Reviews from

in the past

Funny concept but all it really means is a few more peggle levels and you can't really go wrong with that.

Peggle should do more crossovers

free peggle i think but also a really weird valve/peggle tie in game. it feels like a game from a much much different time to me lmao

What the fuck did they do to peggle?

Super scary with half life omg!!! gman!

I like to play this game from behind.

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they fucking killed jimmy lightning

A free demo to the pinball-like hit from the same guys that brought us Plants vs Zombies.
It's a pretty fun time, and does a good job of showing what Peggle is about.

While the game is a lot more skill-based than it lets on at first, there is still a percentage to the unpredictability of the ball bounce itself that keeps you on the edge of your seat. There is a lot of room for powerups and other variables that influence the gameplay and keep it fresh.

It's not bad, and it's fun, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the tower-defense darling that brought PopCap into the limelight.

why did I 100% this...

really lets it sink in how much weaker Bjorn power is compared to the other ones.


pegging but hard and also there's half life in it

Peggle but on drugs and meme'd the heck up.

i've beaten this multiple times because i fucking love peggle

Eu como um deus do Peggle e um fã da valve achei simplesmente daora d+. É de graça e dura uns 20 minutinhos você nao tem o que perder aqui.

Team Fortress 2 in my Peggle?!?!? Unbelievable!

literally has the tenth class in this. the fucking unicorn is the tenth class.

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mmmm unicorn head taste crunchy!

Objectively very funny that this fanmde crossover of Peggle and Valve’s orange box collection is on here.

I am addicted to a fucking demo, please help.

Just more levels to Peggle, all Valve themed
It's good, but nothing special

case and point for what i said about Peggle wow

Peggle but TF2 heavy yells at you if you do bad

A really good, funny, quick time that I had no idea existed. Just a joyous collaboration between two massive companies because one liked the work of the other. Aside from Bjorn's sorry state on the cover there, they don't go too far with putting the cute Peggle Masters in peril, which I appreciated.