Reviews from

in the past

God the vibes are impeccable, as you blaze past tons of scenery in a cool car, blasting tunes and trying not to crash at 300kmh. Perfect summer game (with patches), even if the drift is pretty scuffed.

Que pollada de juego
Que ost
Que manejo del vehiculo
Que pistas
Que iconico que es este outrun, mi juego de coches arcade de preferencia

I love Outrun 2006, it's basically the enbodiment of everything an Arcade Racer should do with plenty of content and amazing driving, I also played the PSP Version which is really good, despite sometimes lagging a bit, it isn't really noticable and is really fun!

Girlfriends are so cool. I wish they were real

Excellent arcade romp, nicely captures the spirit of the original OutRun. Cruising through paradise in an incredibly fast car with catchy music - a wonderful vibe that never gets old!

This version introduces unlockables and a campaign style mode with various challenges and races, and unlockable cars, music, etc. Some of the challenges are frustrating at times but it's a great way to make your time with the game more purposeful, though ultimately I think the best experience can be found in the arcade style modes.

it doesn't get any better than this.

put this shit in front of someone and you can tell if they really about it or not

This is the pinnacle of arcade racing. There's nothing good before Outrun 2 and to this day, 17 years later, there isn't anything on the same level made after it either.

The songs with lyrics are just as good as in Sonic R too, and you have to be on the right mood to enjoy its cheesiness (or be a non-native english speaker like me).

The same guys who did the port for all the console versions (Sumo Digital) made the awesome Sonic All Star Racing Transformed later, and both games probably run on the same engine too.

An absolute banger on the PSP. Being able to play a game like this anywhere, anytime? Awesome.

the driver is probably one of the most relatable characters in the racing genre. I too would commit consecutive multiple counts of vehicular manslaughter if my girl asked me to

Outrun 2 begins like the impact of a meteor, face-first at ground-zero before the ashes scatter and you are left staring at a monstrous crater for all eternity.

A visit from an ice-cream van in the form of an arcade cabinet with the blissful precision of a steering wheel has become a sweaty marathon jog at home with an analog stick. A child and their dreamlike mania sanded down to an algorithm, trapped in a straitjacket inside a red room with a black and yellow logo on the ceiling.
It is a daylong rerun of a reasonably solid sitcom playing on the TV at your nice grandma’s house, because what else is there to do?

Outrun 2 is a drunk friend at a party who's lost in the sauce and keeps rambling to everyone about their awesome big ideas they'd do if only someone gave them the money.
Maybe if Outrun 2 (3) got that money, it'd manage to get the child out of that room.

Sieht geil aus, hört sich geil an und dein Spielziel ist es so lange wie möglich mit deiner Freundin durch die Gegend zu fahren.

Install instructions at the end of this review...

The sequel to Outrun vastly improves upon the original game by adding a handful of empowering mechanics, and adding layers to the original vision. This can be annoying in bad games, but Yu Suzuki and team made something sparkling and beautiful here.

Outrun 2 gives you five gears to work up through. You'll rarely want to use anything but the last two. The speedometer is drawn in the right-hand corner, and every car has a different optimal place to upshift. When the space behind the needle is white, you're in a good place with your gear and speed. The starter cars have yellow spots on the speedometer that signal you should upshift, which are missing from the faster cars; you just have to time it so you upshift before your needle spills over to the red. I'm not sure if there's any mechanical bonus for upshifting while in the optimal spot, but even without that this feature brings the satisfying timing rhythm of the reloading mini-game from Gears of War.

The trick of the original Outrun is downshifting into corners so you can maintain control of the car, otherwise you will slide too far on either side off the road and into obstacles. When you downshift on the corners here, your car slides into a the most satisfying drift ever made. To me it feels somewhere between the Mario Kart 8 drift and the manual mini-game in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. You have to lean your analog stick left or right into the drift, and time it just right when you come out of a drift to straighten your car—you also need to remember to upshift back into a higher gear to maintain your speed. Downshifting while turning isn't the only way to enter a drift—you can use your brake too—but it's the way that felt the most natural and optimal to me.

Drafting is as important as drifting. I smiled like a baby when I drove behind another car and not only got a slipstream effect, but a big SLIPSTREAM title in the middle of my screen like a trick from Tony Hawk Pro Skater, and when my Dino 246 GTS zoomed quickly behind the other car, sling-shotting around a DeVille with ease, it felt amazing. Unlike other arcade racers, there aren't dedicated boost spots on the road or nitrous you can kick off: the other cars on the road are your speed boosts. I've never played another game where the slipstream effect, a real-life racing technique, is this useful (or fun to use). There is also some risk-reward to this mechanic. Since you're going so fast, it's easy to smack into the back of the car that's pulling you forward. This isn't an unrecoverable moment in a race, so long as it happens early enough, and it doesn't mean you won't reach the goal in time in Outrun mode—you're afforded a few mistakes, but you will cut it close if you're not fast. Besides killing the momentum, what it does do is push the car you hit in front of you. There is no pit maneuver or side-swipe mechanic to take out the competition—if you hit the car in front of you, you are giving it a boost of their own. It's a beautiful solution to enforcing race etiquette afforded purely by its arcade style.

The slipstream effect is helpful in the rote races to speed around your rivals, but it is delightful in the Outrun mode, which is where you should be spending most of your time. You aren't racing other drivers through the five (or fifteen) locations; you're just trying to get to the end before the timer ticks down. And since you're in a hurry, of course there's traffic. But the traffic is an opportunity to get ahead of it and impress your girlfriend. While you're weaving through it like the most annoying 24 year old on the highway, your girlfriend asks, in a voice that's sweet yet coy, "How far are you going to take me?" The driving in Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast feels so visceral and satisfying, so good, that it's impossible to deny its sensual effect. I can't remember the last time I fell harder in love with a game than this recent tryst with Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast. I've played it every day since I started playing it; I only want to play more of it.

There are certain games I like to have on every PC I use, and this has quickly become one of those. I've written install instructions below, in case I forget.


Download Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast for PC from MyAbandonware dot com; use the MagiPack repack, which comes with the FXT mod pre-installed. After installing the MagiPack repack, navigate to the folder you installed it on your hard drive and run the FXTConfig.exe executable as admin. If you are installing this on a PC that hasn't had many games installed on it, you will need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 version. In the FXT mod settings, turn off XInput, or rumble might not work. After opening the game and saving your license, open up the license settings, set your name to ENTIRETY, then back out without saving to unlock all cars and tracks.

#sources can confirm this is paradise, and it's very nice

this game has me putting a death grip on the controller trying to drift through those tight corners the way i was gripping my steering wheel for dear life when i was first learning to drive

crazy how beautiful and full of life the scenarios are

"Try to get as many 'HEARTS' as possible by meeting your girlfriend's demands."

In my review for the original OutRun, I referred to the game as an "i-15 simulator." Its distinctly Californian vistas and the frequency in which you pay witness to the most horrific car crashes imaginable rouse fond memories of nearly losing my life repeatedly on trips to and from my grandparent's home in Orange. Oh good, it was just a bus full of tourists that collided with a semi-truck and overturned, not me. Whew. Think I'll stop off for some McDonalds and pay triple the normal value for fries.

The original OutRun is a near-perfect simulacrum of this experience, and so it goes without saying that OutRun 2006's improved fidelity and more fluid controls provides a more accurate translation of that unique vibe. As with OutRun, your journey begins along the shore and branches out along one of several routes towards the more mountainous regions of California, and it's for this reason I picked it as one of the last games to play during my 2023 Summah Games series. It represents the trip back home. The vacation is over, it's time to leave the beaches and boardwalks behind and begin that long, harrowing trek back towards the drudgery of your everyday life - back to work and responsibilities, to the tired and familiar. It's the victory lap, and one last taste of Summah.

While the Shadow the Hedgehog-esque progression system accounts for a significant chunk of OutRun's replay value, Coast 2 Coast introduces a slew of additional modes and unlockables to pad out the game. Thankfully, a lot of this side content is worthwhile, and I personally found Heart Attack mode to be one of the more enjoyable parts of the game. In Heart Attack, you have to meet your girlfriend's "demands" in order to win her affection in addition to juggling your overall time. Girlfriends, am I right? All they do is nag, nag, nag. "Baby, take the trash out. Baby, you need to pay your bills. Baby, collect all the coins while drifting between traffic." Ugh. The ol' ball and chain...

The only real problem I had with OutRun 2006 is one that is uniquely me. I've spoken before about how I've been playing most PS2 games off a hard drive, and whether I just grabbed a bad dump of the game or there's some issue with the way Coast 2 Coast is being read in general, the soundtrack would not play for me at all. This is kind of a big deal, as anyone familiar with OutRun as a series would probably tell you. Listening to the radio is not only a major part of tying these games to the experience of racing through California, but the soundtrack is just really damn good. I resorted to playing the OST on my laptop, so this wasn't a total loss, but playing a deconstructed OutRun is less than ideal. Maybe I'll shell out 60$ for a used copy one day, but I'm not sure I like OutRun 2006 that much.

I'm going to eschew the Summah Index Scale for this one and say that the science on it is settled already. Probably for the best, as I've run out of goofy vehicle based "tests." Scraped the bottom of that barrel so hard I've broken through. Buncha bones on the other side... Concerning, but let's not dwell on that.

Not only is this patently Summah, but I can also see it entering into my annual rotation of games as something I can end the season on. That "trip back home" is just too perfect, and it is not something I am content with experiencing only once.

Ideal para partidillas cortas, con nuevos modos y nuevas remezclas que hace el juego en si una maravilla.

Need a partner like Clarissa that will encourage me to live up to my full potential(smashing into every car on the street)

making my girl cream by smashing my f40 into nearby traffic

I purchased Gear.Club Unlimited on the Nintendo Switch at the weekend. It was definitely worth the 89 gold points I spent to get it, although something about its structure feels very mobile game. I've been on bit of racing thing recently and playing it made me realise something I normally say in jest but genuinely mean this time around. They don't make them like they used to.

OutRun C2C is a game I've wanted for years but I just never got round to it. A couple of months ago I finally bit the bullet and bought it off eBay. I'm absolutely glad I did because it turns out it's one of the most exhilarating racing games I've ever played, and goes to further prove, the genre peaked with the PS2. Yes, there's a lot of very good racing games on contemporary systems, but nothing can compare to the sheer fun and arcade style on offer here (see also Ridge Racer V).

From the fantastic visuals, excellent track design and awesome music arrangement, this game is just 100% fun. Incorporating the original aspects of OutRun, as well as building on the game modes, play style and overall presentation. It's not hyperbole when it's said this is one of the best arcade racing games ever made. This is sheer joy on a disc.

I almost marked it down for the game making you have the psp version to unlock everything that's on offer, but I can't be mad when it's already this good before you get to in game unlockable items. And heck, I'm tempted to buy a psp with this on it anyway, just to get even more of a fix. If only I didn't sell mine 15 years ago. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

one of the best arcade racers to exist

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast may have not invented drifting, but it sure did perfect it.

A perfect game.

A solid conversion of the arcade game. With a little bit of hacking you can even play it in 4k on your PC. Very, very enjoyable.

A certified arcade classic. Even a decade and a half later this game is so satisfying to play, drifting through every corner, passing every rival and completing every request.

There just aren't many arcade (literally in an arcade not the genre arcade) style racers that can hold up against this game. It's a shame that because it's licenced with a tie in we may never see a revival of this classic.

HD collection for the 20th anniversary?

for 20 years prior, what would eventually become service games amusement machine research and development no. 2 worked very hard developing driving and racing of so many varieties, for any tastes. almost every single one is a damn fine experience in their own right. this contains every single aspect of driving action they learned over the course of that period and then some, delivered efficiently in 5 minute bursts. keep the speed and slide when you need. don't stay running here!?

To me this game is nearly perfect.
The feeling you get when doing the perfect drift while "magical sound shower" is smashing loudly... man it does not get any better than this!

"My days were changing;
Excitement I didn't expect!
I never knew riding with you could bring so much wonder
Everything a surprise: your beautiful machine never slows
Never stops, this was really neat
My life was turning real"

Everything about this game makes my neurons activate at levels so powerful Goku couldn't handle them, we need more of these kinds of racers