Reviews from

in the past

In a time before Red Dead Redemption, this was the peak western experience and in some ways, it’s still superior. This game is so much fun and the cast is incredibly memorable. Plus it had a cool multiplayer that me and my friends would play. Good times

The first half of this game is some of the most inconsistent mission design ive seen in a game, with levels either being kinda fun to downright unfair and annoying. The second half though makes up for it and has led me to thinking this game isn't too bad. It's probably one of the weirder games Rockstar have made, as it takes on a strict linear mission system, with no open world, compared to their other games. The shooting mechanics actually might be the best in a Rockstar game, as it almost seems like that was the main focus after taking the open world out of this game, which i can appreciate. It's definitely a game worth checking out as it is only around 7-8 hours long, but is definitely not one I am going to be coming back to any time soon. Be weary tho as some of the missions are really fucking ass

I loved playing multiplayer with my dad when I was a kid and shooting each other with flaming bullets.

I was able to complete the story with the help of a Codebreaker. The multiplayer is where I spent most of my time, though.


A solid arcade-like experience. It was weird playing this knowing what the series turned into but that only makes me excited to check out the sequels.


Red Dead Revolver is a game of it's time. A simple game, with a simple story, but it executes both well, with a very fun story, and very good gameplay. It's a great game for fans of traditional westerns. Showdown mode is also really fun with a friend.

I would have loved to play the original (more) arcade-y version

Controls are... Hard to use and the boss fights are positively weird.

But fun.

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It's fine. The quickdraw parts felt jank, and npc protection missions aren't fun, but I enjoyed the other parts well enough.

A very cinematic video game. That is it's best feature. It's aesthetics are amazing . And the gameplay is very good. It also has great levels. Very cinematic and action pact.

Imagine your childhood game being ripped from you, having its genre taken away, and being turned into GTA with cowboys... I'll forever miss you, Red Dead Revolver.

PS, Redemption is still good though

Minha infância de velho oeste resumida em um jogo. Não chega aos pés de red dead redemption 1 e nem do 2, mas é um projeto desses dois jogos.

было интересно узнать, что там делал Дядющка в молодости

Considerando que isso era pra ser um arcade de vampiro da Capcom, tá até de bom tamanho.

É óbvio que a história é kilometros abaixo dos Redemptions, incluindo a gameplay, mas é divertido. O mundo semiaberto funciona moderadamente, já que boa parte das interações são bem inúteis, mas outras te ajudam na campanha.

O que me irrita aqui é o fato dos inimigos esponjas, no qual possuem uma terrível hitbox. As vezes você tá com eles bem na sua mira, mas se ele tiver pegando cover, a arma pode ta bem na cara deles que não vai acertar. E isso me prejudicou um pouco durante a minha gameplay, mas como o jogo é bem curto, acabei por relevando mais do que deveria.

Since when have bar fights required skill in video games? Surely this is an unwritten rule in the "make peak gaming" guideline under the part that says waterfalls have rewards hidden behind them. Once your game's name is Red Dead Revolver, a few things are gonna make as much sense as that title, let's accept that. The game is a beat em up with guns, basically. The transition between levels is dripped out but it's not the case for the actual game. Enemies tend to be bullet sponges and that's fine, because you have lots of ammo, right? Well, kid named reload. Can't even reload unless you run out which is a poor excuse for strategy if that was the intent.

There's that one part I gotta talk about. In one of the early levels, there's an easy jump, and you know what happens if you drop the bag? You're the bag being dropped because you then have to slowly kill yourself jumping small heights before getting back at the start of the level and making the walk back, with no way of killing yourself or restarting a checkpoint other than this. I genuinely applaud this, someone had the worst day at Rockstar back then.

Sometimes, you get to play as other characters, even playing one of the villains, although fuck his map I like seeing a villain get a comeuppance but not when I'm him... for the others, they had maps more or less fun to go through. Two of them get to join your journey and I didn't expect a based trio like that, color me surprised. Or red. I got that dead revolver in me. In more serious thoughts, I started Redemption and have a feeling it won't get a higher rating than Revolver. It's a win for the jank community! We have forgiven Rockstar Studios.

Um bom jogo para a época... Joguei muito.

I really wanted to like this more, but I think there's just a bit too much jank in the game. The voice acting and character animations are really well done despite its simple story and gameplay, and it has a lot of that PS2 charm.

Tem uma história simples porém bacaninha de acompanhar. Gameplay bem arcade, diferente dos seus sucessores, mas ela é um tanto quanto truncada (O que é até compreensível por ser um shooter da época do PS2). Eu não sei se isso é problema da versão que eu joguei (PS3 via PS2 Classics), mas ele é bem borrrado pra ver as coisas do cenário, parece que eu tô com miopia. Fora isso, é um jogo bem OK.

Red Dead Revolver is a forgotten game of it's era, mainly because it was foreshadowed by GUN, that's what I said in my RDR2 review, but is it worth it to try it today?

This game might not be open world like GUN or something like that, but it has a hub which is the town. It's a fine third-person with action and wild west theme even has a weapons menu each time you start a new mission and there you can repair your gun and stuff, even wondering around the town you can go into the saloon,gun shop and stuff like that, and yes it has interaction with NPCs so you can do/buy stuff with them.
Duels are neat, but the game in general gets very tough and I will explain that later.
You play the storyline missions with other characters as well, not only Red Harlow, also the game is pretty goofy most of the times so yeah.

The events of revolver are not canon in the RDR universe, just like the GTAs with the 3D versus HD.
It happens in 1880s, our protagonist loses his parents and this marks a huge revenge sequence in the plot, later on Red Harlow finds himself in brimstone, a city where he takes leads to find his wanted killers. There he takes bounties and tries to stop outlaws for the sheriff, when the sheriff acknowledged his true identity he let him go free later on, as a second antagonist we have Javier Diego the leader of the mexican army, he reformed an army by the name of renegade, he was one of Red's family killers and chased him down while riding a horse on a train.
You can also play with jack and annie, and even red's cousin from his mother side, annie wants revenge because her ranch was burnt out by griffon's men, griffon is the main antagonist of the game.
You can play with another major character in the game by the name of jack swift, a bank robber.
By the end, after red wins the battle royale him and his two fellas are chasing down griffon in his mansion to put an end to his suffering, there you rescue another playable character by the name of buffalo, a soldier that you played in some missions.
After your friends are separated you find griffon and take him to a last duel to avenge your family and after that you decline the bounty price because it was already paid by the satisfaction of avengeance.

A story with a basic plot, not a bad plot but a memorable one because it was not so complex, sometimes i'm really amazed by some games of the PS2, this game got some great content aside from the story but do me a favor, PLAY THIS GAME ON A PLAYSTATION CONTROLLER, I finished it on a 360 bootleg and it was PAINFUL mostly in the end when you have to cover annie and jack and checkpoints are not that many, it had some aim assist but the controls were damn awful and that's why I died so many times in a duel, by default this game is pretty tough and I won't be mad if someone used quick saves if they were in my position (I did it in some parts).

Emulator gameplay
Bom jogo, lembro que joguei muito na infância o modo coop mas nunca tinha zerado( por ser burro e não saber inglês também). Tem seus defeitos, principalmente pela geração de consoles, mas acho que da pra tirar umas horas de diversão( e ódio também).
Good game, i remember play when i was a children but i just played coop. It´s a good game, you can have fun playing(and rage too)

more racist than i thought it would be

Comparado aos seus sucessores ele é fraco, porém um jogo decente e curto, divertido. O multiplayer local desse jogo fez minha infância mais feliz.

a história e o plot são previsíveis, mas a gameplay, o sistema de duelo, mapas e missões são excepcionais. mesmo que o jogo tenha um nível de dificuldade grande, é muito difícil não se divertir jogando este jogo