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in the past

This game is very good, but I have a lot of regrets the way I played it. Me and my friend played it over the course of 2 days, we didn’t play a single stranger side mission and just hardlined the story. Even with this rushed experience, this game was amazing. It is really interesting to see how John has evolved since we last saw him, and the cast of characters, while not Red Dead II’s, is still very interesting. While John's character is great, the game is carried by Dutch and his performance, he was great in II and seeing his descent into madness is very very encapsulating. This game manages to capture a very specific moment in time and represent it incredibly. The dying west meeting the new age of technology, the uncomfortability with authority still lingering in the air. The idea of redemption not only in John but in everyone and the 3 dimensionality of morality represented sparks very thought provoking questions. This game is really fuckin good, but I think I would’ve enjoyed it more with more time played.

For a long time if anyone asked me, I’d say this was my favourite game of all time. I got it for my 12th birthday (worrying I know) and instantly fell in love. I’ve played it through countless times and it has sparked a love of westerns that I didn’t realise I had. Johns story is excellent and I know this whole game like the back of my hand. It was the first adult game I played and the first one to really make me realise the power of the medium. This one’s an all timer.

My name is JOHN MARSTON!!
Bow nau nau nau nau naunaunau nau
Dow Dow
Bow nau nau nau nau nau naunaunau nau
Well let me have a rule and a saw and a board i'll cut it
We work so hard to build a little house together

I'll be honest the main reason you should play this game is for the story. Not to say the gameplay is terrible, the shooting and map can be enjoyable but they are held up high due to the story. I will say it might be tough going from 2 to 1 so I still recommend playing this first. I think playing this really helps give the characters you see in 2 more meaning especially since you know how it all plays out and of course the gameplay is improved in 2 (well at least for me) so going back to 1 would be tough.

As for the story you play as an ex-outlaw John Marston who has the law men back on his ass. The feds have his family so in order to free them he has to find a couple of his ex-outlaw buddies. Along the way you meet a ton of weird and interesting characters. It's also a great time trying to find and capture John's old friends. The voice acting really makes the characters. Seriously I think all the voice performance are top notch and really make you care for the characters. Slight spoilers, I will say for a straight forward story the end does throw a massive but well earned curve ball. It was also a cool choice to make the last story mission a bit hidden.

As for gameplay it's pretty straight forward third person open world stuff. There's no Ubisoft tower unlocking BS since that hadn't been invented yet so it's just straight forward areas to look around in or do missions. Also I think the shooting does a cool job of make the weapons feel old fashion. Like they feel limiting which makes sense for the time. It really makes it rewarding when you do get a semi auto mag pistol, feels like a crazy sort of upgrade. As for moving around your limited to a horse which can be a little dull but I think it gives the game charm. Graphicly this game ain't the best but I think as long as you play an upscaled version (PS4, Xbox Backwards Combability) it should look fine.

There is a multiplayer but it's really basic. Cool for it's time but nothing you need to go out of your way for. It was neat exploring the open world with friends and also it's cool seeing all the different character skins\ridable animals they had for MP.

Of course Undead Nightmare is also an amazing expansion that I wish got a sequel in 2 but alas we can't have nice things.

Needless to say I think Red Dead Redemption is worth checking out. If you really can't handle it skipping to 2 should be fine but it really is enhanced by playing this one.

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Gets even better after playing RDR2!

Often overlooked for its time. The story has top class writing and the characters throughout really make it feel like your in their world.

Slightly worse than RDR2 which I can't really fault since it came out almost a full decade before it

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“You’re fucking gay! As in homosexual!” -John Marston

this is the real best cozy farming sim game

I need to replay this, but John Marston is no Arthur Morgan. Also, Undead Nightmare might be the best DLC of all time.

In 2010, this was the best Old West game ever. Now it’s a close second best.

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Red Dead Redemption: A continuação perfeita de uma prequel perfeita.

Eu não gostava do John Marston antes, infelizmente no Red Dead Redemption 2 ele é meio que deixado de lado, focando apenas na história de Arthur, eu consigo entender porque foi assim, mas quando eu joguei eu pensei "esse John me parece um personagem meia boca, impossível ser tão bom quanto dizem". Graças a Deus eu estava errado.

Eu já esperava um jogo bom, mas que obviamente não conseguisse superar o sentimento que Red Dead Redemption 2 me passou, e agora, depois de zerar os 2, eu não consigo decidir qual é o melhor.

Um ex-criminoso extremamente procurado, tentando sair de sua vida de crime e se desvinculando de seu passado criminoso, se encontra na mira do governo, que o faz uma proposta: ajudar a capturar os antigos membros de sua gangue em troca da liberdade e do bem-estar de sua família.

Red Dead Redemption 2 é um jogo rico de detalhes e de coisas pra fazer, cada ida ao acampamento da gangue é uma nova interação que você tem com os personagens, as cidades são todas muito vivas, a vegetação verde e com uma grande variedade de animais, enquanto Red dead redemption 1, é solitário, é vazio, é quieto, depressivo. A vegetação amarelada, o sol escaldante, você se encontra em um local desértico, até existem interações com npc's, eventos aleatórios, missões de pessoas desconhecidas e mini-games divertidos, mas a maior parte do jogo é apenas... Vazio.

Arthur podia conversar com os membros da gangue, que eram sua família, que na maior parte do jogo estavam sempre felizes e alto astral, mas, com quem John poderia conversar? Ele perdeu seus amigos, deixado para morrer pelo seu próprio pai, o líder da gangue, perdeu seu irmão, não podia ver nem a própria família, e o objetivo dele era matar ou capturar quem um dia ele considerou seus irmãos. Você também não se sentiria solitário? Depressivo? Vazio? Essa é a exata sensação que o jogo consegue te passar, John não queria vingança, apenas o bem para sua família e ele estava disposto a fazer e sacrificar tudo por eles.

No fim não adiantou de nada, quando ele achou que tudo tinha acabado, que finalmente poderia deixar seu passado para trás e viver uma vida normal com sua família, quando finalmente vemos ele sendo um bom pai e se dando bem com o filho, tudo isso é tirado dele, inclusive sua vida.

Jack Marston tomado pela vingança, 3 anos após a morte do pai, e pouco depois da morte de sua mãe, resolve se vingar de Edgar Ross, e é aí que o jogo acaba. Não sabemos o que aconteceu com Jack depois, tudo que temos são teorias ligadas ao GTA 5 e L.A Noire sobre qual foi o destino de Jack, ele tendo sobrevivido após isso ou não levanta um questionamento, valeu a pena? Eu sei que esse é sempre o questionamento que essa conversa sobre vingança levanta, mas é um questionamento válido, valeu a pena? No epílogo nós vemos Jack como alguém solitário, se pra John só lhe restava sua família, pra Jack não lhe resta nada. Ele não tem ninguém, nós vemos essa casca de durão dele, vendo que ele passou esse tempo todo remoendo esse sentimento de raiva e desejo de vingança, sabe se lá o que aconteceu com Jack depois disso, se ele se deu bem ou não, essa não era a vida que ele deveria seguir, não era o que sua mãe nem seu pai queria, ele tendo se dado bem ou não no final, o que lhe custou? O que ele teve que sacrificar pra isso? Foi a vingança que levou John ao buraco, o mesmo poderia ter acontecido com Jack.

Você não pode ser um homem ruim e esperar que coisas boas aconteçam com você.
(Arthur Morgan)

My mom didn't let me get GTA IV as a kid so she bought me this. Little did I know I was playing peak

There must have been a bomb threat at Rockstar because I cannot for the life of me understand why of the whole Rockstar roster this game got a sequel, glad it did though!

Is that too much to ask for subtitles with adjustable size? Man I'm fuckn blind

As missões de fazenda são um cu

Alright, lasso up, ya varmints, 'cause we're fixin' to talk about "Red Dead Redemption." Now, this here game is one hell of a ride, lemme tell ya.

First things first, let's talk about the goddamn scenery. I mean, just look at them vistas! It's like God himself reached down and painted this whole dang world with his own two hands. And the sunsets? Well, they're so beautiful they'll make ya wanna cry.

Now, the story. Whoo boy, let me tell ya, it's one wild ride. You play as John Marston, a cowboy with more grit than a mouthful of sand. He's out there raisin' hell, chasin' down them no-good outlaws, and let me tell ya, it ain't always pretty. But it sure as hell is entertaining.

And then there's the gameplay. Ridin' through them plains on horseback feels smoother than a shot of bourbon on a cold winter's night. And when it comes to shootin', well, let's just say John Marston's aim is as sharp as a rattlesnake's bite. Ain't no outlaw gonna stand in his way.

But it ain't all sunshine and rainbows out there on the frontier. Oh no, you'll run into your fair share of troublemakers, from bandits to backstabbers, and let me tell ya, they ain't exactly the friendly sort. But that's what makes this game so damn good – the challenge, the danger, the thrill of the hunt.

And let's not forget about the characters. From the grizzled old gunslingers to the wide-eyed newcomers, each one is as colorful as a patchwork quilt. And the dialog? Well, let's just say it's as sharp as a bear trap and twice as deadly. You'll be quotin' lines from this game for years to come, mark my words.

So if you're lookin' for a game that'll make you feel like a true cowboy, look no further than "Red Dead Redemption." It's a rootin' tootin' good time from start to finish, and it'll leave you hollerin' for more faster than a six-shooter at high noon. Yeehaw!

Can't believe this was made by a small section of Rockstar just to prove they could make decent games

I played this on a ps3 emulator at 15 fps and its still 5 stars

Prior to my Open World Game Breaking Point, I found this game an enormous joy for all of the reasons you've heard before. I fell for all the base moves of the story because of how they were presented and what time they came out. It wasn't until I tried a second playthrough a year later that I saw my breakup with open world games coming. I now have no ability to place this game's quality amongst contemporaries, as I'm not capable of looking at open world games without dread. I sure loved it then!

Solid game but definetly hasn’t aged that well compared to other Rockstar titles around that time. Mission variety is basically nonexistent and most of the missions are the usual Rockstar slop: ride with a NPC for a couple of minutes while going to a destination, kill the bad guys, victory. Other than that every other aspect is good/great except the stranger missions.

best feature is emergency breaks (if you know, you know)

Jogo muito bom para a época, só vai dado mais valor a este jogo apos o lançamento do 2, espera-se tanto por um remake deste jogo.