Reviews from

in the past

Vontade de engolir uma granada sem pino e dar um abraço no presidente da Bandai

The only good thing about this game is its fast-paced gameplay compared to the rest of the storm games and its special story mode. Online is fun, but there is no penalty to those a**hles who rage quit in order to keep their win streaks - these types of people are sht toxic.

I bought this game on sale with extremely low expectations. I heard the story was bad and that it was overall a very lazy following to Storm 4. But woah, going blind, the special story was much longer than I thought and SO good that I may have cried after a long day of work. Could there had been more than 10 new (really well-done) fighters and polish on the normal story mode? Sure. And the AI is a bit frustrating as it constantly runs away. But I want more out of this game that I love and I really hope there will be big support down the line. Despite the terrible marketing, please, give it a chance, i'd recommend it even at full price. I have nothing to say about online mode, though, as I haven't tried it.

It's a storm game so it's fun but man we need that actual naruto fighter already

Muita promessa e nada entregue, jogo lançou faltando muita coisa, dificilmente eu volto a jogar isso aqui.

A melhor gameplay que a franquia Storm já teve, para a pior maneira de contar a história de Naruto. Se fosse vendido como uma dlc para o Storm 4, passaria menos vergonha.

Avaliar este jogo é meio complicado, pois já sou fã desta obra há muito tempo e com certeza tem seu lugar reservado no meu coração. É o primeiro jogo que cheguei a comprar na pré-venda e acabou decepcionando muita gente, mas mesmo não sendo o melhor possível, acabou me lembrando bastante da época que eu passava boa parte do meu tempo acompanhando a obra.

Esse é outro jogo que me animou imensamente e no fim acabou decepcionando bastante. Com o sucesso que o Storm 4 fez e como ele me marcou sempre esperei muito por uma sequencia. Quando descobri seu anuncio fiquei super feliz e animado, esperando ansiosamente por seu lançamento para poder jogar e aproveitar. Enfim o jogo lançou e eu corri para jogar, porém acabei me decepcionando muito em vários requisitos, que no próprio Storm 4 eram muito melhores. Eu senti que apesar de tudo oque eles melhoraram, muitas coisas eles simplesmente deixaram de lado ou até pioraram. Como um grande fã de Naruto e por ter amado o Storm 4 esperava muito mais. E ao longo da minha gameplay percebi que o jogo estava dublado por IA, que me passou um sentimento de que eles não se importaram o suficiente com o jogo, somente com o dinheiro. Conclui a história principal e a do Boruto, joguei mais por algum tempo e deixei de lado.

$90 for storm 4 ultimate edition with worse controls and a worse story and little added content

Honestly aside from performance boost and some extra characters this game doesn’t really do anything new. The campaign cuts out a lot of cool fights. Gameplay is still good but just feels like wasted potential. There is a new Boruto story for fans of that series but it wasn’t something I could get into.

same graphics and gameplay as storm 4, and they also removed a lot of fights, the dubbing here in Brazil was a shame and full of bugs, boruto's story mode I thought was very cool, like an anime episode and beautiful scenes at the end, but only at the end And well, I wish I could say the same about the history of naruto, it's a shame, power point traliers, and nothing new, BUY NARUTO LEGACY IT WILL BE MUCH BETTER.

naruto storm games were a lot more fun when i was younger. As a game its boring as a naruto fun i love it

Gameplay bacana, story mode horrível, parece uma DLC do storm 4, não vale o preço cobrado nele.

The most mixed Storm game tbh.

I really like the changes to combat. Thanks to the new "knockback types" for lack of a better word, allows you to extend your combos. The option to choose all of your character's ninjutsu is a welcome addition since it allows you to experiment with different team compositions.

I like the customization this game offers. It's similar to Storm Revolution's customization as you can equip body accessories to any costume a character has. I also like how you can chose an outfit color for a character truly making them your own.

The game's original story while flawed, I liked a decent amount.

Other than those positives, this is the most disappointing Storm game.

"History Mode" as the game puts it, is the most lazy way to retell the Naruto story as the game uses images from the anime instead of animating the scene to tell the story. Gameplay-wise it's just normal battles. Every now and then the game will throw in a boss fight but, it's the same boss fights from the other Storm games.

While I like the changes to the combat system, this game doesn't introduce anything new to the arena fighter genre.

This game doesn't do anything to differentiate itself from Storm 4 or any other anime area fighter which is the game's biggest problem.

Fun game with friends started after the update so you can match make online. It is basically storm 4 with two bonus characters. If you have storm 4 and like playing it, I would skip this until it gets the full DLC pack 1 released.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game.
Very good looking art design, cool cinematics, fun gameplay.
Shame they cut a lot of fights from Naruto's history without putting any from Boruto, feels like a barebones version of Naruto's tale although that is kind of what happens on the Dragon Ball games.
the use of anime stills for the story is not good and zooming on some frames that are meant to be seen in motion goes to the detriment of the already almost non existent storytelling.
The 3D animation for the hits, jutsu and especially the final moves are incredible.
The AI is a bit frustrating tho since it tends to run away very often but it's nothing extremely bad.
The Extra Story Mode though.. THAT is where its's at. The animations were great, the ideas were fun and there was so much emotion I almost cried near the end.
Nanashi's story is very well written and it really felt like a great addition to the Naruto world, connecting with the main themes of the series.
I loved the special story and it will live in my own head-canon from now on.

An average Naruto Ultimate Ninja game, nothing too spectacular except for the difficulty being obnoxiously hard and the voice acting being way below par. Not playing it, because I have a dozen other Naruto games to play. Average.

I wish the game has more innovations. It's almost previous Storm game with minimum new characters, and surprisingly decent original story much like Naruto/Boruto movies

This was such a let down I'm so disappointed it had so many cool moments it could of used to it's advantages but it's just a lazy half used re release of the previous games minus the fun and plus the laziness all it is,Is just fan service with the large roster other than that this mess is so disappointing I'm glad I got to experience it but I'm upset I bought the ultimate edition

sinceramente, acho que essa e a ultima midia sobre naruto que vou tocar em uns bons anos.
tentei rever anime - muito enrolado
tentei ler manga - pos shippuden é bagaceira
tentei jogar esse jogo por ser um apanhado de tudo - uma das piores coisas que ja joguei em vida.
naruto com o tempo so piora ta loco

Too much skill spam and unbalanced characters, and still no SA server

Love the changes to the battle mechanics a lot. Lots of characters got buffed, everyone’s fun to play. Just add more modes and a normal player match system please