Reviews from

in the past

Amazing at parties because of how chaotic it is. bad single player. because everything goes slower and I still haven't beaten it because we restart every single time we sit down to play it.

Overcooked devia vir com um voucher para uma consulta de terapia porque é daqueles jogos em que passamos o tempo todo com os nervos à flor da pele.

O tão conhecido jogo co-op de simulação caótica de uma cozinha é daqueles obrigatórios para quando se quer algo para jogar com amigos ou com a nossa cara-metade e, apesar de causar discussões e situações em que o stress leva a melhor, no final de cada nível vem sempre aquela ótima sensação de felicidade e alívio por finalmente se ter conseguido concluir o objetivo.

A jogabilidade é claramente o ponto de destaque aqui e apesar de possuir uma pequena história, esta existe apenas para dar um pouco de background dos eventos do jogo. Os níveis são diversificados e têm tanto de frustrante como de divertido e as músicas que os acompanham vão aumentando a intensidade à medida que o tempo para completar cada um escasseia, o que só aumenta o pânico e a ansiedade (e obviamente os erros cometidos por todos os jogadores).

Numa altura em que cada vez mais o foco está em experiências online e jogos single-player, é sempre bom ter alternativas excelentes e inovadoras como Overcooked que promovem o multijogador local.

Quintessential co-op fun! Or... mostly fun, I should say. Just know that you will most certainly get frustrated and start yelling at each other, especially if you're playing with your significant other like I did. A simple but brilliant concept though, through and through!

fun soytendo game but idkk think all the jokes about like this destroying relationships w significant others are strange. lot of gross viral tiktoks of like men yelling at their girlfriends over this and idk that’s just not rlly funny lol,, call me crazy but I think that’s a little cringey and gross 😵‍💫
personally I had a v fun time playing this w my bf and i like that at the heart of this it’s just a puzzle game that rewards cooperation and patience 🥰

Despedaçou minha família, e também a reconstruiu mais forte depois do acidente do hambúrguer ....

A fun little co-op game. Biggest downside is that some levels were not well designed for three people.

This game is quite fun and is a great co-op game to play with family or friends, however, this is not a worthwhile purchase because a more complete version already exists. If this interests you, I would still recommend the All You Can Eat edition of this game.

it's a party game, there is a story but it's hard to find any reason to want to play it on your own, and hard to make a group play the story with you since it's more than what can be experienced in a single sitting. after nearing the ending I have no desire to continue playing.

I had some fun with this game. I liked it a little bit, but as someone that played it alone, it is not meant to play that way. It is way too difficult to really grasp how to do everything and quickly when you are trying to do it all by yourself. The playable characters are cute and I think the story is fun, but if this is for one person, I can't really recommend it.

For Festive Seasoning, I liked it somewhat, and I really liked the art style of it, but I had a really hard time much like the other parts of the game. I didn't have someone else to play with and the game isn't really designed well for someone playing alone. I don't recommend it for someone playing it that way.

For Lost Morsel, it is very similar to the original game. I had some fun with it, but by the end of the expansion, I had a very hard time with the levels by myself. I like some of the new additions but not enough to have a great time.

for the best experience play with friends on the couch while constantly shouting and only referring to each other as "chef"

While you can technically play this alone, this is a local multiplayer game and it only really shines when you get a crew together to tackle all the wacky scenarios as a group. It's great how each stage requires you to work together with your teammates splitting responsibilities and coordinating all sorts of things while the stage itself seeks to undermine you. It rides the line between chaos and manageable pretty well, and there's enough scenarios where it's hard to run out. It's goofy fun.

isso aq começou uma doença chamada "party game cooperativo onde tu acaba cortando a jugular do teu colega por causa de um jogo feio de controles escorregadios com uma arte horrorosa que só ficou popular por causa de youtuberzinho escandaloso" e agora toda profissão miserável tem um jogo do tipo

fiz 3 estrelas em praticamente tudo sozinho, terminei com a ajuda do meu irmão mais novo pq eu cansei de brincar de Sakurai, fodamse as dlcs

acho q é um dos melhores jogos arcade multiplayer que existem, ele é puro caos e dirvesão

eu zerei a campanha principal do jogo com meu irmão e 95% do tempo a gente tava se divertindo, seja nos desafiando ou só rindo mesmo. O unico problema é que mais pro final do jogo você precisa fazer uma pouco de grinding de estrelas, oq não é a pior coisa do mundo, mas estraga bastante o momentum do jogo.

eu ainda não zerei as outras campanhas, mas elas também parecem ser mt criativas

even if Overcooked 2 is an improvement in almost every way, I still got a huge soft spot for the original Overcooked. it has that indie charm : a game that maybe lacks polish and may get a bit repetitive, but the base concept and level ideas carry this all the way. probably one of the best couch coop experiences you can have, whether it be with friends, your partner(s) or family.
also the soundtrack is weirdly iconic to me for some reason ???? idk it gets stuck in my head from time to time

Teste de personalidade para saber se um casal vai dar certo? Coloquem eles pra jogar isso aqui que vale muito mais!

Good game if I could find people offline to play with

Beat the game with friends and we only strangled each other three times

"Do háje, co tam stojíš, podej tu cibuli! Ne tu, tu nakrájenou! Došlo čisté nádobí, marš ke dřezu! Sakra, nezacláněj! Ne, tam to nepokládej!" Aneb kterak se přesvědčit, že hrubiánství Pohlreicha či Ramsayho v kuchyni není možná zase až tak moc přehrávané... Pokud tedy vedete spokojený bezkofliktní partnerský život, tak se Overcooked širokým obloukem vyhněte (speciálně pokud spolu rádi vaříte i v reálu), jinak během jeho hraní vyplují na povrch ty nejtemnější stránky vašich povah a nemuselo by to vůbec dobře dopadnout. Žijete-li v paneláku, tak se připravte na to, že sousedi budou mít za to, že u vás v poslední době vládne "pěkná Itálie".

Ale dost již nadsázky, každopádně z výše uvedeného je snad již jasné, že Overcooked je titul vysoustružený ke společnému hraní. A to ne neosobně přes net, ale pěkně pospolu na jednom místě. Obsahuje sice i solo mód, který není špatný, ale je to jako by fotbalové utkání odehrálo jedno mužstvo namísto dvou. Zrovna tak obsahuje versus mód, který umí na pěknou řádku hodin zabavit, ale je z něj poznat, že nejde o gró hry. Stejně tak jsou přítomny varianty i pro více než dva hráče. I ty jsou zábavné a během párty podnapilé osazenstvo rozhodně neunudí, ale přeci jen ve standardní hře se množství dílčích úkonů, zdá těsně za hranou nezvladatelného chaosu, tak o hře více než dvou hráčů platí, že jde o čiročirý chaos, kde se každý ve výsledku soustředí "na to své" a kooperace "ruku v ruce" se z toho trochu vytrácí. Trochu dost. Nejlepší variantou je tedy hra dvou aktivních hráčů a případně třetího (čtvrtého, pátého atd.) pasivního přihlížejícího kibice.

Technicky není moc co vyčítat, za dobu od vydání se veškeré bugy vychytaly (stejně jako přibyly nové levely apod.), stylizace je milá i přehledná, hudba vynikající, princip a ovládání i nehráčovi vysvětlíte za necelou minutu, to si ostatně krom pohybu vystačí s dvěma tlačítky, jednotlivé levely mají každý svůj vlastní ráz a díky tématu jde vpravdě o titul pro celou rodinu. Tedy nebýt obtížnosti, která rychle vystřelí do závratných výšin; speciálně pokud cílíte na plné ohodnocení svých kulinářských výkonů. Vyloženě pro malé caparty to tedy není.

Čili pokud máte někoho při ruce, kdo snese nějakou tu ostřejší zpětnou vazbu během probírání "co zase zkazil tentokrát", tak neváhejte. Jakkoli se po letech půstu lokální multiplayerovky díky indie scéně (a konceptu především Switche v oblasti konzolí) vracejí silnější než kdy dříve a s originálními koncepty i mechanikami, tak natolik čirou instantní konfliktně kooperativní hratelnost najdete u málokterého z nich; pokud vůbec u některého.

i tihnk i own this? never opened it tho

Overcooked es una locura de juego, estresante y viciante a partes iguales.
Estar en la cocina y hacer pedidos a todo trapo con otra personilla es muy muy divertido.

Fun game, definitely continue playing it in the future.

Played this after the second one which made it less impressive but it was still hours of fun

I understand why people like this game but I just find it to be too frustrating to be fun

overcooked is fun! but you have to get x number of stars to progress like its fucking angry birds please fire who's descision it was to add that

Good couch co-op game that becomes more fun and challenging if you go for all the 3-star requirements

Played this single player when it is ideally a multiplayer experience, gameplay loop gets boring quick and star requirements to unlock levels basically require you to play perfectly and was the main factor that made me drop the game, early levels are fun but annoying game mechanics get introduced as you progress. I'll probably pick this game up again at some point but not for the time being.

It's a fun and relaxing game with some challenging levels. Definitely best to be played with someone you are on the same wavelength with and won't argue with constantly