Reviews from

in the past

鬼神 Kill Em All 1989
I am prinny dood

Totally invested in a less stressful remaster of this game

Mi Dark Souls. El Dark Souls de los Plataformas.
Un juego exigente y cruel donde los haya, donde la mecánica principal es que sea difícil de controlar y mueras mucho.
Está muy cuidado en detalles, con fases que cambian en apariencia, dificultad y jefes dependiendo de la hora del día en que los visites.
Sobretodo, simpático y desenfadado con el humor típico de Disgaea. No podía ser de otra forma.
Buen jueguito, le tengo cariño, pero no lo puedo recomendar de lo injusto que es.

Inferno: The Game.

Isso te pune de todas as formas possíveis, tudo tem que ser minimamente calculado.

Haja paciência, dood!

I have officially been filtered like hundreds of my GameFAQs brethren; I cannot beat CHEFBOT-9000.

In all seriousness, I feel like every avenue I've tried to get into the Disgaea pipeline has failed catastrophically. I love the characters, I love the world design, and I especially love the completely non-serious writing, Playing the games though? I am always put off completely by the grind, which is an enormous part of this franchise. So here I am, playing the 2D platformer spinoff in the hopes of finally scratching that desire for Disgaea.

I've heard many a warning about this game being hardcore difficult, but the standard 2D platforming mechanics get nothing but praise from me. The controls are quirky, but more importantly, they're consistent. Jumping left or right locks you into a specific arc, and jumping from a standstill prevents you from moving left or right. These same mechanics apply to your double jump, allowing you to bounce back in the other direction or get extra height. The final piece of the puzzle is the ground pound, which sends you straight down no matter what direction you're headed in. It all comes together to make a very deliberate platformer.

I also need to give props to this game's open-ended structure. You'll need to beat a stage from each of the six areas to finish the game. You can choose to play them in any order, but the stages ramp up in difficulty as you keep playing. This means there's six different stages for each area, and the differences aren't just limited to level design. You also get different story cutscenes and items, and the boss you fight at the end of the stage will often end up different too. The 1000 Prinnys counter (your lives) is also a really neat twist on the typical execution of that mechanic.

Now we get to talk about the square button, the bane of this whole game.

Enemies are scattered inconveniently throughout all the levels. You can ground pound any of them to stun them and gain some extra air time, but to defeat them, you're gonna have to hammer that square button. Bosses require being ground pounded before taking substantial damage. Your ability to defeat bosses in a timely manner (hopefully before they beat you instead) is dictated by your willingness to achieve early symptoms of arthritis. You can actually deal more damage in less time if you just mash until your hand is ruined. I don't want my hands to be as useless as a Prinny's flippers, dood! All of this boils to a tipping point with CHEFBOT-9000. A boss where its weak point is so small that it's needlessly difficult to break its guard in the first place, you can't deal effective damage whie it's stunned without mashing, and its long-winded attacks make running out of time a very real possibility. Apparently the final boss is like this but somehow worse, so yeah. I kinda hate a major component of this game, dood!

If anyone knows a way to bruteforce myself into enjoying Disgaea, let me know. I'm reaching the end of my rope, dood.

OK so, Asagi Mode. It's much more in-line with the game's reputation for bullshit hard difficulty, especially the 5th stage near the end with some godforsaken jumps and enemy positions. Funny as shit interactions tho, love Asagi even if fighting her 6 times with her not changing much was a bit eh. The final fight was great tho.

Also I started the sequel immediately after beating this and the tutorial there told me you can throw stunned low health enemies to make them explode. I was fucked up, because this is also a mechanic in Prinny 1 and the game does NOT tell you about!!! I dunno if it would've helped much, but it would've been nice to know...

I used to run a service back in grade school where I would hack other people's PSPs for like 10 bucks, and I would always put this game on there. I'd just tell them "It's like Mario but with big titty anime demons".

I had no friends for a good 3 to 4 years of my life, and I think I finally figured out why.

gotta rip my hands off to complete this game dood

sla, eu não gosto de Disgaea e um derivado não me ajuda
é injustamente difícil, é isso
zerei na força do ódio com 311 mortes nas stages e 1110 nos bosses

This game is very challenging, the controls are hard to master, there is some precise platforming in the later levels, and the bosses can get sadistic. You have 1000 lives in this, and you are going to need t least a hundred of them.
However, if you do master the various techniques the Prinny has at its disposal (The hip pound, the prinny dance and spamming the air raid move) this game becomes much more enjoyable with a more fluid action. All the enemies placement and boss attacks all follow the same pattern after you die and respawn so the challenge of this game isn't just on reflexes but also about learning the patterns for your advantage,
There is also a time system in which you can select the levels but the levels get harder and harder depending on how many you have already beaten, and the bosses you are influenced by the time you went to each stage. This adds some great replay value.
The music is typical Tenpei Sato greatness that induces hype , the story is very humorous and the sprite animation is very good to look at.

Seriously, once you start "gitting gud", this game becomes addictingly amazing,

I got to the final level and found out that I had to beat all of the bosses again and I just don’t want to do it. I can’t do it anymore. I just can’t. Prinny can go to hell

Plataformas super difícil con una banda sonora y estética guays.

Muito bom relembra um jogo da infância.
Essa foi a minha experiência de nostalgia mais frustrante ( Maldito Chef Bot-9000, bicho quebrado ), toda via foi bastante divertido, excelentes boss fight, com um combate simples porem satisfatório.
Creio que o único ponto cansativo seja as partes de plataformas, bastantes divertidas e rechiadas de secretos não tão relevantes assim, dito isso o quão frustrante um desses níveis pode ser não ta escrito, até parece que foram feitas com odeio rs rs.
Vidas restantes 541.

Buen juego, divertido pero con un jefe final totalmente injusto y niveles densos de pasar. Personaje muy divertidos, con momentos y diseños muy lindo.

O meu polegar direito tem mais história pra contar do que a plot inteira desse jogo...

Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? is a side-scrolling action platformer spin-off title in the popular Disgaea series. Originally released in 2008 for the PlayStation Portable and later making its way to the Nintendo Switch in 2020, the game maintains its pixelated aesthetic and seems cute and cartoony on the surface. In actuality, however, Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? is a brutally difficult game that will test the skills of even the most seasoned platformer veteran.

The story of the game is fairly simple, players take on the role of a Prinny, a penguin-like creature, tasked with tracking down ingredients to make the Ultra Dessert for Etna, a popular demon character from Disgaea. Etna gives the 1000-member Prinny squad ten hours to track it down, threatening to kill them all should they fail. What this means for the player, however, is that you do not play as any particular Prinny, but simply one of a 1,000 tasked with gathering the ingredients. Therefore, if one Prinny should fall in battle, another simply takes its place. In terms of gameplay, this means the player has 1,000 lives to track down the Ultra Dessert ingredients throughout 10 different increasingly difficult stages, each filled with its own unique platforming challenges, enemies, and other dangers to instantly kill any Prinny foolish enough to attempt them.

Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? is infamous for its punishing difficulty and I have to agree. Levels are filled with instant-death traps and enemies that can kill you in a single hit, the platforming requires near-perfect precision and timing to safely navigate its various environments, and boss battles are crushingly difficult typically resulting in dozens of deaths. The game is not for the faint of heart and players should be prepared for a steep learning curve and the death of hundreds of Prinny. The challenge, however, is both rewarding and frustrating, especially for those of us who relish in overcoming tough obstacles.

Overall, Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? is a fun action platformer with brutal difficulty, decent humor, and satisfying gameplay. Its retro-inspired visuals, coupled with the punishing gameplay, make it a standout title for fans of platformers and Disgaea alike. If you're up for the challenge, Prinny is ready to put your gaming skills to the test.

Não se engane pela fofura dos gráficos, esse jogo é pior que Sekiro

Sério, sem caô esse é o jogo de plataforma mais difícil que já joguei na minha vida, falo com a maior tranquilidade que utilizei de cheats pra zerar esse jogo porque meu amigo.. ele exige muito tempo de aprendizado e observação de cada fase, o que é uma coisa que eu não tenho tanta paciência ultimamente, PORÉM, eu gostei muito do estilo gráfico dele e da gameplay então isso me cativou a continuar jogando ele e ir até o fim, sua historinha também é legal e seus personagens são bem carismáticos!

Não tenho nem muito a dizer sobre o Prinny porque é um jogo realmente com o foco em ser difícil pra caramba, é um jogo com mecânicas simples porém muito punitivo, vale a pena jogar se você for do público hardcore ou sei la talvez um fã doido da franquia Disgaea que quer experimentar tudo dela

People seem to not fuck with the platforming in this game due to its quirks, but I personally am all for it. It's like GnG in that you can't really correct your trajectory in mid-air (besides double jump or ground pound), which is definitely different to like 99% of 2D platformers out there.

Personally, I feel like the difficulty is vastly overstated for this game, at least for most of the game.

It's also got that Disgaea charm, aesthetic, and music, which is a bonus!

What I hate is the bosses. A lot of them are just meh while others feel kinda jank (mainly the huge ones). But they all have one thing in common and it's that they require a bullshit amount of mashing the goddamn square button to deal any damage. Prinnies in this game rely on death by a thousand cuts to win, and that means you will mash square a thousand times for every boss.

This is specially true for the final boss, which takes jack shit damage and has a tight 3 minute timer. I died 150 times on that damn boss alone, and it was almost entirely due to me getting sloppy trying to find moments to attack. Because you can't be patient and take your time with that one, you NEED to use every single opening you can to violate your square button if you want have a chance of winning this shit. Personally, I hope the people responsible for the final boss specifically never make an action game again.

Other than the meh bosses and reliance on mashing, I actually quite enjoyed this game. Enough that I will be going back in to (at least try to) go through Asagi's story. It's just that I feel that the final boss shortened the lifespan of my arms and my Vita...

Just a whatever kind of semi-difficult platformer until the final boss which is the worst most ball crushing thing in the world, fuck that.

the dark souls of puzzle platformers if dark souls was dogshit

A game that looks nice but gameplay-wise is shallow and frustrating. I wish the combat was more fleshed out and the levels were better designed. I will not continue with the series so I hope Prinny 2 isnt much better.

Prinnies de Mierda,
Parecen cucarachas que se amontonan en la basura.
Prinnies de Mierda,
No sirven para nada y van derecho hacia la fisura.
prinnies de Mierda,
Hay que desinfectarlos pa' no mancharse con su prinnura.

On one hand, the controls are hard to get used to, its hard to dodge enemy attacks, you have to mash the square button to attack, you die very easily from bottomless pits or by taking 3 hits, everything is too hard when it hard to control your prinny, and if you die 1000 times, its game over and you have to start the whole game again.
With that being said, its a very unique platformer and something always made me come back and do my best to beat its challenging levels and bosses, after beating the game's final boss my finger hurt a lot from mashing the square button quickly, you HAVE to do it, there is a timer on each boss, you have 3 minutes to defeat it, if you're ok with a challenging game where you have to get used to uncomfortable controls, give it a try, its very rewarding to finish levels in this game.

Was hard until the final boss, then it just became button masher. Use a macro.