Reviews from

in the past

Announcer sounds like he's falling asleep.

Smash clone that im glad i didnt pay for

i maintain the fact the gameplay is incredibly fun
however making a bare bones melee clone relying purely on nickelodeon characters to help sell it to non melee fans is not the best idea marketing wise

I do overall enjoy myself with this game and I am excited for the sequel I do think this game has its rough moments.

They hyped this up so hard. My smash bro's group of friends was so excited to try it out. Are we finally going to get a smash-like game that actually addresses our issues with Nintendo? No. We got a slippery and lifeless wet noodle.

Not going to lie to you, I seriously regret this purchase. Is it a fun fighter? Yes...
Is it seriously devoid of content still? Absolutely.

There is absolutely no excuse for a game this bare bones to be retailing for 49.99. Essentially feels like one of those unofficial Smash Brothers reskin videos.

(Not that I would assume anyone would be purchasing this for single player content, but on the off chance that person is you, AVOID THIS.)

Will become entirely obsolete once the sequel drops, sucks real bad that Nickelodeon has to be a typical corporation and test us with shit like this. The devs deserve better they've only ever shown that they really do care. If this sequel doesn't absolutely blow everyone away right at launch then they're just done for

No Zuko, No Timmy Turner, No Jimmy Neutron, No Squidward, No Luigi, No Subspace Emissary, No Goku, No Markiplier, No Minecraft Steve, and worst of all: No Spencer from iCarly. This game is a massive failure, and I hope Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 can right this game's wrongs.

Ton of fun, I much prefer this over MultiVersus or even Smash Bros. Sadly, when MultiVersus came out, all my friends flocked over to that one

Walmart brand Smash Brothers but I get to live out my dream of watching Reptar murder Nigel Thornberry.

simple, solid, good game feel, fun stages, fun characters, fun items

voice acting gets very annoying tho

Nigel Thornberry upwards special attack

Very fun and can be a decent replacement for smash if you can't play it on certain consoles.
Though there are a few problems like animations and lack of single player content but makes up for it with fun gameplay
I'd recommend this if you are a fan of fighting games or cartoons

nasb 2 please be good
Update: nasb 2 was not good

Very fun, but could use a LOT of improvements

I payed fifty dollars for the digital version of this game… At least my money went towards the sequel I guess.

A lack of single-player content, only adding voice-over in an update, characters don’t feel diverse from one another (normals overlap a lot, even in the animations), and a dead online scene led to a VERY disappointing time. It seems like most of these problems will be addressed in the sequel, so here’s to hoping!… Just bring CatDog back plz

so after playing (I'd estimate around 10 or 15 hours worth) Nickelodeon All Star Brawl I'd have to say this is a legitimately good, fun game, like I'd say it a couple tiers above average licensed game slop, like I can look at this and say "wow this is actually pretty fun!", is it the best games I've ever played? no, not even close, but this is a mighty fine attempt, and with that being said I'd say NASB is a good alternative to Smash Bros (if you like Nickelodeon properties anyway), but yeah if you like Smash Bros and are a fan of Nickelodeon I'd say it's worth picking up,

while definitely rough around the edges, Nickelodeon All Star Brawl manages to have incredibly engaging gameplay and a wonderful cast of characters, which makes for a mostly pleasant experience. the animations, music, and lack of voice acting is clearly the work of a strict budget and lack of time. hopefully the devs will look at the main issues the game poses and fix them through updates. for now however, the games lack of polish holds it back from being great

This would legitimately be one of the best fighting games out there if it actually have a good budget and time spent into it. Unfortunately it had neither of those and was also a full price game on top of that

i played this for 10 minutes at a friend's house and i think it might genuinely be the worst video game ever created

To me, this had way more potential than Multiversus did, but it seems its just another log in a long series of logs on the poor Smash-like copycat fire. (Also who the hell are Lincoln and Lucy Loud????)

game sucks not much else to say

All these cool Nickelodeon characters, but the game feels so bland.

The mechanics are competent and the character models well done. They even did a great job in creating an artstyle that applies to all these characters without feeling too jarring.

All-Star Brawl is just a missing some sort of X factor. I can't even explain it. It's just missing something to make it good and I don't even know what.

i love everything this game tries to be but it fails in a lot of areas, ungodly excited for the sequel i genuinely think its going to be great

This & Multiversus having a Mid-off

Harder fall off than multiversus and thats saying something

they wanna be smash so bad