Reviews from

in the past

Played with New 3DS overclocking which turned this from an unstable 20fps into a super smooth 60, sucks it wasn't optimized for the og hardware, but at least now we have a really good 3DS version of Rayman 2, even if it's a bit too dark is some places.

from what i remember this game was pretty decent

Big downgrade from the N-64 version, and the sound quality is worse without adjustments (even then it doesn't enhance the experience anyway) Levels and game-play still play the same, but I really hate what they did to the level selection hub.

kinda boring and not really optimized that well for the 3DS.

É uma versão meio piorada do Dreamcast.

The game that keeps on coming and won't stop coming. Ported everywhere and anywhere, and this game is no exception. A nice fun game from my childhood that I'm glad still holds up.

con los bugs y todos los fallos que tenga este juego tiene mas alma que todos los juegos de super mario portátiles que no son los de rpg

Did the audio guy go on strike or something? It's like you're playing a game on mute while having study music on YouTube running in another tab.

currently the only way i've ever played rayman 2 to completion, because im a weird little gremlin woman. it's not THAT bad, people always blow things way out of proportion when it comes to this game's quality. the audio's a little blown out, there's some glitches here and there, and yeah i'll admit the lum that you can't get because of the broken spiderweb is kinda bullshit, but that's all pretty minor stuff in the long run. you COULD be playing rayman DS, which is an actual crime against humanity, but this version really isn't that bad.

It's fine enough, I just wish they waited 2-3 years and did an Ocarina of Time sort of remake with entirely redone assets. It was fun but not exciting enough to keep playing with other games.

This goes from one of the worst versions of Rayman 2 to one of the better ones if you have a modded new 3DS, as overclocking and enabling L2 cache makes this game run at a near flawless 60fps instead of the terrible inconsistent 20fps it originally runs at. As for the game itself, its alright, its a fun little mindless platformer. My major gripes with the game is that it felt a bit too zoomed in so it was hard to tell what was going on, the enemies were more annoying than challenging since they barely did damage, the environments felt so drab and dull, and the audio seems flubbed. Outside of that, this version was neat

This version is broken to hell and back... Somehow I managed to beat this like 10 times... welp

This was the first proper Rayman game I ever played, and the first version I ever played of Rayman 2 before attempting the Dreamcast one.

Almost as good as Glover. Almost.

I can't possibly judge this game fairly today, I played it more than 10 years ago, but I do remember it being fun at the time when there were little to no available 3DS games in the launch period, so there's that

The only version of Rayman 2 I've played and I really should rectify that, because from what I've heard this isn't the best version, and I don't recall having the best time either.

Rayman 3D is one of many ports of Rayman 2: The Great Escape. It's a 3D platformer (with some third person shooter elements) that focuses mostly on linear levels with a decent amount of combat. Although the game's fun, at times it can be pretty frustrating, especially with the usual tacked-on gimmicks of early 3D platformers. Recommended mostly if you want to try an old 3D platformer.

I honestly think playing dreamcast rayman 2 on the go is pretty dope despite the occasional glitch