Reviews from

in the past

This is a weird one. The game is pretty fun in general, the management is interesting and you can do completely different builds depending on what you are looking for.

The main issue I have is that it overstays its welcome. It takes a long time after Chapter 2 to advance to the next chapter, the story doesn't really develop for a long time and then it throws a lot of story segments at the end all at once. The ending is also not very good as nothing is really explained and the plot is not actually completed by the end of the game, you just get loose ends and a very sudden "to be continued" screen.

Overall I had fun, it's a comfy game to play when you don't want to think too hard. The pop culture references are everywhere and the soundtrack is great. I recommend it if you are looking for a game to play for a little bit every day without a lot of commitment.

- Develops on the first game and removes the slowness that the first game had.
- Wacky plot with a lot of references peppered in.
- Just comfy to play, mindless, but comfy.

Conseguiu superar o antecessor porem tem um final meio paia.

O jogo é bom? é, mas é algo extremamente repetitivo, grind fudido, coisa que no primeiro não era tanto
basicamente vc luta, come, dorme, treina, trabalha, e mesmo fazendo o management de tudo, ainda sim é chatinho de subir nas lutas, e vc fica fazendo a mesma coisa sempre, e tem horas que parece que não progride praticamente nada, a primeira versão do Punch Club eu gostei bastante, foi bem gostoso jogar, viciante, mas esse vou acabar abandonando pq to a umas 4 horas de grind e nada, os gráficos sao bons, trilha sonora também, história ótimas, mas grind bem forte, chega a ficar massante, isso que eu estou jogando no fácil... no primeiro era bem mais tranquilo e prazeroso, nesse começou a ficar chato o grind, e chega a ficar chato, pois é só clicar...

Watched the ending. 3rd act dragged so much that the grind was unbearable to get through. Almost made it but felt it was a waste of time. But generally it was a fun grind, more fun than the first.

Se llega hacer muy repetitivo al ser mas largo que el primero y la historia aun tomándose en serio hay veces que intenta tomarse en serio sabiendo todas las tonterias que hay no es mal juego pero puede llegar a cansar.

you're better off just grabbing a collection of 80s movies than paying any attention to the "story" theyre trying to tell. i will say the fighting aspect is kinda fun in places but damn does it drag on after a good bit. frustrating beyond belief in others

totally decent podcast game, basically an idler with a little more freeform decision making. really enjoyed the sprite art, made for good spaces to hang out in. had a solid 8 hours with it but once it started getting a little too grindy i tapped out. whoa fighting match humor, tapped out, wow i didn’t even notice that. that’s awesome

Hilarious if you're on your 30-40s, but still WAAAY too grindy. What a shame, there's not many games like this.

Do anyone remember "El Bruto"/"My Brute"? That was the real shit and this is the closest you'll get.

You'll enjoy this game if you're a millennial like me and get a lot of the references. The dialogue is a lot of fun if you like games that don't take themselves too seriously. I didn't finish it as it gets kind of grindy but it was a lot of fun while it lasted.

Achei cansativo, muito repetitivo o gerenciamento, e a história é total loucura

One of the more enjoyable sim games I’ve played. Delightfully simple and chalk full of stupid references that I gobbled up at every turn.

For what it’s worth, it’s really addicting and the grind feels genuinely satisfying, motivating you to push harder in your character’s training and your knowledge of the fighting system.

I would hold this in higher regard if it didn’t completely overstay it’s welcome with a somewhat weird and definitely dragged out finale that just has you running around for exposition dumps. I thought the general mechanics were ok but there are some moments where it goes from fairly challenging to just extremely easy to abuse, making the difficulty a really random thing.

Overall very fun experience that took over my afternoons for a few days, if they made a sequel I would definitely check it out.

Decent sequel that fixes a ton of the problems of its predecessor, but still suffers from a lot of the pitfalls of the first game.

Core aspects were reworked and tweaked, but the core gameplay loop is still same-y, and quickly falls off after the first act with barely any changes throughout the game.

The humor is full of love and references to old action movies, but doesn't go very far beyond that (besides the protagonist being a dumbass). It's a lot more over-the-top and insane in its story, but still ends on a completely dickish cliffhanger in the same way as the first one (it's not very funny to abruptly end the game after a cliffhanger twice in a row).

Zero replay-value, you get 100% achievements by playing the game, and the other fighting styles are literally given to you in the final section of the game, along with the option to freely reallocate your stats however you please.

Grab this on sale, and only then.

Waaaaaay too long. I enjoyed the first one and I was having fun with the second one, but it overstayed its welcome. It took me 7 hours to reach act 2, and at this point, I really can't be bothered

ripetitivo, classico che gioco che diventa una droga ma appena ti stacchi capisci che fa cacare

Fun resource management game hurt by pacing issues and a campaign that's a little too long.

Being a fan of the original Punch Club, I would be lying if I said I didn't have any expectations starting this game. The combat certainly improved, becoming way more strategic in a way that was pretty fun. Adapting to your enemies skills in order to win fights was really fun.

However, I gotta say - this game is way too long for it's pacing. I saw the carefully spread quests and game events from start to finish to prevent the game from feeling dull by having questlines to interact with so I know love and care was put to avoid this happening but in the end it should've been shorter to begin with. While there's an incredible amount of content (really, I was baffled) more is not always better.

And I have to say the old school theme of the first game was more appealing to me than the cyberpunk world of this one.

Still fun, but beating it might feel like a chore after a while.

Nasıl bu kadar berbat bir devam oyunu yapabilirsiniz inanamıyorum. Hikaye bir kere bomboktan ilk oyundaki özgün hikaye anlatımı farklı ilginç mekan ve hikaye sunumları yok. Oyun tamamen amelelik üzerine git şunu şuraya götür cart curt. İlk oyunda da bu tur sekanslar vardı ve azdı. Ulan o oyun en azından kısa zevkli bir oyundu. Bu oyun bitsinde gitsem diye kafayı yedim. Sırf ilk oyunun hatrına bitirmeye kastım. Boş diyaloglar berbat hikaye ilkine göre karmaşık gözüken ama yeri gelince saçmalayan kombat sistemi. İlk oyun şunun yanında baş yapıt gibi kalıyor.

Kinda better than the first one and feels more complete but at the same time it got way grindier and the writing just kinda gives up at some point and the script just throws itself at memes and "why not" shit. You are forced constantly to work very very very menial and repetitive as all hell jobs throughout the whole thing although I would def say it gets a bit better, honestly don´t bother unless you really like the concept and graphics cause they carry the whole thing if anything. The management side is not for everyone and it WILL spike in difficulty considerably at random fights so have future sight I guess.

Alors c'est fou mais ce jeu a quasiment tous les mêmes problèmes que le jeu précédent, on progresse trop lentement, et la progression se fait au détriment d'une statistique !
Trop compliqué d'atteindre un équilibre et de progresser, ça peut prendre plusieurs heures à faire la même chose en boucle !
Point positif, ils ont améliorer les stats qui ne baissent plus toutes seules si on ne s'entriane pas, ce qui était hardcore.
Mais globalement si le jeu n'était pas un nazi avec le joueur, le jeu se terminerait en environ 5-6 heures et ce serait amplement suffisant.
Bref : déçu