Reviews from

in the past

I would like to thank @duhnuhnuh for gifting me this game, as a part of their massive Steam Key giveaway, and I’d recommend checking it out if you’d like to try some games out for the cost of absolutely nothing.

OlliOlli World is a game that requires you to master it’s mechanics in order to enjoy it to the fullest. Look at my score and you’ll see that I clearly haven’t done that. I do enjoy OlliOlli World, but it’s in a weird place, something akin to Spelunky 2. A sequel for OlliOlli fans, that will leave some disappointed and even confused. I did play OlliOlli on the 3DS a while back, and remember being extremely... conflicted on it. So I don’t know why I picked OlliOlli World specifically, but here we are. World is essentially just those two games, only much, MUCH improved. What I like a lot more about World compared to OlliOlli is the increased focus on player tutorials and support. OlliOlli told you to simply “Look in the Tricktionary!”, but it didn’t really feel that great to do, as it’s just buckets of information dumped straight on the player. Right off the bat, World fixes that, having a whole world to play around in from the get-go. I didn’t feel so left in the dark, so I was already having a decent time by myself. The second thing that World improves on is the level design of Olli. OlliOlli’s level design was pretty flat and not all too fulfilling. There were grind rails, you could do tricks, and that’s really it. World just straight up has better level design. There’s so much new mechanics at play here! From massive grind rails, to alternative, yet more difficult paths, and just a greater sense of speed overall. Also, the tricks were far more pronounced in World than in OlliOlli. I looked up some of the later levels in OlliOlli and I don’t even think they can compare to even the earliest levels in World. Combined with a solid soundtrack, and we have a bit of a banger here! Far better than OlliOlli at least. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t get down with that game. It just wasn’t all that fun.

But unfortunately, it’s not perfect... I do like the mechanics, but I kind of wish there was a bit more variety? It’s a fun loop, but one that only lasts for so long. Like, what if your ingame scores correlated to some shop that you could buy more tricks in, kind of like DMC? I played this on my Steam Deck and I have to say that this was a perfect fit for the game. I can just complete a few levels and hop out. I can see myself finishing the game in the future, but we’ll see. This is a bit of a temporary rating, so we’ll see how the game amps up over time!

An incredibly chill game with a surprisingly not-chill back half.

OlliOlli World is all about the vibes and it truly has some of the best vibes. My play clock for this game ran several hours longer than it should have simply because I'd leave the game running while I did stuff around the house because the soundtrack is perfect.

The first 3 worlds were a relaxing trip. Playing a few levels were a perfect way to unwind. I found getting the highest score on every level to be a nice little accomplishment but not too challenging. I'd feel good if I did a whole level in one go. I'd do some challenges when I felt like it or when I really wanted the article of clothing to make my skater look cool. Some of the challenges were maybe a bit poorly worded as I would swear I did them but it didn't count. No matter. It's chill. No stress.

That all went right out the window when I got to World 4. You enjoying a nice relaxing game? No sir. Not anymore. Time to get sweaty palms. Hope you didn't want anymore cool clothing because the only way to get any bonuses now is to do an entire level in one combo.
My entire relationship with the game changed. Instead of being a chill way to relax, I just gripped the controller and barreled through the rest of the game.
Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

+ Most chill video game soundtrack in years
+ Good vibes
+ Wonderful aesthetic
+ 60% chill

- Unclear challenges
- Way too much dialogue
- Massive difficulty spike
- 40% not chill

I really did not like the other OlliOlli games but this game has a much better sense of style and charm, a lot more fun too.

Wow, truly incredible. I've been a big fan since the first game, and somehow the 3rd game is still improving the formula by leaps and bounds. Masterful branching semi-linear level design like 2D Sonic games, great music, beautiful graphics and art direction, and incredibly tight gameplay and controls.

In short, if a rhythm game was mashed up with the wildest Tony Hawk combos.

My only real complaint is that velocity is under explained in game. It's critical but hard to grok.

I've beaten every high score challenge. Few gaming accomplishments have felt this awesome to me. A must play game.

The improvements to the controls are great. The addition of the narrative was a minor annoyance, but thankfully skippable. Maybe would have been less annoying with shorter load times (I played on Switch). I really disliked the later levels of the game. And the way the camera zoomed in and out made it easy to lose where my skater was in the new 3D visuals. Makes it a weird combination of the most accessible OlliOlli game yet, while also having the most friction points.

OlliOlli World is incredible, and a game I'd highly recommend for anyone to try out.
My only gripe is that the sweat level ratchets up intensely by the third or fourth world, which really put me off of striving for completion of the game. I am not interested in beating every level in single combo!

I get Claptrap now. God f*ing stairs.

Seriously, after making a sick combo having to repeat it because some stairs were in the way is a mood killer for me

Jogo divertido pra passar o tempo, seu estilo gráfico é bem charmoso, os controles são responsivos e é prazeroso de se jogar, tem algumas fases irritantes e acho que poderia ter mais mecânicas, mas me diverti.

I come back to this game randomly whenever I want a game that keeps my hands busy, ya know?

Lindo demais, que estética relaxante e agradável

Quick game that doesn't overstay its welcome. You keep learning new techniques throughout the entire campaign, so by the end I got the sense the main story is building your competency to tackle their post-game content.

Great for quick sessions and getting into the flow state.

Cons: medium difficulty spikes at times and middling story. They know you may not want to read all that text and thankfully give you the option to skip most of it.

It's fun enough, it's just not my style, after an hour I found myself pretty bored with it, and even though it's a short game I just didn't find the energy to continue.

OlliOlli World foi para mim uma grande experiência por ser um grande fã do esporte que é skateboarding. Um jogo que traz uma arte gráfica muito interessante e bonita, onde eu particularmente gostei muito. Personagens carismáticos e com diálogos engraçados, além de um humor bem pontual. Um breve adendo: a criação e personalização do personagem tornam as coisas interessantes para se divertir dentro do game, mas nada que seja revolucionário.
Uma história simples, porém divertida e perfeita para esse tipo de jogo. Lembrando que as manobras são muito bem executadas dentro do game, deixando aquela sensação de satisfação ao realizá-las. Em relação à trilha sonora, o jogo surpreende com uma boa trilha ao longo da experiência.

I reached Gnarvana. Taking the core elements of the original Olli Olli titles but improving on the pacing, adding optional objectives, checkpoints and expanding the scale of levels with multiple branching paths - there is a ton to unpack.

The input demand in later levels can get intense, but again, with the optional objectives in play, you can just focus on finishing the level first and coming back later to clean up any other tasks. Still, I found pulling off special tricks to be difficult and more often than not the game would detect a simple trick instead. It may have just been me but this was my biggest frustration overall and I still can't get the knack for it.

One thing I do appreciate is the game slowly rolling out different techniques you can use, but not locking them off till you reach that section - so if you remember things like manuals from the prior games, you can use them from the start.

The Adventure Time aesthetic and lo-fi beat mash-up is a constant delight throughout - even when you bail on a specific grind for the 50th time. If Roll7 want to go full 'Tony Hawk's American Wasteland' next time with this style - I'm all for it.

We like hot boys
Boys with checkered boards and neon trucks

OlliOlli World is the perfect hit of nostalgia.
If you, like me, crushed hard on anyone with a skateboard but your parents never let you leave the house long enough to join the cool club… you can get it all here.
Gnarly grinds, stupid spins, tasty tricks, and fucking style
Yeah she’s got style

In 7th grade or something while I was trying to show off to the sk8r boi (sponsored drip, vids & all) I rode my bike down a scary muddy grass hill with a decent drop and… fumbled. Hard. He came rushing over and eventually walked me home. I fucking won

Spent hours on my parents driveway with a skateboard me & my brother found in the garbage ditch at the side of our house, reading out of the back of some magazine no other kid’s heard of … practicing an ollie. Scraped my knees so hard. But I got it

My old best friend completely shredded her leg going down a too big hill with her highschool crush. We poured hydrogen peroxide on it and lived the dream

Saturday mornings, i would get a drive over to gymnastics at the YWCA, passing by the city’s only skate park at the time & i would always sit up as tall as I could in the van and dream that I would meet the love of my life there and maybe they could see me. Didn’t happen but i think my partner use to skateboard there…

I do wish there was an even more robust character creator but that’s just a me thing
I really really love this game

For a game with this chilled of a vibe, I was getting thoroughly frustrated actually playing it.

Weird, on the surface I love most of the things about Olli Olli World. Cool Art-Style, cool music and nice tracks to skateboard on. But actually playing the game is a lot less fun then I expected. Even after the first completed area, I somehow already had the feeling I've seen most of it. It probably also didn't help to hear about the extreme difficulty spike in later areas. I usually don't have problems with that, but Olli Olli World is not a game I'm going to spend that time on. I can't really say that the game did anything wrong, so I'd still recommend to check it out for anyone who thinks that it might be their jam.

Tendo jogado os dois OlliOlli anteriores, World parece ser a realização completa da ideia original. Enquanto o primeiro jogo é muito simples, o segundo é tão exigente em sua precisão que mesmo progredir normalmente em sua campanha podia ser bem frustrante.

OlliOlli World traz algumas mudanças em sua jogabilidade que tornam sua curva de dificuldade muito mais ajustada de acordo com a progressão no jogo, ao mesmo tempo em que também adiciona novos elementos para quem quer se aprofundar mais em suas mecânicas e completar todos os desafios opcionais. Simplesmente terminar uma fase ficou bem mais simples, com a adição de checkpoints, caminhos alternativos nas fases, que podem ser mais ou menos difíceis, e com as facilitações para executar grinds e manuals, além do pouso com o skate ser bem menos punitivo comparado ao jogo anterior.

Entre as fases espalhadas pelas 5 áreas da "Radlandia", tutoriais vão surgir apresentando novos movimentos para lidar com certas situações, e só então o jogo vai exigir esse conhecimento. Eventualmente os desafios opcionais e scores a serem batidos ficam bem mais difíceis, o que parece ser comum nos jogos da Roll7, mas é bom saber que a opção para quem quer simplesmente completar o objetivo principal está lá e é bem acessível.

Seu estilo visual cartunesco (meio lisérgico) e sua trilha sonora relaxante podem contrastar com seu gameplay rápido dependente de reflexos, mas ajudam a criar um clima bem agradável ao jogo, o que também reforça a ideia de que OlliOlli World é o mais fácil de se recomendar da franquia.

Satisfying, stylish, and fun. I was a fan of previous OlliOlli games just for the arcade-y skateboarding gameplay, but this one kicks everything up a notch. Character customization is addicting and there are tons of levels to play through with many interesting routes and awesome setpieces.

There's plenty of returning mechanics as well as some new ones making for a pretty complex gameplay experience by the end (if you want it to be). A couple things are awkward, but for the most part the controls work very well. Level challenges also exist to encourage you to play the level in interesting ways or discover parts of it you might otherwise not, each time rewarding you with some new cosmetics.

"low fi beats to downhill skate to"

Visualmente lindo com uma OST ótima, porém, o level design é o maior aprimoramento. As fases funcionam em 2.5D, um recurso que aumentou muito as possibilidades de manobras e caminhos possíveis pra se explorar, com diversos atalhos, locais tanto na vertical quanto na horizontal o tempo todo, variando as possibilidades, áreas quebráveis que liberam novos caminhos, além disso, novos recursos como o Wallride, manobras de cima a baixo com rampas, giros em 360, manual melhorado, assim podendo ser utilizado nas escadas e troca de grid, tornando seu gameplay mais rico do que em OlliOlli 2, ainda sim, tem seus defeitos em outros aspectos.

A quantidade exagerada de textos que pouco agregam, onde apenas são comentários cômicos entre os personagens ou tutoriais e dicas de manobras demonstram que a ausência de texto ou uma suposta história nos anteriores, tinha motivo. Simplesmente não combinam com a proposta do jogo, logo, torna tudo isso irrelevante, apenas são planos de fundo pra justificar as fases, algo que se justifica por si só apenas jogando. Os próprios personagens são sem graça tbm, apenas esteriotipos típicos sem nenhuma personalidade própria ou carisma, nesse ponto, OlliOlli World tentou ser ambicioso demais sem saber o que queria com tais recursos, criando problemas em sua estrutura que os outros jogos não tinham.

fun for a while but the late game difficulty spike legit just made me quit because it wasnt very fun anymore when one of my favorite parts was 100%ing the levels and unlocking the fits

When I played OlliOlli 2 years ago, my main takeaway was that the game had incredibly fun mechanics but was just brutally difficult.

Years later, playing OlliOlli World, my feelings on it are...well, it has incredibly fun mechanics but it's brutally difficult. But!

I do want to mention a few things - I love the new Adventure Timey visuals that give the game a much stronger visual identity than the minimalist nature of the first two, and I do think the game does a much better job of presenting a gradual difficulty curve that gets the player comfortable before really stepping on the gas. It's also very cool to see the game take advantage of the shift to 3D by having levels with multiple paths that often intersect and loop around each other.

I will never, ever be good enough at OlliOlli World to do some of the later challenges and high scores, but it still felt cool as hell when my emo skater avatar blitzed through an entire level with a full combo. Few things are as exhilarating, which balances out the screaming at my TV when I bailed at the last obstacle before the finish line.

Joguei sem grandes expectativas e me surpreendi bastante. Apesar de parecer simples, OlliOlli World é muito agradável. As menções honrosas ficam para a gameplay divertida, os personagens carismáticos, o humor muito bem colocado e a boa trilha sonora.

For what this is, it's perfect. They've tweaked the formula to work for a full length game, while adding tricks and mechanics to keep things fresh, the essence of the original titles is still front and center. The levels and soundtrack are incredible, and the game plays smoother than ever. It could be seen as a modest package, and it is for a niche group of people, but it's more refined, polished, and fun than 80% of the indie games I've ever played.

Finalizar ele foi uma sensação maravilhosa, principalmente pelo fim de toda a frustração e o ódio. A ideia do game é bem legal e as mecânicas funcionam bem, mas há muita coisa que se torna inútil caso você não queria pontuar ou cumprir as missões secundárias. Divertido, mas difícil demais, na minha opinião.

Der Einstieg ist super zäh.
Nach 20 Minuten ist man noch immer im Tutorial, Gespräche sind nicht wegzudrücken, zeitgleich aber unglaublich schlecht und generisch.
Das Spiel hat ne Story.. boah..

Bei THPS war man nach wie viel Sekunden im ersten Level?
Ohne Ladezeiten vllt 20 Sekunden?

Hier muss man dem Spiel bei allen Moves zeigen, dass man sie kann.. 5x .. alle, in jedem Tutorial.

Und dennoch soll das hier mehr Spaß machen als THPS?
Was in aller Welt?

Es ist mehr Reaktionsspiel als Skater, mehr Jump n Run als trickreiches Skatespiel mit vielen Optionen.

Positives kann ich wirklich nicht benennen.
Für das Spiel ist keine Internetverbindung nötig.
Verliert man das W-Lan wird das Spiel (das pingelige Reaktionsspiel) pausiert.. das beschreibt ganz gut, was ich von dem Spiel halte.

It's a cute and fun game, but unfortunately not my type of platformer.
The style and art direction is superb and the control scheme is actually pretty interesting, but it's not so much how well you can adapt to a level as much as how much of the level you actually remember; it's more based on you getting to know the layer of the level.
It's fun tho

I like the concept, the art style is lovely and combining it all with a chill soundtrack really creates an enticing atmosphere.

I've played until world 4, but that's when the gameplay loop couldn't keep me interested anymore. Too much repetition and the controls just never felt natural to me. But I guess if it "clicks" for you, you'll be having a blast with this one.