Reviews from

in the past

Very fun game with a great story. Quite difficult though, I still need to finish it.

an absolute train wreck compared to the remaster

Stupidly underrated. Satisfying and stylish 2D indie stealth darling

Gameplay recheado de diferentes possibilidades, desafios não muito exigentes, porém divertidos. Boa dose de segredos e de desafios especiais. História focada e com final intrigante, com dois bons plot twists. Um excelente jogo de plataforma com furtividade que traz uma enorme punição para quem deseja partir pra porradaria.

Played this game a lot, it's surprisingly fun.

Just the right amount of agency against the unforgiving nature of the environment. Mark of the Ninja plays like killing elevated to painting. Neat.

just follow my moves
and sneak around
be careful not to make a sound
alerts guards on oopsiedent
"oops don't touch that"
lets self get killed, tries again

They put all the stealth systems right there in front of you so there's no questions or anything. Just good sneakin'.

I literally started this game on 2017. I feels nice to finally be done with it. Of course, it has been quite a while since I last played, so the ending lost a lot of its potential impact for me. Still, I don't remember ever being particularly invested on the story, and fortunately, the gameplay is good enough to compensate. It's probably the best stealth game I've played, and my only complaint is that it could have used more nonlethal options. Almost all of your possible upgrades are lethal takedowns and gadgets. Pretty recommended