Reviews from

in the past

I played it with a friend, and it was quite a fun time, but it just ain't that good.

Alright, this is actually a really fun game! Wish the servers were still online so that I didn't have to play it solo...

So much potential, so hard to make it work in today's world playing solo.

The game is so good in co-op, that they should do a remake and release it on PC!


Pretty dang fun coop OS RE game. Figuring out some of the puzzles while on a constant timer could be annoying at times, but for the most part, gameplay was on point, and cooperation with buds was a fun time.

Incredible game, but very underrated.
Incredible graphics, super interesting history and mechanics and enormous difficulty.
I still play today!

Note: Reviewing this as someone attempting to play this game single-player.

SO I decided to try out RE: Outbreak! It's a multiplayer game that took advantage of the internet to make it a 4 player game, though I think these days it probably would've been better received, especially with microphone and such as opposed to just doing vague commands.

This can be a real pain in the ass, especially as your characters all have only four inventory slots so trying to combine items and such gets really annoying. You can change items with what you have in your inventory, but because it's multiplayer you don't have time to access your menu AND the gun doesn't reload by itself, you must do it via the menu, even with a spare pistol clip that makes it faster. Why they didn't program the reload you can do in other, older RE games is beyond me.

Beyond the issues of attempting to play this multi-player game solo, there were a lot of merits to the game for doing a few interesting things.

Each area had options to do things that'll aid in slowing down the zombies. One I found very useful was on the upper floor of the pub you start in, there's a nailgun and if you use it with wooden boards at the doorway, you can seal it up and have a little short movie where the survivors are reacting to what they just experienced and listening to a radio and learning about an evacuation point that becomes your new target.

I personally liked that little touch of being able to create little temporary barricades like that as that's something people would certainly do in a zombie apocalypse situation!

Back when this came out, even though I didn't have many friends, no one ever used the online network for the PS2 and in many cases, had no idea that it was even a thing! If they had tried this idea nowadays or even created a remake of this that allows for modern internet systems, voice chat and ect, then I can imagine this would be quite a hit!


I originally played this game a few years ago with just the bots and had a real hard time enjoying it, but getting the fan servers up and playing it all the way through with some pals has elevated this game to my top 5 RE games.

Outbreak fucking rules and I can't believe how well it actually makes co-op survival horror work! Now is probably the best time to play Outbreak, with voice chats services like Discord making it easier to create plans and strategies with your friends than it ever was back in the day.

Setting the game up so that it'll plan online again is a 10 minute job, so if you have a semi-functional PC from the last 10 years that can run a PS2 emulator, and if your a classic RE fan, you owe it to yourself to check this one out!

Help! Help me dammit! I'm sick of this shit. Everything is shit. My life is shit. EVERYTHING DIES. Including you and then when you die you turn in to a zombie and you can try to attack your teammates as long as a door, staircase or ladder isn't in the way.

This game was way ahead of its time and was released on the wrong system. PS2 had no functional online infrastructure to support a fully multiplayer cooperative game. The only reason FF11 worked was because everything it needed was part of FF11 - not "PSN", there was no PSN. Capcom did not do the work to make this game fully functional. You could only chat with teammates in the lobby before the game launched. In game you could only spam voice lines that were useless. There was no text chat or party chat. Capcom should remake this game like they "tried" to do with Resistance and RE:Verse, now that the features this game needed to succeed are all completely baseline for online gaming.

É incrível explorar o lado dos civis no desastre de raccoon. O jogo é uma ótima pedida pra quem adora essa fase da franquia.

I love this game despite its flaws and find it to be extremely interesting to pick apart with its interesting cutscenes,scenarios and wide cast to pick from.however my favorite thing from this game is the witty dialog the characters give to each other from time to time.I wish there was co-op at time instead of multi-player at times because of how fun couch co-op could be.however the character and item swapping system is pretty hard with me fighting with characters to give one a gun on limited inventory while the other character drops important items from the other one for 5 minutes can be annoyingly this game :)

They had some very interesting ideas and I bet this was cool as hell in 2003, but it does not hold up very well.

Dessa vez é pessoal...

O meu Resident Evil Favorito e o jogo da minha vida.

Não consigo nem descrever a importância que esse pedaço de plástico e dados tem pra mim.

Além do mais sua lore é interessante para um caralho, Contar a história de todo o surto em Raccoon? Proposta incrível.

Buen RE con buena atmosfera a lo re clásico. Muchos personajes algunos mejores que otros y mucha rejugabilidad, la mecánica de estar infectado es una poronga pero aun así es bastante disfrutable

A cracking good time with friends, I wish we'd get a File 3 but I know we never will

The Outbreak File games are the best types of resident evil games

O resident evil mais difícil da série pq como requisito, é necessário a boa vontade de mais 3 pessoas para o coop e isso é complicado.

esse e o #File 2 são os reais RE Survivor Horror q existem , legal mas esse tem uns travamentos

Sabes que hubiera estado bueno ? que lo sacaran en pc

my hot take is that this, with file#2, is probably my favourite entry in the resident evil series. it's entirely in the adaptable, exciting, varied, scenarios and character experimentation. each scenario has its own pros and cons but all are distinct and memorable; with jack's bar being one of my favourite experiences in all of gaming. there's undeniable nostalgia involved but I don't care. and that opening cutscene!

but to rank them:
jack's bar, as mentioned, perfect momentum and tutorial
the hive, atmospheric, great threat
hellfire, really excellent concept, frustrating with too many loading screens and maze-like layout
below freezing point, always simpler than remembered and my favourite iteration of the umbrella labs, but I just never actively wanna play it yknow?
decisions decisions, hot take but not hot on these puzzles, the poison, or boss

with this said, yeah, all are great and knowing file #2 is arguably even better? excited to replay it this year

Really unique and fun experience!

But goodness am I getting beat up hard with my friend, I read it's designed around 4 player so, gotta be ready to grind it out and get better! Or have lots of friends!!

The last scenario is the best one by far, feels way more complete and like a proper resident evil style experience. I kind of like the experimentation and different ideas going on with the different scenarios, but some of the ideas fall a bit flat for me and some are pretty rad.

Also, Mark is my beloved security guard of choice.

this shit with friends is UNBELIEVABLY FUN. there is the hangup of the levels being pretty cryptic... but i mean, if you have no shame of just lookin up a general guide and just...playing the game and strategizing with your buds...this is easily a top 10 RE game if not top 5.

Possui uma ótima trilha sonora, o jogo possui diversos detalhizinhos interessantes e a proposta foi a frente de seu tempo, um jogo online de resident evil coop. Os mapas são interessantes e possui personagens interessantes, cada um se destacando de um jeito diferente. Possui bons puzzles e boa exploração do cenário. O file 1 é levemente pior que o segundo, pois é um pouco menos polido e os mapas são piores.

pontos negativos: muitos bugs, a falta de saves prejudica o jogo, executado na época errada, história toda bagunçada e em geral, ambas versões são mal polidas, creio que por falta de investimento.

Re4, Outbreak 1 and 2 were developed concurrently, when Capcom's passion for Resident Evil was at an all-time high, and it shows. I don't think any RE game has as much sheer content as the pair of Outbreak games.

Offline, the games are unexceptional but still fun for an RE fan. Online, they are the best multi-player RE experiences available. The biggest flaw was that they were too ahead of their time. If these were ps3 games even, people would still be playing online in large numbers. Put the games on Steam, Capcom!

My favourite scenario in Outbreak is the first one at J's Bar. What an amazing way to start the game and throw you into the thick of it!

The best early Resident Evil game, imo. The opening is great, probably the best from this particular era.

Muito a frente de seu tempo e talvez por isso não tenha sido melhor

Existem muitos conceitos que fazem com que Outbreak seja um game único, tanto para o lado positivo quanto negativo, por mais que a negatividade do conceito não seja de fato um defeito do game e sim da época em que ele foi lançado. Por mais que já existisse gameplay online de forma cooperativa, ainda era algo muito embrionário.

Como um jogo digamos que "experimental" para a Capcom tentar o online, ele se saiu muito bem e até hoje é considerado uma das melhores empreitadas da franquia nos moldes do online, mas a verdade é que ele só segura esse sarrafo por conta de todo o restante que o compõe e por que as outras tentativas de online da franquia são sem alma e um copia e cola de outras coisas que fizeram sucesso.

Outbreak é único no seu próprio estilo, um dos jogos que todo fã de Resident Evil precisa pelo menos experimentar, mas que infelizmente está sucumbindo ao tempo de forma acelerada. Os comandos não são tão precisos, os personagens ainda são um pouco tanques e, na minha opinião o jogo sofre de dois problemas bem chatos que são os altos tempos de loading ente cada porta e o inventário com apenas 4 slots. Por mais que os seus companheiros possam acomodar mais itens, a IA é estupida para carregar coisas importantes e que de fato ajudam no gameplay, então ter que ficar gerenciando o seu inventário de 4 slots e os da IA é MUITO cansativo, me fez quase lembrar do sistema de inventário do Resident Evil 0 que é o que eu mais odeio.

Além da IA não ser ter uma inteligência boa, outra coisa que incomoda são as falas repetidas e quase que incessantes que eles fazem a cada 30 segundos, sempre falando as mesmas coisas ou coisas sem sentido para o momento. Atrelando isso ao fato de que a trilha sonora em alguns momentos é escassa, você vai ser buzinado por comentários que vão cansar muito rápido por conta dessa repetitividade.

A diversão vem pelo fato do jogo ser, em sua essência, um bom Resident Evil, pois tem muita exploração e aqui isso é crucial, tem bons e clássicos inimigos, conta com cenários conhecidos e novidades muito legais, mas de forma geral todo o level design desse game é bom.

Todos os cenários contam com muitas coisas para se descobrir, itens para desbloquear e por aí vai, fazendo com que cada missão seja um grande puzzle geral pq você não é obrigado a fazer 100% das coisas para terminar uma fase, mas você pode se perder várias vezes pois a grande dificuldade dele nem é sobre os inimigos, mas sim sobre gerenciar recursos e progredir. Então, como mencionado anteriormente, você pode se sentir cansado em uma fase por conta dos muito loadings e do pace que se constrói por conta disso e de algumas demoradas resoluções de caminhos.

Vale a pena? Sim! Para mim, jogar de uma única vez foi muito cansativo por conta disso. Agora eu preciso relaxar minha mente.

This one and the sequel are on my list of favorite bad games. Great idea but in the wrong generation. Resident evil with the classic tank controls divided in five scenarios, with a playable character and two others controlled by AI or Player (in online). Great atmosphere, graphics, charismatic characters and soundtrack. The game suffers by dated architecture (controls to heavy, door to door loadings) and the beginning of online multiplayer in consoles. Not the best resident evil game, but one of the most fun of the whole franchise. If you have patience to learn the controls this game will be a blast.