright voiceovers, fine graphics and yadda yadda but I don't like what it ended up being before the curtains fell. Y'all Nihongins are on some nasty shit.

uns dos meus primeiros rpg maker, saudades quando todo mundo era viciado nisso

Horror RPG que para lo que dura me dejó con buen sabor de boca. Al nivel de los mejores del género.

A real classic horror game that's still fun to play.

There's a really interesting through line of this where Aya knows her father is a monster and keeps finding ways to justify it. Time and time again, she sees the horrible things that he's done and keeps trying to convince herself that its okay and he can change. Its only when his rampage turns against her that she's forced to recognize how conditional his love is. That even his "good side" is filtered through his violent, dreadful worldview. That there's nothing that can justify the way that he treats others and nothing that'll stop him from hurting you if you violate his inner rules.

I'm not necessarily sure how I feel about the new modes in the remake and the character reveals going on there. I sort of feel like it betrays the original theme for the sake of shock value. On the other hand, it doesn't end completely miserable for everyone, even if its still real grim. Sometimes, you just gotta accept the weird cheesy rpg maker as is and roll with it.

Trashy as fuck but it's kinda kino

This is a neat little bite sized experience. Wouldn't hurt to play this, the atmosphere was great and the endings are cool.

Mad Father is extremely well made for an RPGMH game. The puzzles have that Witch's House and Misao charm, the story builds up to a twist perfectly and the scares/deaths are that satisfying combo of comedy and fright.

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Very funny that this game has to come up with a last-minute explanation for why a rich milf would want to be with the grown-up version of the katawa shoujo dude.