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Controls way better than any MMX game, and so do the following entries. But inti creates also thinks it's funny to drop spiked balls on my head from off-screen that I can't kill with a single hit, so actually fuck this game

Very rough around the edges. Level design isn't very good and they make you unlock the attacks in your moveset for some reason, plus the screen crunch really sucks. This series is mostly story-focused and all this game does is set up the rest of the series rather than do anything especially interesting on its own.

Honestly a very fun playthrough. Characters are likeable, gameplay feels really fun, and it's overall a fun experience. I won't hold it over with some of the dialogue being kinda reeeeally bad, especially in the early stages from Ciel.

over all a great first game and a solid mid pick into my mega tierlist.

Adoro os jogos da serie X, então consequentemente, adoro os da serie Zero. Absurdo como conseguiram fazer uma experiência tão gostosa de plataforma num gameboy advance.
Pra mim o grande diferencial da série Zero em si é a história que dessa vez eh beeem mais edgy, do jeitinho que eu gosto.
A gameplay com o Zero é absurda, muito rapido de jogar, bem do jeitinho que tem que ser. Tudo bem que eu joguei o jogo inteiro so com o Z-Saber, mas isso aí tudo bem. Os chefes são fodas, e a arte desse jogo, pqp!!! JOGAÇO DO INICIO AO FIM

Tiene buenas ideas y mecanicas aunque otras no tanto, un muy buen juego.

Ough. I think this game has such interesting ideas it is a shame a lot of them kind of faceplant? I definitely don't think it is as bad as some people make it out to be, but it isn't stellar. I cannot blame someone for writing off this series because of this game but FUCK is it such a mistake, and there is a lot to enjoy about this game past the couple frustrations it has. Really hard to rank for me.

I cant believe i experienced hell with touch controls. I played this on my Iphone with gba4ios forever ago but like this game was also insanely badass

This was the first Mega Man game I’ve ever played and now while replaying it, it isn’t quite as hard as I remembered. Yes, dying is pretty unforgiving in this game but enemies drop so many health recovery items and the Z-Saber makes quick work of them too so it isn’t that bad. And you can use some very strong Cyber-Elves to help you if you have trouble. Like the double vitality one. It sucks that you’re going to have to grind for these though since you can only get like one of the higher priced Cyber-Elves if you play through the game normally.
The stages are pretty good but the mission system does make you revisit the same stages multiple times. They do mix up enemy placements or you get to visit a different section of the stage but still it felt a bit like recycled content.
The bosses were quite good as well. They were unique enough and fun to beat quickly with skillful use of the Z-Saber.
Speaking of the Z-Saber, it has never felt as good to use as it does in the Zero games. It is cool, fast and absolutely shreds through enemies and bosses. It gets extra moves too when you level it up a bit.
Controlling Zero feels great too. He is fast and the controls are responsive.
There aren’t as many different weapons to use than in the X games but I didn’t mind that since the weapons we do get are such a blast to play around with. Well, I basically only used the Z-Saber and ocassionaly the Buster but that was enough for me.
Overall, great game with stellar controls but dying is a bit too unforgiving and revisiting the same stages over and over was some lazy game design.

i have not played many of the zero games and i genuinely don't know why. but i did play this one! the art is very good, and i love how "GBA" it feels. leviathan is a good woman!!!!

If I hadn't played this on the collection with sane checkpointing I'd have never beaten it, lmao

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Por mais mal que ele tenha envelhecido, eu não consigo deixar de amar esse jogo. Esse maldito tem bastante carisma pra eu odiar ele.

O que mais percebo de reclamação nele, é o level design, e de fato, é realmente deplorável a maioria das missões, com a grande culpa sendo da câmera do jogo ser bem próxima ao zero, não dando pra ver muito os arredores, mas isso é um problema que vai se arrastar pela franquia inteira, então depositar um problema nisso é inútil, o fato a ser comentado é a forma em que os níveis são projetados. Às vezes você está pulando, e do nada tinha um espinho no chão e "não há nada a se fazer", precisa ser nem espinho, os próprios buracos do jogo também ferram bastante. Isso causa medo de se movimentar pelas fases. A que mais odeio é aquele da fábrica, no qual se tu ir pela parte de cima, não vai dar mais pra ver os robôs, tendo que realizar um pulo de misericórdia, é uma sessão de 30 segundos, mas naquela missão das bombas é uma droga. O que criticam também é as missões da ciel, que não são fases e sim mini objetivos dentro de lugares. Esses objetivos são simples e fáceis, nada demais mesmo, até mesmo aquele de carregar um soldado fica fácil por ele aguentar bastante dano, e tem a mecânica de fazer ele ficar parado caso corra. É entendivel essas missões no contexto do jogo, pois zero é uma antiga lenda que um povo sem esperança tenta de todas as formas achar a salvação através dele, então zero tem que se provar ser um herói, ganhando o respeito deles.

A jogabilidade aqui é a melhor coisa do jogo, pois você tem a buster e o sabre do zero AO MESMO TEMPO! hell yeah, nada pode me parar agora! É simplesmente divertido jogar com zero, você destrói inimigos a longa distância, e dá fortes ataques com a espada. O que deixa a gameplay mais lenta no início, é o sistema de nível que eles tem, pois eles no começo são bem limitados, a pistola que zero usa nem ao menos consegue ser carregada, e o ataque lento demais, mas evoluir eles não custa muito farm, e em 3 missões, eles já estão bom o suficiente para serem usados de total uso.

Uma parte que não gostei foram os chefes, muita gente reclama deles serem difíceis, mas sério, isso só ocorre pela vida de zero ser baixa, porque eles são o no damage mais fácil de toda a série megaman (perdendo pra battle network 6, hihihi) os chefes tem padrões simples e pouco variados. A luta só se extende por eles terem uma grande vida, mas depois de adquirir os chips de fraqueza, tem chefe que nem ao menos consegue sair do lugar. O único que divertido é a cópia do X, que tem ataques difíceis de desviar, mas a segunda forma é bem bucha. Só odiei ter que rever o diálogo deles denovo e denovo quando morria, é tão difícil só me mandar pra luta logo?

A ost aqui, ela é bem fraca, acho que eles quiseram dar uma aparecia mais séria para o jogo, o que tirou o carisma de muitas, a única que funciona neste estilo é a da neo Arcádia, de resto bem esquecivel.

O brabo desse jogo mesmo fica na história, de uma cópia maléfica de X virando um ditador maluco, e tudo isso acontecer por causa da nossa companheira ciel. Com seu desejo imprudente de ter um mundo perfeito, acabou recriando o X, mas infelizmente, X era único em sua bondade, e nunca seria possível de replicar. Essa revelação é feita da forma mais sem graça possível, mas seu conceito é bom do mesmo jeito.

Um começo de franquia estranho, que estabeleceu terreno para futuros jogos bons... e eu não vou falar dos cyber-elfs, muito texto pra explicar eles e ninguém lê o que eu escrevo.

Played as part of the Mega-Man ZX Collection, MMZ is a decent enough evolution of the Mega-Man formula featuring some light exploration and fun bosses. It’s immensely frustrating at times and unbelievably satisfying in others, but overall a passable experience if you’re looking for intense, modernized Mega-Man action.

Full Review:

This game is weird.
The whole continue/missions disappearing thing is very assholeish for no reason.
There's screen crunch making some shit hard to react to, some arenas are small making it hard to dodge big sprites, the first few hours are brutal. But then you get an elemental chip and you can beat the rest of the game without much struggle.

The weapon level up thing SUCKS, i get why there were going for plot-wise but it's ass.

The elf system is stupidly grindy and annoying, i hate it.

Overall it's ok i guess, not the best but it's definetly better than any game from the X series starting from X5.

Mega Man Zero reeks of bad game design: screen crunch, escort missions, unfair enemy placement and more. But because the game is so short and incentivizes the player to blast through at lightspeed, it never feels dull. Conquering the game with the speed and aggression it provokes allows for a lot of its shortcomings to fall into the background. Furthermore, the length means that none of the bullshit is ever present for too long. The levels are varied enough that each stage has a unique kind of bullshit. Part of the fun was finding something stupid to complain about before finding something completely different for the next level (or figuring out there was a really easy solution to my problem, but I am too ass to figure it out). However, this game just balances on the edge between stupid and plain unfair that powering through every obstacle still remained exhilarating rather than relieving. There is just enough stupid garbage to make beating it feel like putting a cheater in their place and not like you had to cheat to win. Mega Man Zero is the kind of brutal, ass-wiping game that I love to hate.

very complicated game to talk about! you may remember i had a 1 star review for this game before i deleted it. somehow in retrospect i've really started to warm up to MMZ1, even disagreeing with most of what i wrote just a couple days ago. i don't think it's a particularly fun or well-executed game but there's certainly something compelling about it.

MMZ has a very strange learning/difficulty curve to it, and it's not helped by how weak zero is at the beginning of the game. the choice to lock basic combat skills behind grinding is frustrating; luckily it doesn't take too long if you know what you're doing. MMZ's difficulty is somewhat infamous, as it reaches a steep incline the moment you fight the first mission boss. this was what completely turned me off from this game for a long time, in tandem with its notorious lives system - lose a life and earn a heavy score penalty, lose all your lives on a level and it becomes completely inaccessible, potentially locking you out of one of the three boss weaknesses. i opted to (sigh) use savestates, as i know the recent collection has some form of this, and the alternative consisted of reloading from my save and playing the levels over again.

this is where i have to mention that these levels kind of suck! they suffer immensely from GBA screen-crunch, leading to leaps of faith in many platforming sections (factory level being an infamous example of this) and getting blindsided by enemies who are all too often faster than you can react to. of course, you get used to the handful of environments after the third forced revisit to them, but it doesn't make them any better. the music kind of sucks too sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.

of course, on the flipside, this is a mega man game, so it plays pretty well on a base level, oddly a lot better than any of the PS1 MMX titles it owes so much to. the movement and combat are genuinely fun and satisfying, to a point where they do almost make up for many of the shortcomings i listed. the weapons are fluid, fast and have an excellent feel all around. i kept coming back to this game because as bad as i felt the bosses were on a design level, it was a little fun to strategize and see what i could do to make the fights as quick and dirty as possible (charged z-saber FTW). perhaps this is commendable. (haven't mentioned the cyber elf system but that's because it kind of sucks and i almost never used it outside of healing.)

i don't have any deeper analysis of the story but it's fairly good stuff and i wish it was told through more than static dialogue scenes. copy X twist is kind of lame but i get why they did it that way.

kind of hoping Z2 fixes any of my issues but from the brief sections i played of it... not looking good

(EDIT: i can't believe i spent so much of my childhood looking at Sprites-Inc only to forget to mention how good the sprites are. shameful)

The only acceptable game with first game syndrome.

First entry to a great series. They still had some stuff to figure out here and the cyber elf system is no the best in this game but it's still a lot of fun and the story is actually interesting.

hããããããã eu lembro muito pouco desse jogo agora honestamente mas controlar o zero é uma delicia e eu pulei literalmente toda instancia de dialogo nesse jogo e por isso gostei bastante

a decent starting point for a series held back by horrible save and upgrade systems.

This game is so uninteresting after a while that I had no idea if I've beaten this bomb before or never beat it, I probably beat this shit TWICE TIMES, and I didn't even like this game before, I tried to give it a second chance, I liked it even less, I I'll give a brief summary of "Mega Mid Note 0" it's literally "Mega Peak BadaXX" but worse, the bosses are worse (apart from Leavithan), the level design is either too short and too easy, or it's a disgrace and literally has everything bad that the Mega Man series has. In other words, STAY AWAY FROM THIS DISGRACE, this game is so badass that it made me miss Megaman X6, X7 and even the disappointment that is X8, I admit that I had more fun with it than Zero's first adventure, I prefer to play with Zero in the X games.

Solid and fun combat and platforming. Just like playing as Zero in the X series. Bogged down by a backwards ranking, upgrade and difficulty systems.

this game is evil, I can't believe anybody beat it without the collection checkpoints

looks cool tho

É um bom jogo mas é bem problemático em algumas partes.
Por um lado o level design é questionável, eu nem ouso jogar esse jogo sem o save-assist da ZX Collection e os cenários não são mt marcantes, mas por outro a gameplay é ótima e os bosses são muito legais de se lutar contra.

Um ótimo título da franquia e o início da série Zero, que, na minha opinião, é a melhor série de Megaman.

O jogo é graficamente bonito, a gameplay é bem fluida e rápida. A história é boa, mas algumas motivações de alguns personagens poderiam ser melhor desenvolvidas.

Os principais defeitos desse jogo, na minha opinião, são os cenários que, apesar de bem bonitos, se repetem bastante, várias missões são feitas nas mesmas áreas, com pouquíssimas mudanças nelas, e o farm gigantesco se você pretende deixar suas armas no nível máximo e crescer os Cyber Elfs para aumentar a força do Zero.

Mas mesmo com esses defeitos, mais do que recomendado para fãs de Megaman ou de jogos de ação e plataforma.

It's not bad tho, but i really didn't liked it. And i think that this is the worst game i've ever played.

Just remembering the "give up" feature gives me a headache

utterly devious of them to make the underwater boss weak to fire. rough around the edges but with a great core, and massively improved by the Legacy Collection's added checkpoints.