Reviews from

in the past

Cute art, played for a couple hours when it was one of the 3 PS4 games I had near launch.
Contra: The Shlooter might be someone elses speed more than mine. The "numbers get bigger" needle kept me going for a couple hours. But not enough to ever finish it.

I did not care for this one at all. I think it's basically a Contra game? I've never really played Contra - so that might have something to do with it.

Really wanted to like this but the gameplay is slow and grindy

This is the game that let me know I have a slightly addictive personality and must never touch gacha games. So many hours wasted collecting stupid resources in this.

Cool game, but some aspects of it could be pretty grindy.

Un ersatz de très bonne qualité de Metal Slug. A faire pour les fan du genre.

I bought the 4Pack expecting this to be like a Metal Slug/Contra game. Just run to the right, shoot the bad guys, dodge bullets, and all that. Have fun with my friends a kill some time with fun arcadey action.

What we got is a repetitive grindy game about doing the same boring map to find some stupid crafting materials for some dumb shit we don't care about. I'll admit it's my fault i didn't really check what this game was about, but it doesn't change the fact that all 4 of us fucking hated it.

Few things were more baffling to me than the hype this game managed to garner, despite looking like a boring collect-a-thon with slow gameplay and tedious enemies to shoot from the very beginning. From what I recall, people were convinced this was going to be some Metal Slug successor because of the art style, and they didn't pay attention when the devs involved cited SPECIFICALLY the Metal Slug games on Neo Geo Pocket, which were less run-n-gun and had more emphasis on exploring.

Regardless, this game is worse than those. It doesn't help that I really don't like Paul Robertson's art, which I find the be nothing if not obnoxious. The game functions perfectly fine, but I still have a hard time thinking of anything remotely enjoyable about this. From what I see, though, that initial hype was long forgotten and a lot of folks see it for the mostly-miserable experience that it truly is.

Shit sucks lol

Game is really pretty but the gameplay is really shallow with a lot of issues.

Not bad, but I only had a few hours' worth in me.

i'm of two minds w/this game. on the one hand, i think it's mad overlooked and is a really fun and fleshed out indie game. on the other, i can absolutely understand why someone would stop playing this after like an hour considering there's very little map variety early on (and arguably just in general). i think for me it wasn't a big issue because the missions always changed objectives and would usually have different enemy loadouts, but again, i can totally see why someone would get tired of this.

i've seen people describe this game as a 2D version of monster hunter, and while i've never touched monhun, it makes sense. this game is very "you get out of it what you put into it", and if you're the type of person who enjoys tooling around with loadouts and builds to maximize your efficiency that matches your playstyle, then this game will be great for you.