Reviews from

in the past

Très bon concept et DA sympa.

Simpatico y debería haber más de este estilo, pero ni tiene el esoterismo de Gorogoa ni se sienten intuitivas algunas de las partes. Echadle un ojo si tal.

Головоломка с прикольной идеей, но задушенная, на мой взгляд, огромным количеством элементов решения задач, среди которых разбегаются глаза от непонимания, какие нужны, а какие- нет. Усугубляется это ощущение потерянности отутствием какой-либо цели на протяжении всей игры.

Classic puzzler with a beautiful style

really enjoyed the perspective gimmick

Clever, both mechanically and artistically. The hint system is great for both forcing you to have patience, and for providing solutions when you either plain overlook something or the game fudges its own rules or signposts.

Muito legal, difícil pra um caralho.

I ended up liking Moncage more than I expected to. It tells an interesting story through it's environment and your interactions with it alone, and it has some very clever puzzles.

A fun puzzle game with a unique mechanic that doesn't get stale. Doesn't really develop any story but the vibe is cool and worth a play.

For a game about perspectives, its chic wordless storytelling fails to interrogate its cast or themes and leaves Moncage as simply a short puzzle box tightly wound with ingenious mechanics and gorgeous visuals. This is one of the most well-designed nifty tactile puzzle games I've played in a long time, frankly blowing games like Monument Valley and Assemble With Care out of the water - I only wish it sealed the deal by nailing the emotional impact it clearly sprang for, but it only opted in using well-worn symbols. We've all seen the Up intro please move on.

Moncage is a mind-blowing puzzle game that plays with perspectives. It's really well-thought-out and features beautiful art and a captivating story. I'm fascinated by how everything happens inside just a box. Highly recommended!

i'll be honest i completely forgot i played this game until i saw it in my steam commons folder
i actually do remember what the game is but ig it just didn't really stick with me man
it kind of reminds me of games like monument valley or maybe more accurately mekorama, with the whole turning of the puzzle environment thing to get things to line up exactly right so that the boundaries between each face of the cube blurs

i just played through a bit of it again and i remember why i didn't really enjoy it
the first play through is fun, forgiving moments of frustration where you just cant imagine how to accomplish something, but the game wants to incentivize repeated playthroughs by a "medal" (achievement) system (and a secret ending)
and its really boring!
because ultimately you're just repeating the same things you did before but keeping a slightly better eye out for things you missed
which maybe is fine for other games but it is just
REALLY boring to do in this game
it's calmness absolutely works against it for this
the other thing is some achievements have you do certain actions and if you miss your chance you have to basically loop back through the entire game because the game only has autosaves, no manual saving or restarting
this is also REALLY boring and also frustrating!
i would suggest that you play the game once or twice or however many times you want, then when you get tired of it just look up a 100% playthrough to see the things you missed
alternatively just play through the game with a guide so you don't miss anything (then you only need to play through like 2-3 times) (also i think i remember from my own playthrough that there really arent any good guides out there that arent video guides or super spoilery)
i dont NOT recommend this game

Es un jueguito de Puzzles donde la idea basica es manejarte viendo por caras de un cubo donde cada cara es como una ventana a un lugar distinto e ir conectando las distintas partes para pasar objetos de una cara hacia otra o inferir en distintas caras. En un principio pense que era un juego random sin historia pero mientras vas agarrando las fotos y mientras mas ventanas distintas vas viendo mas te vas dando cuenta de la historia en si. La dificultad varia entre muy estupida hasta llegar a necesitar las pistas que te da. Lo bueno del sistema de pistas es que te da 3 escritas, que parten de lo mas basico a alguna que casi te dice como resolverlo y por ultimo te da la opcion de ver un video, lo cual fue muy agradable. En cuanto a graficos, tiene unos graficos low poly que encajan muy bien con la ambientacion del juego.
Es un juego cortito, a mi me llevo alrededor de 2h y media pero muuuy disfruable

I was ready to love Moncage going in, but the perspective-puzzle solutions were a little too obtuse at times. When my choices are "try everything until something works" or "look up a guide", at my age I'll just resort to the guide.

short, beautiful, zen puzzle game, but man was it hard sometimes or I’m just an idiot. thank goodness for the hint system

One of a kind game design with amusing puzzles. I think a social message rather than individual one would suit this game well like in Little Inferno .If you like Gorogoa, you will like this as well. The game is short though.

Moncage's a super compact perspective shifting puzzle game with no wasted ends whatsoever. It's a deceptively simple concept, rotating around a cube to make seemingly unrelated objects match with one another to pass objects between scenes sharing the edge of the cube (very reminiscent of Gorogoa, as mentioned previously), but even upon this simple concept the developers stretched their ideas to the limit, with various instances of perspective shifting with shadows, reflections, lights within the same frame to light objects, and so on. The secret ending is a nice bonus touch if you want an alternative and slightly less abstract ending to the story that's told via the interactive scenery and the photos you can found scattered through the faces of the cube. I think this is easily my favorite puzzle game since Gorogoa and while the story doesn't quite hit the same, its simple yet striking visuals combined with intuitive yet extremely clever mechanics more than sell Moncage despite its fairly short run-time. Give this a shot if you're looking for something familiar yet fresh in the world of indie puzzle games.

Cute, smart, lightly emotional, puzzle experience. Doesn't overstay and has a nice hint system. Recommend for anyone who liked gorogoa.