Reviews from

in the past

The roster is massive but I really dislike most of the gameplay changes from 1 to 2. Spending your super gauge on dash cancels make for uninteresting combos. The story mode was actually REALLY difficult. The final boss is so AWFUL. I dropped the game out of frustration.

HOWEVER- YEARS LATER- Playing online and learning the tricky combos with each character is a BLAST. This game rocks.

I love fighting games. I'm not the best at them, but they're fun! I picked this game up because I like bnha and thought it looked fun. It is, but I can't bring myself to enjoy the story mode. It's just a bit boring to me. I think My Hero is super fun to battle with friends, so if you have it, try inviting some friends/family over. You can also play online, but I've never tried because I'm too much of a wimp that can't get the hang of the controls.

idk if i played this game or the other one so im reviewing both

Improves on the first. Some characters are still broken but load times take minutes now instead of hours.

Decent game. I've had great connection when playing Multiplayer with my partner. Yet the grind for currency and story mode are lackluster. Overall fun to play though

Jogo surpreendentemente bom. Adoro a forma como a gameplay é fluida e divertida. Cada personagem é único de sua própria forma, personalização até que bem completinha. Adoraria um terceiro jogo

É basicamente o primeiro jogo com algumas melhorias e mais personagens.

O modo história continua sendo uma recapitulação do anime, trazendo a rota do herói e a rota do vilão; de novidade temos agora cinemáticas muito bem feitas exclusivamente para o título, mas em contra-partida são mínimas.

O combate recebeu um rebalanceamento e aparentemente tá bem mais técnico do que simplesmente esmaga botão; felizmente aqueles Ring-Outs foram retirados e agora temos transições de cenários. O elenco de personagens deu uma expandida, temos 40 ao todo na versão base e mais 10 via DLCs, ele é um tanto vasto com várias figuras conhecidas da franquia, com direito a personalização de aparência e tudo.

De termos técnicos o game se manteve o mesmo, tanto na parte gráfica, estilo musical e estética HQ.

One Justice's 2 melhorou muita coisa do primeiro jogo, mas infelizmente não trouxe muitas novidades o suficiente para considerarmos uma sequência definitiva, no entanto, ele continua sendo divertido e descompromissado como um game de luta casual, dessa vez vale a recomendação justamente pelas correções e refinamentos feitos no combate.

bad, not good, awful, not fun, cringe, opposite of good, terrible, bad, ugly, bad, awful, bad

customization is funny though so 1/5

é meu anime preferido mas o jogo é meh, okay

Tenho bastante carinho por bnha, foi bem divertido e a costumizaçao eh dahora

A big improvement on the first game for sure, I enjoyed playing as the OP characters.

Only fun with friends and pretty meh first one is better

A disappointment of an adaptation, to say the least.

Another do not buy at full price. Like the previous game the content in this game is lacking despite it being good content. The story once again can be beaten in around 3ish hours before swapping to the villain side. With dub in the game now at least us dub watchers wont be off put with the dialog. Gameplay and graphics are solid but like the previous game it continues the comic panels that do work but aren't as great as a in game cutscene. It covers the story pretty good up until the end of the shie chissake arc.
I'm not sure if theres an option to use deku with his standard smashes like detriot smash and delaware smash. But you pretty much just use shoot style deku which isn bad but come on now we all wanna detriot smash the crap out of everyone. It does let you use OFA full cowling 100 percent so thats pretty sick but I wish they did that boss fight better it was pretty shit compared to how boss battles are done in UNS
Deep sale fellas. and if you are not a MHA fan its not really worth the time.

better than the first game
but also by this point i couldn't give 2 fucks about this franchise and still not nearly as good as a ninja storm game

Still better than ninja storm

Better than the first in every way, with an English dub (finally), a barrage of Team Plus Ultras, more characters introduced in the latter half of season 3 and season 4 (with DLCs included), and another solid story mode.

The only downside to this is that some characters you're fighting against can be a bit of a nightmare. Looking at you Nejire and Gang Orca.

Better than the original, but it's still not good

Hated the first game. This one is actually kinda okay and feels fun to play occasionally. Still missing some key characters I feel and the story mode kinda sucks.

looks at the bald man stop copying me

Ngl I genuinely enjoyed this game the customisation is whack tho

It’s the same game as the first game with assists, the rock paper scissors style is really fun, seems simple at first but when playing against others it requires you to mix it up a bit more. Not the worst game, but it is enjoyable. OJ3 should abandon the RPS gameplay, or they should retire Ones Justice title and make a traditional arena fighter or 2d fighter.

genuinely the worst anime arena fighter game i've ever played. character selection is cool but that's it.

Eh, good with friends not much else