Reviews from

in the past

Surreal atmospheric adventure. Might get all the achievements one day if I ever need to just hang out in a weird place again.

This game really impressed me. It's short, the visuals are chunky, the plot is pretty incomprehensible, and it throws a lot of surreal shit at you and expects you to just take it without any elaboration. My kind of game.

It's very good at building a tense and unnerving atmosphere.

Paratopic is drenched in a unique neo noir style that really works. Especially when accompanied by uncanny valley, low poly graphics, and a score that really solidifies the bizarre atmosphere.

It’s weird, its dark, it’s kind of beautiful? It’s short! I like it. I wish it was longer, and I wish I was able to take a little more away from the experience… but I’m happy with what it was, and I can see myself returning to it in the future.

Despite it’s good presentation, Paratopic feels like the first act of what would’ve been a very interesting story. Instead, it just sort of ends after a blatantly padded 40 minutes with a scene that I think could’ve held a lot more weight in a more fully fleshed out game.

This review contains spoilers

Awesome aesthetic, good atmosphere, and I love the abrupt cuts between scenes throughout. Feels very Virginia (2016).
I initially found the game confusing (still do) and only after reading about it online I learned that you play as 3 different characters throughout. I did not get that at all whilst playing it, which now makes more sense. I may be a dumbass but there is no real clear difference between any character that I noticed. And if it's not obvious enough it defeats the purpose.

My main gripes with this are on a technical level:
1 - I enjoy exploring in games; walking down a random alley away from the objective, finding where the level ends. But the rules for traversing the environments in this game are inconsistent: a miniscule ledge will stop you from exploring any further, but of course you are able to walk through a flowing river, and later ledges don't stop you at all.

2 - There is a section with a camera and a pink bird flying around. If you are too close and try photograph it, it flies away. But if you stand back and zoom in... it still just flies away. Whilst it adds to the challenge, it seems like a lazy technical oversight.

3 - THE DRIVING SECTIONS OH LORD. Maybe the first one could be that long, but it gets tedious.

Overall after learning of the 3 characters I appreciate it a lot more, I think it's a great story, but missing that on my playthrough, top of a few technical things makes it all a bit frustrating. I will revisit, and probably play something set in this world again.

It has some decent ideas and (maybe) some themes worth chewing on. The atmosphere is good, but the game feels like it ends right when the story becomes concrete. I'd replay it, but it's filled with awful vehicle segments where you can do nothing but listen to music or literal gibberish. Wasted potential.

The best game ever to people who love Adult Swim Infomercials

I was a bit dissapointed with this game. I love the art style, but this game feels like the definition of when non traditional storytelling goes a bit too far. In the 45 mins that it takes to complete this game… you are waiting and sitting around for something to happen probably 25 mins of it. Does it build tension? Yes. I just don’t think it had the effect on me that was intended, and i feel like the target audience.

👾 Paratopic (🇬🇧 2018)

Do you ever wonder how a game designed by David Lynch would be? “Paratopic” is the closest you could get to an answer. It’s rather an experience than a game. Almost meditative at certain points and nonsensical in a good way.

🎮 Played on Nintendo Switch

Rating: 📼📼📼📼▫️

Paratopic is a really absurd horror game in a 32 Bit PSX style delivery. The game has a duration of an hour, with some branching paths and dialogue options.

I really enjoy the conversation set pieces, they’re endearing and I wish there were more of them. The game itself is fairly closed in interpretation, but does take a repeat play through or explainer to really grasp the intentionality. I missed a hidden room that gives much detail to a protagonist’s involvement. But eh I prefer the spaces to be unfilled.

I would like more of this, if it ever happens.

Pulp Fiction as directed by David Lynch and my sleep paralysis demon.

There were no new horror movies that interested me on the Halloween of 2020 so instead I played this.

This game is very unique, genuinely unsettling and scary sometimes, and I mean for the price point when compared to say a movie, I'd say it's worth it. If it interests you and you wanna see some weird stuff, this is the game for you. I mean, I think you more or less know if this game is for you just by the pictures and videos on here. Worth noting though, the game is very short, only 45 minutes to an hour.

A bit esoteric, but really interesting imo

I'm a sucker for surrealist vibes in media, so this had me.

absolutely fuckin bonkers atmosphere and world building

I want more

Wow i actually didn’t understand a single thing… but is it bad? Not at all.
The atmosphere is INCREDIBLY well crafted, it made me feel anxious, depressed, even calm at times. The story is abstract asf, to a point where there’s no actual explanation to it, and that’s kinda why this game is a masterpiece, it leaves you thinking and conjuring up your own theories.
Not to mention the incredible soundtrack it has.
The only reason why this game or “experience” isn’t a 5/5 is the gameplay, it’s sometimes really boring, especially when it leaves you in the car waiting for minutes and minutes & nothing really happens.

I think it’s a great experience we should all experience, only 1 hour of peak retro bizarre horror.

genres: surrealism, psychological horror, postmodernism, analog horror

Strange fever dream walking/driving simulator. Not even sure how to rate this?

It was an absurd, surreal experience. The first playthrough took about 50 minutes. It was eerie; I had a lingering feeling I wasn't alone or that I was being watched throughout that run.

It's soundtrack resembled an 80's beat that simultaneously was unnerving and annoying. It was good at making me uncomfortable. I did two more runs to collect all the achievements but I don't feel like I learned anything new. After the third, I'm still puzzled what I played.

Es interesante pq la diversión del juego se pasa fuera de él, puzzleando toda la shit together, cool approach tbh

Interesting storytelling
Nothing more than that

Paratopic conseguiu a façanha de ser uma das experiências mais excruciantes e entediantes que já joguei nos últimos tempos.

Peguei pra jogar numa quarta a noite porque, afinal, tempo médio de 50min para zerar, gráficos de ps1 e pessoas elogiando-o como uma homenagem aos antigos jogos de horror. Tudo de bom né?

Errado. Isso não é um jogo. É apenas uma série de caminhadas longas sem nada para fazer, sequências de carro em linha reta sem nada e diálogos inúteis q não agregam ao mistério proposto.

A série de cortes, sequências de jumpscare que não assustam e tudo tão lento mostram que os autores desse software interativo não possuem uma visão consistente do que querem apresentar ao jogador.

Não há gameplay. Não há história. Não há diálogos que te prendam. Então, depois de 25min que mais pareceram 25 horas, taquei o foda-se e parti pra próxima.

I think I like everything about this game aesthetically, but felt like it dragged its feet way too hard through that middle stretch. Needed more time in the oven, I think.

I had very high stakes for this game... And it came to me as a disappointment, sadly. There is very little content and less gameplay to be enjoyed. The story seems to be interesting and the unraveling narrative catches you... Just to drop you off too quickly.