Reviews from

in the past

metal slug. nao tem muito o que falar, quem conhece sabe

Imagine if they made Metal Slug 2 not slowdown when anything happened ever. I can almost 1CC this game from playing it so much, it is one of my favorite arcade style sidescrollers ever.

Eri is also cute I love Eri.

Mi metal slug favorito simplemente digo eso

Metal Slug X é tudo que uma sequência deve ser, tem o dobro de personagens (cada um com habilidades unicas), novas armas, armaduras, a melhor história da série inteira, uma maravilha. Mesmo com isso tudo, é um pouco do mesmo, mesmo visual e etc.

A história é peak fiction btw


I remember being nine years old when me and my mother took me to a laundromat/pollo a la brasa place to wash our clothes since our apartment building didn't have washing machines at the time. My mom would watch her telenovellas on the crts hanging up all over the places while I begged my mom for a dollar in quarters so I can play Area 51, Soul Edge and this game. I remember trying to ask the kids around waiting if they wanted to play with me and even spotted them if they didn't have anything. My first exposure into the Metal Slug series and all those years later, still as great as I remembered it as a kid.

The iconic run and gun gameplay is simple yet extremely satisfying. The levels are pretty great and the whole game is just full of tiny touches you wouldn't expect here. If you get hit with a certain attack, you'll turn into a mummy and can only use your pistol and if you eat too much food, your character will literally gain weight almost to the point you can explode. The weapon pickups are common and dopamine hits when you get them and there's rarely a bad one here either.

Some bosses can take way too long and there's a difficulty spike near the end but that's really it for me.

I've only played a few Metal Slug games but I always come back to this one for a variety of reasons. Always a fun time with someone to just blow and shoot everything up in general.

I also played it on the sodding wii and otherr ones as well but IDK i dont think i fibisued them i actually probably didnt even play them i porbabky just sat there.

Melhor shooter, tudo frenético e extremamente divertido, ótimas fases e gráficos bons pra época.

Lembro da sensação de poder morrer a vontade jogando no Playstation depois de perder incontáveis fichas no fliperama.

É a mesma coisa do Metal Gear 2, mas com melhorias significativas. Não tem lags, os mapas tiveram suas mudanças bem legais, alguns ficaram maiores. Além disso, tivemos novas armas, um ótimo upgrade. Mas tem algumas mapas que prefiro na primeira versão

ok yeah this is just metal slug 2 but better lol

fio my beloved

Note que seu jogo é super mal otimizado e faça um re-lançamento do mesmo com leves alterações no posicionamento dos inimigos e algumas adições estéticas

Assim o transformando num dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos.

Like metal slug 2, but much better. It runs way smoother, has more enemy variety, better designs, pretty much enhanced across the board. Good stuff. Better than the first

Metal Slug 2 com todo seu potencial realizado. Um Run 'n Gun frenético e lindo de se ver em movimento. Além de ser extremamente satisfatório de controlar, é impressionante o cuidado que o jogo tem com detalhes - desde coisas que afetam diretamente a gameplay, como seu personagem ficar obeso se comer demais, até coisas mais cosméticas, como o camelo que você trouxe da última fase saciar a sede no oásis da seguinte. Realmente um deleite de se jogar.

Metal Slug X improves the first game by improving nearly everything, and defined the difficulty the Metal Slug games are known for. Only gets beaten out by Metal Slug 3.

A revised and remixed version of 2, MSX irons out the performance problems and adds a non-insignificant amount of new weapons and features, while tuning the difficulty up a tad.
While X introduces a couple of nitpick-y issues, it should be considered the definitive version of 2.

Metal Slug X is a good sequel to metal slug 1, the new levels and the new enemies added some variety to the game.

raiva, paixão, ódio, amor...

A huge step up from the previous game thanks largely to the inclusion of eri and fio, finally making the game playable.

This one lets you play as a mummy and also has Fio

When will they let me play as the monkey though?

On one level if you eat to much food youur character gains so much weight until he explodes. On another level you become a mummy. 5/5