Reviews from

in the past

Não esperava me divertir tanto com esse game de luta, o estilo meio galhofa, os gráficos bem bonitos, a gameplay fluída que te atrai jogar mais, a historia boba dos personagens mas que da vontade de jogar ate o final com todos, as opções diversas que melhoram a experiencia que a versão original de arcade, bom jogo, tendo como unico defeito a versão de PS ter um certo loading cansativo entre as lutas. Recomendo a quem quer jogar um jogo de luta descontraido.

this game is so much fun. i love the high action and high expressions the characters hold. i also really like the combo animations and cameos so much

i deadass have no idea how to play this game

A mix of Puzzle Fighter and regular fighting game combat. Definitely weird but it ends up playing as a simplified version of Street Fighter. The systems are deceptively complicated and you really have to master the costume combo system to make the most out of the experience.

Really the fanservice is where this game shines the most. Seeing so many Capcom characters gathered in the backgrounds and in the costumes that the regular fighters can change into during gameplay was definitely the highlight for me. Overall it's a fun little distraction and I find it really cool to see the Capcom gang wind down and have some fun here.

This is one of the most adorable games I've ever played. The sheer amount of hidden references for you to discover is amazing. The graphics for this game are simple and appealing. Gameplay is a bit simple but still fun enough for casual fighting game fans.
If you're a fan of Capcom during the 90's and want some good fanservice, go check this "pocket"-sized adventure for some short but sweet fun. 4/5

Pocket Fighter é uma versão fofinha e infantil misturando personagens de Street Fighter com outros personagens da Capcom. Seus combos simplificados e comicidade lhe deram muita personalidade, tornando bastante popular em seu tempo, apesar de não ser o jogo mais equilibrado e com as melhores mecânicas.

Chibi designs, cute combos, zanguief dances

They simplified Street Fighter which is good. But also the game isn't as fun as normal street fighter games and I don't really know why which angers me each and every day

Cute lil fighting game. There's a ton of auto combos so you can mash and get away with it which isn't too cool but i mean look at it, it doesn't really take itself seriously and is more of a fun casual parody game. The spritework is full of wacky jokes and references to other capcom stuff which is cool. Definitely not something you should go seriously competitive for (unless you are just built different), but definitely a fun time nonetheless. Play if you like capcom and/or their fighters

Cute fighting game with street fighter and darkstalkers characters. A mixture of fighting game with puzzles and humor. Very cute, good gameplay and simple fun.

Cute, simple, but tons of fanservice & depth to combos.

Zangief flips a table while Akuma goes swimming.