Reviews from

in the past

Very solid and underrated 2D skateboarding game. It has that zen feeling you get in Tony hawk when you get a great combo going. I personally prefer the 3D style of Tony hawk since it's easier to get in that zen trick state, and aometimes the controls aren't as responsive as I'd like and I'd miss a grind I know I hit, it's still a really solid skateboarding game I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys them.

My favourite skating game and i've played ALOT of them. Really addictive gameplay that gets you right in the flow state. A very stylish masterpiece. Really tempted to double dip on this game to be able to complete it again on other platforms.

Wonderful evolution of the OlliOlli series with a more welcoming skill floor, higher skill ceiling, and more content than ever before. Great Steam Deck game, too. Perfect for perfecting a run in an hour before putting it away.

tony hawk's timbers are shivering i just know it

Cool game, Radysus' challenges that you unlock after finishing the game are bullshit though.

Better indie game than BOMB RUSH CYBERSTUNK.
I made my character look like Diary of Wimpy Kid Roddick :o)

Tony Hawk for people who talk about Deleuze & Guattari and Union Pool.

Great presentation and a huge step up in production values. The art style is super charming and the soundtrack is very enjoyable. However, mechanicanically, most of the additions make the game worse.

There is no punishment for landing a wrong spin, so you just hold L2 or R2 all the time for free points and multipliers. The grabs are a little awkward to pull off since you have to move your thumb from the A button, which is constantly being used for landings, so you basically just end up using them when you are forced to. The wall rides combined with some weird physiscs are just a gamble in which angle you are going to land and come out.

It still is a very fun and satisfying game, but its just worse in almost every single way than the previous entries.

Unfortunately not very fun! The style is great, I was really hoping for a fun and unique platformer. I don't love the control scheme, and honestly it just has me worried about wearing the heck out the sticks. This game is rough on your analog sticks! Too much of the gameplay is dependent on level memorization, and not really about improvisation or reaction. It just doesn't click with me.

A legendary skateboarding game and a lot of fun to learn. Got a little too complicated towards the end but it was super cool

OlliOlli World foi para mim uma grande experiência por ser um grande fã do esporte que é skateboarding. Um jogo que traz uma arte gráfica muito interessante e bonita, onde eu particularmente gostei muito. Personagens carismáticos e com diálogos engraçados, além de um humor bem pontual. Um breve adendo: a criação e personalização do personagem tornam as coisas interessantes para se divertir dentro do game, mas nada que seja revolucionário.
Uma história simples, porém divertida e perfeita para esse tipo de jogo. Lembrando que as manobras são muito bem executadas dentro do game, deixando aquela sensação de satisfação ao realizá-las. Em relação à trilha sonora, o jogo surpreende com uma boa trilha ao longo da experiência.

this game is so heckjn fun and diverse !!

Banger soundtrack and amazing art direction but couldn't hold my attention long enough to warrant playing any more. Fun game, though.

For such a simplistic premise and gameplay style, this was such a difficult and addictive 2D platforming arcade game. The goal is to perform the sickest tricks and make it to the end of the course without wiping out and getting the highest score. To do this you will use the dual analog sticks, along with some of the face and shoulder buttons occasionally, to create combos.

On the surface, and even during the tutorials, this is just as easy as it sounds. You flick the left stick up and your character will perform a trick, hold the right stick to the left in the air, and your character will spin. The complexity then comes in when you want to string combos from beginning to end, performing rail grinds and floor grinds, and completing challenges all while doing the harder tricks. Some of the combos you can perform are honestly incredible to see and can make the game look downright daunting at times.

This gets piled onto the courses that you must race through in each world, with each level getting much more complex and sometimes even stressful. Once you are in the back half of the third world, the training wheels are off and they expect a level of mastery that only goes up from there. This felt a bit jarring to me, as the change in difficulty didn't feel natural at all. This will make some less experienced players disheartened and turn them off from the game entirely.

There is a lot to love here, and it's such a unique premise that it's hard to even equate it to any other game I played. I had a good time with this game, and if it sounds like your kind of game then please go for it, there is even DLC that adds more content and gimmicks to spice things up. Even at full price, this is worth your time.

I like the concept, the art style is lovely and combining it all with a chill soundtrack really creates an enticing atmosphere.

I've played until world 4, but that's when the gameplay loop couldn't keep me interested anymore. Too much repetition and the controls just never felt natural to me. But I guess if it "clicks" for you, you'll be having a blast with this one.

I get Claptrap now. God f*ing stairs.

Seriously, after making a sick combo having to repeat it because some stairs were in the way is a mood killer for me

O jogo tem uma arte muito legal e uma proposta muito interessante, mas não me pegou mto não, vc fazer ou não manobras nao afeta vc terminar a fase, apenas se quiser fazer melhor pontuação pra conseguir todos os desafios, que são muitos e mto dificeis.

I expected to like this more. I enjoy skating games, and the premise of fast-twitch skating/racing gameplay sounded right up my alley. And it sort of was, but the game is heavily tuned for completing the secondary objectives because if you don't and only follow the main campaign, you end up spending 1 minute or so in each level and go from level to level so quickly that it starts to feel like an assembly line.

I also had a problem with the way they do the story, they have these little cutscenes in front and after every level that I felt were intrusive. Watching this unfold every time I finished one of these short levels was too much. I got so tired of it. It wanted to be funny and charming, but it never clicked with me.

But, the gameplay is solid, it is fun to blast around the level and avoid obstacles. But the short levels, obtrusive story, and non-stop level switching got to me. Towards the end, I ended up just wanting to finish it and be done with it. But I did like the gameplay, I just wish I could go straight into a new level after completing one without having to watch the story and load in and out of the level select screen.

It's a cute and fun game, but unfortunately not my type of platformer.
The style and art direction is superb and the control scheme is actually pretty interesting, but it's not so much how well you can adapt to a level as much as how much of the level you actually remember; it's more based on you getting to know the layer of the level.
It's fun tho

I'm good at the game so game good.

It's cool, it's fine, it's the same thing for 4 hours

Nice indie but too hard not interesting for me..

Good game to play while listening to some music or podcast