Reviews from

in the past

Um FIFA Street de futebol americano, anos antes da EA roubar essa idéia de um jogo obscuro. E é um tipo de jogo que realmente não é acessível para brasileiros.

Depois de dar uma sofrida na primeira hora e dar uma lida no Gamefaqs do jogo, até que comecei a me divertir. Porém a dificuldade é impiedosa e mesmo no fácil fui surrado.

Gráficos decentes, jogabilidade simples mas difícil de entender e trilha sonora bem ruinzinha. Acho que seria melhor se jogasse em multiplayer com um amigo.

I was a kid who knew nothing about football, or really most sports, so exaggerated video game versions of sports like this and NBA Hang Time were perfect. I remember how cool it was that I could make my own plays, and I created a play called "No Touchdown For You" that scatted defenders around the field in set locations instead of tracking individual opponents. I was unstoppable. Imagine my disappointment when I got older and found out that this was not representative of real football and that someone else already invented this type of play I made up and it's just called 'Zone Defense"

Never have I found a game so aggravating, so infuriating, and so addicting as NFL Blitz 2000. On a surface level there is a sports game but lying underneath all of that is an artificial intelligence designed to drive me completely insane.

Leading the game by a possession in the 4th quarter, the AI will 100% make a 4th Down Conversion Touch Down in the last 10 seconds to completely demolish any chance of success. Making a safe play in the first 15 seconds of play, the AI will intercept it because fuck you.

Even playing with friends leads to its own level of frustration as fumbles feel insanely random and you can't even trust the field goal kick to be fucking accurate when the meter says it's supposed to.

And yet somehow, I keep finding myself coming back for more, like a weeping housewife returning to her abusive drunken husband. Every loss another literal smack in my face as I start losing control of my sanity with how ridiculous it all feels.

I'm not writing this review to evaluate the game but rather to exorcise my fucking demons at this point because this game keeps putting me through one of the worst self-hate loops I've experienced in my fucking life, and has drained any desire for me to play other games. It's just NFL Blitz, all the time, and no matter how much I practice, no matter what I do I never get better, I'll never get better because the universe is against me.

I'm going fucking crazy.

If I'm not winning, it's not a good game.

One of the ways I'll know I've made it is possession of an NFL Blitz Machine. This one here is the one I've spent the most time on so I'm attaching that sentiment here.

When the quarterback gets sacked 3 times in a row the defense's arms start flaming.

Arcade fun: just the way it outta be.

I'm not enough of a true handegg-hating nerd to claim that this is the best football game of all time, but it's certainly my favorite. In my opinion, "simulation"-style football doesn't really translate well to video games; there's just too many players on the field, and you just don't get a great sense of control over your team's destiny, especially on defense. Blitz takes the kernel of what we love about football - miraculous 40 yard TD receptions, bone-crunching hits, and scintillating spin moves - and builds an entirely different paradigm around that. The result is pure, distilled fun.

It's worth mentioning that the game's rampant fetishization of the violence inherent to the sport will be off-putting to some. The late hits are harmless enough (to me, at least), but injuries and concussions are played for laughs by both the players and the commentators, and there's no way to turn that part of the game off. If you're looking for a deep and strategic sports experience, Blitz will leave you cold. But if you're looking to crack a few beers with friends, this is really where it's at.


NFL Blitz 2000 is pure arcade football madness and an absolute classic! Forget the rules, it's all about huge hits, ridiculous passes, and scoring touchdowns galore. The graphics are dated, sure, but the over-the-top action and hilarious commentary still hold up incredibly well. If you're looking for a quick, fun football fix with friends, especially those nostalgic for the N64 era, Blitz 2000 is a timeless gem.

My record today from playing with 2 friends after like 2 weeks of practicing:
0 Wins
4 Losses
0 Capitalizing on Interceptions and Fumbles

Yeah I think I should quit while I'm ahead, call me laundry because I'm always getting washed, I am a hack fraud.

The Jaguars are cursed in everything.

This rating is for all the Blitz games, I actually played 99 more, but they are so fun. One of my favorite sports games, they are quick, brutal, and a great joy in multiplayer.

I know Jack-all about Football but NFL Blitz 2000 somehow made this interesting and fun for us less athletically inclined folks.

Not quite NBA Jam levels of crazy, but still a legitimately good time.

I don't even like sports games and I loved playing this on the PlayStation. It feels clean to play and I was never confused despite barely understanding football as a child.

When sports games are realistic, they're boring. Sports games are best when they're ridiculous. And there's nothing more ridiculous and amazing than having your lineman catch fire because he's consistently sacking the QB, then recover a turnover and sprint away while dragging 3 or 4 opposing teammates behind him.

Blitz is awesome. Blitz 2000 is the best in the franchise. Madden expects you to have 3 functions memorized for each button. Blitz is arcade style madness that only uses A, B and Z.

AND YOU CAN TACKLE ANYONE. ANYTIME. Because who cares about pass interference.