Reviews from

in the past

Medal of Honor: Heroes was the second attempt at a handheld game in the franchise, and while graphically it is much more impressive than the previous entry (obviously), the gameplay is somehow worse.

Heroes campaigns are divided into 3 previous protagonists from older games. These campaigns include missions like:

Capture the flag
Collect XY, go back where you came from
Capture the flag and hold it
Capture multiple flags
Capture flags and collect points

You get the idea, the missions are bad. The enemies on the other hand, are really great at throwing grenades, because they throw so much at you, I needed to constantly check the minimap for them, because there is no other indicator of their presence.

What I like in Medal of Honor games are the visible differences between soldiers uniformwise. This is here, but it does not matter that much here to be honest, because they do not behave differently at all.

It is all too simple, too short but fun for a handheld title I guess.

They want to draft military... POOOO!!! Not playing a game like this EVER!!

Medal of Honor Heroes is a giant mess: on one hand the gameplay is good enough, though the sequel improved it considerably, on the other it's filled with bizarre design decisions that sap all the fun out of it.

For one, much like Killzone 2 would do a few years later, you can only ever carry one primary weapon at a time plus a useless pistol, which means that you will almost always go for a machine gun of some sort and completely disregard any shotguns, rifles or rocket launchers you find, as collecting them will mean sacrificing your workhorse weapon. Guns also drop at random from enemies, and rarely at that, so forget about dumping your useless M1 Garand at the first enemy you kill and grabbing his MP40, as only one or two enemies per mission will drop weapons you can actually collect. If that weren't enough, most weapons are basically never present in any of the levels, for instance the staple of every WW2 shooter, the Kar98k, is only ever found in the first mission.

Enemies throw a stupid amount of grenades, which kill you in one hit and have no grenade indicator whatsoever unless standing right on top of them. The only way to know that a grenade is near you is keeping an eye on the radar at all times, which is the only place where a yellow blip representing a grenade is shown at any time. The result of this are many, many sudden and undeserved deaths which, coupled with the absence of any checkpoints during missions, is infinitely frustrating. It's also the only way you will die, since the game is very easy even on the hardest difficulty with all assists turned off, with no reall difficulty spikes to mention.

Fortunately in regard to the absence of checkpoints, missions are extremely brief: we're talking 5 minutes on average, so starting over when you die isn't really that much of an issue. Sadly, the missions are also really, really bad: instead of deliberately designed objective-driven levels, what we get 80% of the time are little more than botmatches in which you and a gaggle of stupid AI companions who constantly get in your way have to run around what look like recycled deathmatch maps and capture and hold flags like in a king of the hill multiplayer match. This boils down to standing around motionless for several seconds while the flag is captured, and then move on to the next. To spice it up, sometimes the enemies will be able to recapture these points, meaning you'll have to make the rounds to reacquire them until a point counter decides you've done enough and the mission ends. It's bad, and it's the vast majority of missions, with only a few of them presenting something even remotely similar to level design.

The music is good, with the excellent Allied Assault main theme prominently featured in a show of stunning lack of effort, but at the very least there's some quality to be found in the package. Unfortunately the same can't be said about the voice work: repetitive, low quality and with German soldiers speaking in English, it's definitely subpar.

Just about the only other positive aspect is the inclusion of an offline deathmatch against bots, which is absent from the superior sequel and, now that servers are gone, helps to stretch out the value of an otherwise forgettable package.

Heroes 1 is a bad game, luckily the sequel fixed most of its problems.

Obviously this game is not the best but it really did mean so much to me on those long car trips. Such a fun timed the bot matches/costumes were so much fun. A blast.

KAMU SPOTU: PSP'de FPS oynamayınız.

This game WAS my childhood for some reason.
Hit like Nightfire for the PSP.
I used to think the bot matches were extremely cool and infinitely replayable.
have I replayed it recently to realize its.... well shit... I mean yeah
but I loved this as a kid.

Honestly, pretty phenomenal for what it is.

You are thrown into huge open maps with lots of detail. The graphics are amazing for PSP, considering the draw distance. This easily looks like an early PS2 title, if not better. You are allowed to complete tasks in any order you wish. Level design is intricate enough for you to develop various strategies and replay the same missions many times in different ways. The controls are as good as they could possibly be on PSP (this time I was playing on Vita, but I had played through it on PSP as well, so I know what I'm talking about). The aiming is smooth as hell, the guns have just the right accuracy to make it fun without straying too far from that semi-realistic feel the game is going for. The world is more detailed than even mainline Call of Duty games that were coming out at the time.

However, this is a handheld title through and through. It knows what it is and doesn't try aiming above its head. The campaigns don't feel like a 3-act journey with increasing stakes and a climactic ending. It's more like a compilation of maps with perfected gameplay but very little in terms of variety. It can get pretty repetitive, though personally just the visual variety alone kept me invested to the end.

I don't think this game should be judged in comparison to mainline MoH or CoD titles. This is essentially a little spin-off game. It was designed for short on-the-go sessions, and it excels at that. Compared to other PSP shooters, it blows them out of the water. Its main competitor, Call of Duty: Roads to Victory is a steaming pile of shit in comparison, with its grey corridors, blurry textures and horrendous controls. In fact, most of the time playing MoH: Heroes I just marvel at how the heck they were able to achieve this. I would honestly go as far as to call it one of the best PSP games period.

Really fun. I was surprised at how much I liked this. But maybe not really that surprising, the game just has this "spot on" feel to almost everything, despite the control scheme. And the fact that the campaign is set entirely on multiplayer maps actually works to the game's advantage, as the missions feel more open ended as a result- there are like a million different ways you can tackle each mission, with apparently randomized enemy spawn locations further adding variety to each attempt.

Um dos jogos mais feios que eu já tive a chance de jogar

O controle também é aquela maravilha

A história é muito boa mas só isso