Reviews from

in the past

Short puzzle game featuring Michael Mouse. The difficulty curve is low at first and insane on the last one


6x6 slide puzzles are awesome because not only are they tedious but when you finish them you feel no sense of satisfaction whatsoever

Assim como nos outros jogos infantis, os puzzles/níveis têm dificuldades muito desbalanceadas entre uns e outros, mas não é ruim

"Que joguinho bobo. Deve ter sido feito para bebê, né?"

[o último puzzle é um quebra-cabeça de deslizar peças]

"... Senhor, perdoe meus pecados..."

Game producer: We're making a puzzle game for kids. It's going to be Disney themed and it's going to be bright and colorful. Mickey Mouse is going to be collecting magic beans. What should the final puzzle be?

The only person in the entire universe that likes sliding tile puzzles in video games: I have an excellent idea...

My mom and I played this a ton, and just for that it's very near and dear to me

Fully cop to the fact this is probably a bad game but I had fun as a kid with it. Can beat very quickly small mini game puzzler

As a very young child, I would make my dad do the slide puzzle at the end for me.

10/10 memory of my dad and a great game for children.

Why does this game's soundtrack make you feel like you're a cartoon character having their skull pecked relentlessly by an annoying little bird?

It was a fun puzzle game for kids.

Sou o 2º melhor jogador desse jogo mundo!

Eu joguei várias vezes até chegar no quebra-cabeça, e aí, anos depois, eu descobri que aquilo era o final do curtíssimo jogo. :(