Reviews from

in the past

This review contains spoilers

(Major spoilers in the middle of the review both for the original game and FEMC content, if you clicked this you prob know already but just in case)

Initially posted this over halfway through my play-through of the FEMC route and I wanted to write my thoughts down on it, excluding base PS2 P3 this was the only version of P3 The Journey I hadn't beaten before in some capacity but I honestly had a lot of fun playing it.

The FEMC stuff brings a really unique twist and charm to the game, both in simple things like presentation and the few new tracks but also interactions with the cast in general are kind of shifted as a result too. The FEMC-new social links are really cool and the two new characters have really solid links, Saori (FEMC Hermit link) sweeps the originals easily and Rio (FEMC Chariot link) also has a pretty good one, most of these honestly way better than most of the PS2 ones, fleshing out the other party members with full social links is really cool too. There's also some differences in the other links like the female party members when you pick FEMC and some of the dialogue that's presented is more interesting than their initial versions. I honestly really liked the Shinjiro stuff, although I know people are fairly iffy on how completing his S-link affects one of the most major scenes in the game, I think Akihiko still has a really strong development from it although it's presented in a different manner and Shinjiro doesn't really get a happy ending either (he doesn't come up onscreen again except for NG+ after being put into a coma instead of dying, and it's implied even if he does wake up he'll die soon due to the suppressant use anyway), I don't think it is as impactful as the pure shock in the original and the scene with Akihiko after but it's a nice twist on it for people who have already played the original. That being said I think it mostly ends up as nice extra content for people who have already played the game, I don't think the major Shinjiro thing really spits on the game too much or something even if the original is more impactful but after beating it I definitely would only tell someone to go through with FEMC if it wasn't their first time ever playing P3.

From what I've seen too, I'm not sure why you would pick Male MC over FEMC unless this was the only version of the game you're able to play for some reason, most of what keeps this version afloat from being something that would just be a novelty port at this point lies in picking her IMO.

Alot of people have criticized Portable's VN style in cutscenes and such and while I do think it makes a few important scenes delivered a little awkwardly the VN scene/map style really fits a game like this and makes for an interesting experience playing it, the city map is much simpler and faster to navigate than other versions as a result too.

(Long ramble about gameplay stuff)
IMO I prefer the gameplay systems in FES and I don't really like some changes like fusion spells working as cards you get from the antique shop instead of special skills (also making them limited use even if they're easier to acquire in a sense). The battle mechanics are updated to P4's also and I don't really like things like the dizzy system or Ma- skills giving you a one more on a weak hit even if you didn't hit every enemy. I know most people probably prefer things like that not being in the game and the dizzy system is there to prevent cheese strats but I feel like changing them got rid of some of the unique identity in P3's gameplay compared to it's future games, and how being downed worked in P3 was also a double edged sword because both enemies and the party wasted a turn getting back up where as in P3P, if you get knocked down dizzy is usually not much of an actual worry for the party ironically, and you just get back up instantly on the next turn making getting a weakness hit a lot less punishing. Skills like Re Patra are also rendered bordering useless/way more niche as a result of that. Some party members are buffed or have differences in what they learn too, the most notable one is Aigis where Orgia mode is really REALLY good in Portable and although she is computer controlled only during it still both physical and support skills have no cost making her pretty much extremely broken in normal encounters (and bosses if you strategize) and legit almost never running out of SP during long scale grinding, not using HP with phys during it too means she is usually an absolute monster. Stuff like this overall makes the game easier than FES but the earlier chunks can still get challenging at least especially compared to newer Persona games, I just prefer how the PS2 versions work even without direct control (although that's also a nice option to have in this game). For what it's worth I still had a blast playing it but I don't know if I would replay this for gameplay reasons, it depends on if Merciless ends up harder than PS2. (And I know there is also extra postgame content)
To add onto this section after beating the game it definitely gets very possible to get nutty broken after a point (I was also playing on Hardmode for reference). I was pretty much obliterating almost everything by the time I was at Tartarus block 4 and able to beat The Reaper and get to Lvl99 in Monad before even beating the game (although you do have to go more out of your way for those last two things though anyway.) Skill cards I feel like kind of trivialize getting good builds but there is still some effort you have to put into acquiring the really good ones anyway so IDK. Something I wasn't aware of until later in the game also is that even early on you can pick up items from the school (limited sale but 3 are stocked each Saturday in-game) that set you back to Good status from Tired which kind of trivializes that system entirely, I'm pretty sure it's completely impossible to actually get Tired while exploring Tartarus anymore unless a party member is KO'd and you return to the entrance without getting revived. It just seems weird to me they would even keep the system at that rate when it's pretty much next to pointless. Once you hit January you also get an extra dungeon (seperate from Monad) that lets you replay against stronger versions of old bosses and eventually Margaret as a super superboss which sounds like some pretty cool post-game content, I didn't give it too much of a look but that's a really cool addition.

I think pure content wise this is probably what I would consider the definitive version of P3 The Journey ESPECIALLY if you're looking to replay 3, however I think as an initial experience and for the main story (and gameplay-wise as a personal preference) FES clears this out of all the originals. If Atlus waited a few years and this game was on the Vita instead it'd probably be really godly but we're in the PSP timeline so I'd just say it's pretty good, a worthwhile check for more hardcore fans of P3 or just Persona/RPGs in general.

Sidenote: Something about the Memories of You credits roll with crunchy PSP audio hits different, that ending will get me everytime even without a full cutscene behind it

Si os pegáis un tiro no vais a invocar a vuestra persona lo digo por experiencia

played a month of this but its a shit adaptation

I honestly don't know if this game deserved the 4 stars i gave it, but some part of me said it did, so... there you go.

This game made me realize that most JRPGs, no matter how good, get boring after like 60 or so hours, i can only get excited by hitting weaknesses and critical hits on randomly generated rooms for so long. So, i do think the game drags on just a bit, but the ending is quite good, so i can mostly forgive it.

one thing i thought was pretty bad was the social links with any of the main girls, yuko's is the exception but all the other ones feel like "oh man, your're such a nice guy, i love you now", most of that coming from the fact that the protagonist is mostly silent, with you getting some amusing dialogue options every once i a while. It's still something i can forgive but it did feel dull, oh and also, Aegis' social link was really good, although a bit fleeting feeling due to it only being available for a brief period at the end, but at the same time, it also felt mandatory to the story, to see her growth and why she becomes important later.

The other social links were actually pretty good, with my favorite being the gourmet king, some really nice writing and ideas with them in general.

the middle of the game was something i didn't enjoy too much, it's when most of the characters are introduced and it feels like they're throwing too much shit your way at once, thankfully this does technically make it so these characters have wayyy more screentime than they'd have otherwise, which does make them more interesting, even if it makes one specific part of the game a little bit lower quality feeling.

the final boss fight is a bit too long, but it was ok, if not a bit lame and unfair at times.

overall, i don't regret the time i spent with this game. it was... good.

some emotional beats fall a little flat bc of the psp format but i still think the combat is solid and the female protag is an AMAZING addition that I wish more persona games had!

Worst version of the game by far, but the femc route is worth experiencing for the extra content if you enjoyed the base game.


Persona 3 is not a good game, but P3P is the best version of it. Specially the FeMC route.

gameplay: 6/10
both better and worse than fes, but generally, the changes are pretty mundane besides full party control.
characters: 10/10
best cast of all time, portable didn’t ruin this, it honestly made it even better with how good the new social links are. junpei’s and shinjiro’s changed my life.
story: 9/10
same as the original, docked a point for not having the answer. experience it first through fes though, this game’s presentation sucks.
visuals: 5/10
not getting too into this because it’s obvious, but yeah, it’s only half as good as the original in this regard. the overworld sprites are neat though. femc looks like an alien and the new sprites made to convey expressions that one of the original portraits alone are all either really good looking or (more often) really uncanny and weird, often being pretty lazy. play fes.
sound: 9/10
the new songs are all great besides sun, not much to say about any new voice acting. docked a point because the audio files for voice acted dialogue can take a comically long time to finally load and play when playing the game through a umd.
overall average: 7.8/10
persona 3 fes:
gameplay: 6/10
characters: 10/10
story: 10/10
visuals: 10/10
sound: 10/10
overall average: 9.2/10

I started the series with 5, but around 80% I got groundbreaking spoilers and decided to drop it for a while. I then decided to give this one a whirl, chose the Female Protagonist right away 'cuz it seemed like the logical choice since I couldn't do it in any of the other modern Personas and... I had one of the best experiences in gaming of my life. Despite its limitations, if you've never watched or played FES, you'll never feel like your experience is being affected by them, and there's quite some charm to the more VN pointer-based gameplay. Also FeMC's route adds a lot of value to the game with its fresh perspective and OST even better than the originals. My favorite protagonist and my favorite game in the series, I hope to see FeMC one day in reload. Only then it'll be the definitive version, until then, Portable still has its place.

" Todas as coisas eventualmente chegam a um fim " e meu tempo no mundo de dramas interpessoais e questionamentos sobre a natureza do viver de Persona 3, feliz e infelizmente, também chegou ao fim.

Por entre os portos e shoppings de uma cidade peninsular, por entre os incontáveis e sinuosos andares de uma torre demoníaca, laços realmente profundos foram forjados durante minhas mais de 100 horas de gameplay. Persona 3 Portable apresenta uma junção agradável de JRPG com Visual Novel numa estética muito única que só o início dos anos 2000 poderia produzir, todos os elementos do jogo transbordam um estilo e um carinho muito fortes que acabam te prendendo pelo charme e também pela forma carismática como são apresentados.

Até dentro da franquia Persona, mesmo com suas limitações no departamento de gameplay, Persona 3 tem um espaço especial pelos seus temas e riscos tomados, coisas que ressoam profundamente comigo. A obra une um "slice of life" tipicamente japonês e relativamente tematicamente leve com comentários filosóficos sobre a vida e o existir, apresentando diferentes perspectivas e filosofias que convergem numa mensagem que casa perfeitamente com as mecânicas de formas relacionamentos presente no jogo.

Persona 3 te faz passar 1 ano acompanhando seus personagens e no final te faz querer passar uma vida inteira com eles, sentimento agridoce que conversa profundamente com os temas da obra, uma vez que exatamente como os personagens lutaram e choraram para compreender a vida e aceitar a perda, você também sente um vazio muito singular ao terminar o jogo, uma falta daquele mundo e daqueles personagens, uma contemplação das memórias e momentos da obra, um momento para você ativamente "botar em prática" aquilo que desde o começo o jogo quis te dizer.

" Todas as coisas eventualmente chegam a um fim... Todas as coisas vivas vão algum dia desaparecer... Apenas aceitando isso uma pessoa pode descobrir aquilo que ela realmente quer, qual o significado de sua vida será. "

No cutscenes but better gameplay... we take those, amazing game as always and the FeMC route adds a lot of flavor

a melhor experiencia se nao contar a gameplay

Gran JRPG de los 2000s, y mi primer Persona que he jugado, de verdad lo recomiendo a los que no lo han probado. Lo mejor del juego es el sistema de los personas y fusión de ellas, su historia (aunque arranca lento) es buenísima y deja un lindo mensaje sobre la vida.

Después de jugar al Persona 5 Royal pensé en los otros Personas que están en la PlayStation Store y había un pack con el Persona 3 Portable y el Persona 4 Golden, cuando estaba de oferta me lo compré. No me arrepiento de esa decisión.
Nada más empezar el juego vi a Kotone y pensé en lo genial que era y jugar con ella ha sido genial. He amado sus Social Links y la dinámica que tiene con los personajes.
Solo tengo palabras positivas para este juego y de agradecimiento, ha sido un gran acompañamiento, la ilusión de volver de la universidad y ponerme a jugar, levear en el Tártaro ... Este juego me ha ayudado mucho y voy a estar eternamente agradecido por ello. Sin duda lo recomiendo.

This counts as a REPLAY because I've played through P3P before. I definitely think that pre-remake, this was a viable option for people to get the jist of the Persona series, as most folks typically start by playing 3 and not 1 or 2 because that is where the series became a little less arcane. When you've played the original P3, however, you'll understand that the game was made "portable" by junking the cutscenes, the ability to walk around the environments yourself being traded for a more point-and-click navigation, and the game having less polished animation than that of the original. So some important things are being lost in translation. P3P is more of a visual novel than anything, but it made the game more accessible for other players at its time which is why I stand by the rating.

P3P added things such as a female version of the main protagonist which included some differences in Social Links between the male and female protagonist, as well as Persona's ability to give you skill cards after a certain point. P3P also omits The Answer which was available in FES following The Journey, but I feel as if enough people have covered this controversy to the point where I don't find it worth my time to give a take on that.

With talk of Reload being on the rise, there are differences between FES, P3P and now Reload. If you want to kind of speedrun the original source material for the remake, then I'd suggest playing through P3P before touching Reload, my review on that is a whole different ballgame.

smokes blunt

contains robot yuri. only Persona worth a god damn

trash trash trash play p3 fes or reload

MAS QUE JOGASSO DA PORRA. definitivamente é um dos jogos que eu facilmente retornaria pra jogar ainda mais, afinal eu ainda nem fiz a rota da femc pra dizer que joguei tudo de verdade. como esse é o primeiro jogo da serie persona que eu toco, nao tenho criticas muito duras pra ele

o sistema de persona é muito divertido, criar e fundir personas diferentes pra ver no que vai dar é top coisas desse jogo. os social link nem se fala, ver eles alcançando o lvl maximo dá uma satisfação do caralho e ver como eles estarem no lvl max culmina no final do jogo é lindo. talvez suba pra 5 estrelas caso eu goste ainda mais da rota da femc

Por mais que eu tenha demorado "um pouco" pra zerar, foi um jogo bastante bom quando a história progrediu mesmo e o final é e m o c i o n a n t e. 10/10 🧐☕

first femc playthrough I FUCKED UP THO.

O jogo é bom, cumpre seu papel de portar o antigo p3. Com alguns elementos remanescentes do p3: fes, o jogo em si é ótimo, cumpre seu papel de portável e é uma 'faca de dois gumes' na questão de jogatina.

O que eu quero dizer? O jogo é ótimo na questão de ambientação, é uma ótima experiência tanto numa viagem de carro quanto uma play noturna na sua cama.

Comparando com o FES, o jogo deixa muito a desejar, o fato do protagonista não poder mais usar qualquer classe de arma me faz achar que os devs cortaram essa parte apena para não ter que reanimar todas as animações de arma com a protagonista feminina.

Por enquanto apenas joguei com o Male MC, então não tenho uma opinião completa por conta da storyline diferente da FemC. Porém, pretendo revisitar o game e zerar com a FemC.


persona with your own gender's point of view is dangerous

I have played Persona 3 Fes to completion and loved it, so I decided to download this version on PPSSPP and try the female route. Will play to completion eventually; for now, I play once in a while.