Reviews from

in the past

Decent MM game but it was rough around the edges. Didn't like the hub world and having to traverse from the whole left of the map to the right to get to a given area. Half of the bosses weren't traditional MM bosses with unique attack patterns, but rather just big machines to slash at. Really hated the fact that every death in this game resulted in a Game Over. And that one timed mission in the factory was some bullshit.

The save system is actually fucking broken, and the difficulty is insane. The hardest game I've ever beaten.

The level design is far less engaging than either the original or X series, and the music is extremely lacking. The saving grace is that movement is extremely fluid and fun, and cutting up enemies with the Z Saber is a joy. However, that applies to the rest of the Zero games as well, all of which better than this one.

This game kicks ass. It's a shame that it's so short. It can be unforgiving at first, but once you get it, you get it.

there's good ideas in here but they're plagued by a ton of god awful design choices

Decent start to what would become the greatest series in the Mega Man franchise. Definitely has some bonehead decisions like the weird lives system, the grindy nature of cyberelves and weapon levels, and some mediocre levels, but at it's core it's still quite an enjoyable game if you can get past all of that.

you can tell its the first game

A very bad case of "good when you master it, terrible for newcomers". This is a theme with the whole Zero series, but it's especially bad with the first one. I did enjoy the game with save states, but without them, it's one of the most frustrating games I've played

better control, story and worldbuilding than the X games

worse at everything else

so many downright awful things about this game but they fortunately got mostly ironed out in the sequels

Um dos jogos mais incríveis que já joguei junto com uma das melhores coisas da saga X. A história em comparação aos outros da franquia é incrível e os comandos são ótimos, a seleção dos bosses é genial e não perde a essência da antiga franquia, o único ponto negativo é a dificuldade exacerbada, principalmente na hora de achar itens secretos

Could've been a great game if they just scrapped the RPG elements (like leveling up weapon capabilities). They REALLY weren't needed. I went as far as grinding the buster and saber so a satisfactory level to match the X games before entering the major levels. And it was a better experience minus the part where I actually had to grind. Good game with some weird decisions holding it back.

It was cool, liked the faster pace of this one in comparison to the X series.

blonde asshole roasts blue femboy the game

Played it on the recently released Zero/ZX collection for the Switch. Definitely a classic Megaman game. It was a bitch to finish, bosses kicked my ass an ungodly amount of times. Having said that, the fact that the aforementioned collection I played the game in had a function called save assist really helped. It basically replaces the lives system the game originally had with a lovely checkpoint system, with unlimited retries. This did make it so I barely saw the stages however. Every single boss fight has a checkpoint just outside of the boss room, meaning I only needed to finish a level once to reach the boss, as opposed to the dozens of times each boss turned me into mashed potatoes before I could kill it. Still, my biggest complaint is that you can't skip the dialogue before each boss fight, so you have to read it every single time you try, which got stomach-churningly annoying several times. Overall, cool game, took me about 3 hours to finish, probably because of the save assist

I used to dislike this game as I felt it was too hard, but then I played it again, and I dunno something clicked. Maybe it's because I had the next 3 games under my belt, but I just loved this on a replay. The atmosphere each level has is really something, and I love the art in this game. Music is great too. Only issue is grinding and that stupid Protect the Factory mission.

Play it on Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection. It's way better if you turn on the Save Assist.

The Good:
+ Diversity of weapons and elements
+ Fast paced combat
+ Loved the HUB system.
+ Cyber Elves
+ Amazing difficulty (If you make use of the Save Assist)
+ Varied missions
+ Weapon upgrade system lead by how much you use it
+ The small screen doesn't prejudice Zero thanks to his arsenal
+ Good story
+ Nice OST... Albeit isn't as good as the big hits on X series.

The Bad:
- Sometimes requires a "jump of faith"... due to GBA's small screen you can't really see spikes or platforms below you on certain areas of the game
- Could've make better use of the HUB. Most of it is useless
- You need to pause the game to change weapons/elements
- Requires grind to unlock some features that should've been adquired through normal progression
- Repeated scenary on a few missions
- Cyber Elves aren't useful or interesting enough requiring too much grinding
- Could've made better use off the Elemental Chips: They just change the effects when you charge the saber. They could've added more.

The Ugly:
The Save System. But it is totally avoidable if you play this game on Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection.

A great foundation for the games to come but falls short compared to its sequels. It has the satisfying combat options this sub series is well known for but includes a few annoyances such as the baffling retry chip system and the massive amounts of grinding required to unlock higher tier cyber elves.

the basework for much better games in the series

A well-crafted game but way too frustrating for its own good, which is a damn shame because I really wanted to like it

This review contains spoilers

They made zero a femboy.

I wrote a real review but it got cut off by the edges of the screen.

This game is just bad. It's so unsatisfyingly short but also really padded with so much backtracking. The controls are great, but the level design built for it is both barren and unforgiving. The story is almost non-existent save for the beginning and end with wasted potential. This game is frustration and disappointment incarnate. A terrible continuation of the X series, but on par with the quality of it at the time.

Haven't played this one in years mas lembro-me de ser bem divertido

It feels like literally every single Mega Man series of games starts off fresh. There is nowhere to go but up.

what if they made megaman x but only for masochists

Looks and sounds great. If you're thinking of playing this, be aware of one thing: this game hates you and every fiber of your existence. If it could, it would slaughter you and everyone related to you. It despises you, and it wants to see you at your worst, so it can show you new depths of worse you didn't know existed. Hatred in a cartridge.