Reviews from

in the past

Achei a gameplay meio zoada
É um jogo divertido mas acho que só se não tiver nada melhor pra fazer.

I like it more than overcooked

Smooth Moves: Smashing your properties with no equipment since 1980s

À semelhança de muitos jogos que seguem fórmulas semelhantes, é divertidíssimo quando é jogado com amigos ou com parceiros. Contudo, pergunto-me quão aborrecido poderá ser em situação de singleplayer.

tons of fun! honestly up there with overcooked for me for these crazy couch co-op games. i think overcooked had a more exciting flow state and it felt a bit more satisfying getting all 3 stars. this game is for sure more wacky and chaotic though which leads to fun in a different way. there's also a ton of content but we found the moving in stuff not very exciting and the arcade/vhs tape levels weren't as big and interesting usually just one small quick gimmick. would highly recommend this to anyone with friends irl or with solid internet connections to make parsec work as well as it did for us.

Bastante majo pero el level design de algunas fases es frustrante a propósito

Fun to play with friends or family. The humor of the game is good. Gameplay might feel a bit repetitive or frustrating after couple of levels but with friends it is manageable.

Um dos melhores jogos pra coop local, divertido, engraçado e desafiador, porém ao mesmo tempo acessível pra todos, o modo de acessibilidade facilita vc jogar com crianças ou pessoas pouco familiarizadas com video games. Um jogo para todos

Who doesn't love throwing and breaking things, then ragdolling around everywhere?

Don't add collectibles to your game if you're not gonna bother adding an in-game checklist.

I personally think this is even better than Overcooked. I love the little challenges each level provides (and the multiple ways you can overcome them) and the simple to learn, hard to master controls. A fantastic couch co-op experience.

Got bored playing solo but good couch co-op game.

As close as you can get to an Overcooked light. Great game to pop if you have some friends over. The simple mechanics make it very easy to pick up and play. The levels are mostly fun and varied, especially the remixed arcade and memory levels. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with this game at all, it’s fun, but it’s just not THAT fun.

It could use some completion tracking for extra objectives, I usually 100% games, but I just couldn’t get the trophy to deliver all consoles and trying to do so would require a full (maybe 4th?) playthrough I just didn’t have the patience to bother

Repetitive type of game. Actually, VERY repetitive

Bakayaro Nannnnde onee-san itadakimasuuuu @Rektangle

Probably our favourite in the Overcooked couch co-op style of gameplay. Moving out is dumb but incredibly enjoyable! There's a lot to love about it, and while there's frustration a plenty, it's all in good fun. You will yell PIVOT a lot.

Pretty fun game, had a blast playing through it with a friend.

I'm sure you all know this type of game. It's the co-op party game for shouting at each other and laughing out loud.

Thing is, this one didn't work for me, nor for anyone that I saw play. It's entertaining, for 30min or so... But no shouting, no laughing, overcooked this is not. Well, what's the point then? Maybe try playing it under the effect of drugs?

As long as you're laughing in this game it's fantastic. Loved it to bits. But far preferred the more mundane locations with a twist. Rather than just floating space islands in the sky.

There's something that's forever funny about carrying a sofa and hearing glass shatter around you with your friend. So good

Great game to play with others

This is a game that is proud of what it is, which means that this game's main character flaw, despite its 5 hour story campaign, is that it has too many levels. This is supposed to be a fun co-op game where you and your friends are just hanging out with a couple of beers on a Friday night, and they go and throw in some bullshit government facility levels where you're dragging a couch across moving platforms suspended above a vat of pink science acid. If I'm not chucking that couch through someone's bedroom window, what's the point.

This game's story mode is 100% possible with only a single person but you really, really notice that there is only one type of gameplay (moving and hurling furniture of various sizes) when you're all by yourself. There is a wide variety of level gimmicks/hazards but they really do front-end the first half of the game with all the interesting level themes before ejecting you into barren science labs and space stations. It just feels way more fun to smash a living room with vases and a TV than it does to smash Science Room With Laser #2. There's only one mountain resort level! Come ON!

That being said, I had fun despite the game being a bit long. I think this game's art style, where they went with "corny 1980's montage" for the soundtrack as your SpongeBob-brained customizable movers are so goshdern cheerful about all the property damage as their awful boss abuses them, absolutely fits. It's not quote unquote "original" but it fits.

Also thank god for this game for having an Assist/Easy Mode that doesn't instantly mock you for using it. Instead, the game flat out tells you that if you're not having fun, you can lower the time requirements and that's nifty. I appreciate any game that allows certain difficult settings to be toggled.

...I just wish the accessibility toggles came with a toilet/Atari/pet/mailbox checklist. This is definitely one of those "trophy/achievements are doable but heavily annoying" type of games.

Jogo extremamente divertido para jogar com amigos! Uma gameplay caótica e criativa de empresas de mudança. Zerei junto de uma amiga e nos rendeu ótimas risadas.

Personally love throwing furniture out the window only for it to hit my friends straight in the face