Reviews from

in the past

The succesor to Pokemon Shuffle and it is really fun. Not a fan of the gacha elements that are in here they seem quite unfair that is why the rating is so low. Simple fun game which I would say is perfect for a mobile game like this

Os Pokémon são fofos, o puzzle é legal, mas o produto é bem ferrado com micro transações e dark patterns.

Played for a few days, very cute and a different mechanic than just match 3 but not my type of game.

There’s much better mobile games out there, but not many that look this beautiful. The pokemon designs are timeless, of course, and they do something with them, so what the hell.

The puzzles are decently fun but I got tired of them after some time. The Pokemon in this game are very cute though and it may be worth checking out for that alone?

O jogo é bem divertido e perfeito pra passar o tempo quando quiser, sendo bem rápido e direto ao ponto.

A gameplay é bem simples, direta e os visuais do jogo é o ponto mais charmoso desse jogo na minha opinião, curti bastante o jogo e acho que ele é ótimo pra passar o tempo.

Decided to finally try the update after years of saying I would, and I must say it's very impressive. Whenever they originally announced this in a Pokemon Presents, I was confused as the original game already featured an adorable art style with a lot of content, but this is astonishing. There are literally thousands of new levels, hundreds of new Pokemon, new game mechanics, new costumes and upgrades, on top of all the original content still be accessible. While the gameplay is most similar to Disney's Tsum Tsum, if that's your thing there's hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content here. It's not particularly my thing, but I can still recognize a good (and free!) product when I see one. Well worth playing if you're into this type of puzzle game.

you run a cafe with pokemon!! (☆▽☆) so much fun and very adorable game :3

i saw palkia in an apron and immediately downloaded this game. super cute artwork, music and designs. it can become repetitive if you binge play it to death like i did, but still nice to come back to. therapy dupe 👍

A very cute Pokémon spin-off that I play sometimes in between sessions of more intense, story-driven games. It is very addicting and I could see myself playing it for hours if there was no energy system.

Juego de celular que llega a ser repetitivo y para matar por 10 minutos

Played the game before it got the big ReMix upgrade, but I wasn't very good at it. Even then it just didn't feel super fun after a bit. If you're into it, that's great! It's just personally not really for me.

Pokémon Cafe ReMid.

Si no abusasen tanto de la monetización sería un juego la mar de simpático.

fofinho tal mas continua sendo um jogo de celular fodase

I can barely tell what is different between remix and mix.

Bom pra passar o tempo mas pode ser meio enjoativo, tem muitos elementos na tela também, mas é bem relaxante. Os designs dos Pokémon são lindissímos

A fun and cute pokémon game, haven’t played in a long while and will probably not be playing again for a long while either.

Es un juego muy muy basicote en su gameplay. La cantidad de microtransacciones es preocupante en un juego claramente orientado a un público infantil. Sí que es cierto que no es necesario pagar para avanzar, al menos durante una enorme cantidad de niveles. Los gráficos son muy agradables y el gameplay, pese a su simplicidad, es bastante entretenido para matar ratos libres.

Boring mobile game SLOP. Still looks cute though.

Wish they didn't implement gacha elements... :/

Another cute game, but just didn't have the drive to put more stock into it

been playing this for a few week and its so cute! i love this game so much :)

Jogo bonitinho, meigo e simples

Bumping it up because I can't stop playing it

It's a cute little game, with a great art style and decent enough puzzle mechanics, but the MTX are absolutely fucking insane:

Candy Crush style Stamina Meter

Free and Premium Battle Pass that both show on the same screen

"Deliveries" which basically amount to Loot Boxes that take 23 hours to can also pay to open them faster

You can also pay 24 US Dollars to guarantee the loot box has a Pokemon in it...I have received rewards from what amounts to 28 deliveries and have not received a Pokemon...and some of the Pokemon you can get from deliveries are limited time offers

"Special" deals in the store that are limited to once per day

Premium currency that you can earn by playing the game OR purchase that allows you to increase the max level of your Pokemon, speed by the deliveries, etc. You can also use it to serve a "heaping helping", which gives you double the benefits for a puzzle, allowing you to unlock Pokemon faster.

To put the premium currency into perspective, you need 1000 acrons for a heaping helping, 3000 to speed up a delivery, and 1000 to unlock a Pokemon's ability to get to level 15. You get 80 for a 3 star puzzle. That is 13 to 38 puzzles to get these bonuses naturally.