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in the past

For the price it's a very decent experience.

Shadows of Rose is short and offers a bite-sized RE experience. It feels a bit standard but it tries to experiment with stealth mechanics.

The extra Mercenaries are very fun but you need to be already loving the merc mode to get value out of this.

Again, you get what you pay for.

Not perfect, there's some bullshit in there gameplay-wise, but Shadow of Rose is short and sweet, the third person is well thought out, and the Mercs overhaul is just generally appreciated.

While ultimately disappointing in its storytelling, Shadows of Rose has some great set pieces, including one of the best in recent memory for the franchise for both scares and puzzle solving.

Third-Person Mode is neat, but who would have guessed that the game made for first person feels and performs better in first person?

Shadow of Rose is nothing jesus christ how is it Like That. Just like a blank void of anything even happening.

Shadow of Rose at first looked like a typical indie-horror, towards the end it became more interesting, but the finale takes us back to the starting point of the narrative, which devalues the significance of this dlc, 5-6/10

This Village expansion adds three new modes, the main one being The Shadows of Rose story expansion. Most of this review will be focused on that so first let’s get the other additions out of the way. There are new Mercenaries levels and three new characters including the fan favorite Lady Dimitrescu. The new characters add new attacks mirroring their powers in the game, basically it’s Mercs easy mode as all three are overpowered and can tear through all enemies without a care. The big issue is that the way this mercenaries works did not change with the update. It’s still just about finding the correct path to kill everyone quickly, once you learn that path there is nothing more to it. The new characters just exacerbate how boring this Mercs is. The next big addition is third person mode for the main campaign which is a neat feature but ultimately doesn’t change much.

Shadows of Rose at least is worth playing, it’s not the best piece of RE DLC but it’s not the worst either. In it you play teenage Rose 16 years after Village and now she gets sucked into a mind trick into the megamycete which allows the devs to revisit and remix areas from Village. It’s kind of a shame that all this DLC is just reused assets, it adds to how basic the whole package feels but at least they tried to make it a compelling 3-5 hours of play.

Rose has powers which manifest as her holding out her hand and freezing the mold enemies that come to kill her. She can blow apart these mold buds that create barriers in the environment, the first part of the DLC revolves around exploring the castle and finding ways around these barriers while being attacked by slow moving mold like creatures. During this segment Rose has very little ammo and her powers are weak so it’s a whole lot of just running away. They try to make a sort of traditional RE level where you are looking for keys and avoiding monsters but the balance between resources and exploration just isn’t well done. I did like how this segment ended where they give you a ton of ammo and get into a more RE4 like boss battle that was thrilling.

The next segment is where I changed my mind on this DLC and started to feel it was worth it. Minor spoilers ahead, next section takes place in the Beneviento house and once again it’s a mind fuck. No baby this time but what they do have is still really creepy and leads to some creative fun segments. Because this story takes place in Roses mind they go more supernatural, this allows them to do things that no RE game before has done, I thought it was a fun section even if in the end it’s just a glorified stealth section. Presentation matters, especially in a horror game, this section managed to hit that note of being unsettling and weird in all the best ways.

The final section is the usual get a bunch of ammo and just blast your way to the end segment. It ends with a pretty good boss battle that makes use of some of the powers Rose acquires. I do wish this DLC did more with the story as a 16 year jump could offer so much story development but we learn nothing of the outside world. Rose is the focus and there is some closure to the Ethan saga, I still feel they could have given us a bit more. In the end I did enjoy this DLC campaign and it’s by far the main reason to get this pack.

For $20 the value isn’t terrible. Third person mode is a fine excuse to replay Village, Mercs is fun to mess around with the new characters for a bit and the Rose campaign is worth playing. I feel like RE7 plethora of DLC modes was a much better package than this so if that’s your comparison know that this DLC pack is not at that league. Big fans of the game should get it, the rest maybe wait for cheaper if the Rose DLC intrigues you.

Overall Score: 7

Shadow of Rose :
comecinho ok, joguei no intenso entao fez eu PENSAR um pouco como usar os recurso q eu tinha
house beneviento sendo a melhor parte do jogo DE NOVO.
e o final foi um meme puro

Modo terceira pessoa :
camera tão ruim que parece que to manobrando um caminhão, além de que os item que tu usa simplesmente são a mão de Deus q usa, tipo as chaves.

Mercenaries novo
2 stage novo fraco + personagens q são bacaninha de jogar, mesmo o merce desse jogo sendo bastante meme.

meh, podia ter sido melhor mas nao foi tão ruim

So, when I talked about RE8, I had 2 major complaints. They should've focused more on action then amusement park spook house moments and I wasn't too keen on how much the game seemed to lean more into magic powers over science fiction.
Shadows of Rose taking place in what's essentially a teenager's dream really hampered the tension. You get to actually fight for only around half the game with a very neutered weapon set. Then you get a somewhat neat but less scary equivalent to the dollhouse section from the main game, followed by an extremely boring stealth section that really over stays its welcome. I know there's a lot of people butt hurt about RE6 saying, "Resident Evil isn't an action series" but I just plain think they're wrong. When RE works it's a mixture of action and problem solving with a hauntingly beautiful horror setting. At least that's my take.
I was also very confused by them taking away the heal button and I now had to go to the menu for it. Turns out that was literally just because you get a new skill that uses that button right a the very end for one short section. This would almost make sense... except I'm playing on mouse and keyboard and there's a million keys it could've been set to while keeping the heal button. I even had to change it since the button set up the expected me to use (and by that I mean didn't put any consideration into at all) was completely rancid. I also feel like they had to hold back given the teenage protagonist. Seeing "you are lost" instead of "you are dead" just felt like I was watching a tv edit of a rated R film.
I can totally understand someone enjoying this but if most of this ends up being indicative of RE9s direction, then you can probably count me out.

It's quite apparent that all hands are on deck working on the RE4 remake and they left the D-Team to figure out how to squeeze fans out of $20. They did not do a good job...

Shadows of Rose is the worst piece of content to ever plague the mainline Resident Evil series. It has a dreadfully boring story with horrific made-for-teens writing about a character that's insanely hard to give a shit about. The TPS perspective is a total afterthought and feels more like a janky fan mod than a proper implementation. The DLC takes you on a dull trek through hilariously recycled areas in a painfully linear fashion, and combat manages to feel really limp between the piss poor enemy variety and your only two available firearms being the weakest pistol and shotgun of the base game. It's insane how worthless this story expansion is, and that's really driven home by the fact that the final cutscene is... a repeat of the base game's final cutscene.

As for the other offerings of this expansion... 2 characters for Mercenaries mode which I don't like as much as 4-6's and TPS mode for the base game, which just gives you a worse-feeling game. Like I said, this view mode feels poorly thought out and it's embarrassing that it's an entire third of what $20 will get you when it feels like something most games would add for free in a patch..

As far as value goes this expansion is just sad. RE7's $30 expansion gave you a lot of content with varied gameplay, and an extra free DLC on top of that. 2 of these DLCs provided much appreciated expansions to the story that made it feel truly complete. Your $20 here gets you an awful 3 hour slog, shitty TPS mode, and a whopping 2 characters for Mercs mode. Embarrassing.

Initially a fantastic showing, with effectively crafted scares even with the shift to 3rd person. The DLC expansion unfortunately falls apart in the second half, ending abruptly, and with much of the potentially interesting ideas complacently explained away on collectible documents towards the very end of the DLC. Asset re-use is incredibly prevalent here, and it's a twin-edged sword. The repurposing of RE8's content to play with expectations and craft new experiences is great, but it comes at the cost of not feeling particularly invigoratingly new.

The claustrophobic corridors of many of RE8's repurposed environments are both a help and hinderance in the enjoyment of this new content. Proximity based button prompts were already an issue in the base game's original first person mode, and this problem is exacerbated in third person. Third person camera made some sections tense in ways that are completely unique to this content, but I can also see the case where someone would argue this would undercut tension by being able to check around corners. For the most part, the transition between perspectives has worked well (even if the environments were not originally designed for this greater field of view and freer camera control.

Clocking in at roughly 3 hours of play time on my end (and I took what felt like a slower jaunt through this DLC than others) this expansion feels overpriced currently. This is particularly true if you have no interest in playing the base game in 3rd Person or in new Mercenaries content. If the Shadows of Rose DLC had been purchasable separately at somewhere closer to $8 instead of $16, it'd be an easier recommend.

I've only briefly messed around with the new Mercenaries content. Punching things as Chris is entertaining enough. What strikes me as somewhat bizarre is how buying this expansion pack only offers you the chance to play as the Lords from the base game - dependent on your skill ceiling and ability to score highly - rather than simply letting you use the characters you have just shelled out over $15 for.

All in all, fine enough content - but lower expectations and maybe wait for a sale or to simply purchase the Gold Edition of RE8 if you have yet to buy the game at all.

This review contains spoilers

Those fucking mannequins

Shadows of Rose was nice. A bit mysterious (not talking about who Michael turns out to be...) in its set-up, and doesn't really deliver all that much. Mixed feelings: Would've loved the ending stinger to be a little different, but it was a nice "now you know" kinda rewatch.

The struggle of Rose is a familiar trope, so not much to say about her as a character. She's nice. Noorderburen actress slaying it.

Was nice to revisit the castle and to see The Duke in a different light as a Phantom Thief of Hearts. Mould creatures were a little clustered at first, but after you unlock the Rose powers it becomes a cakewalk. Overall it goes relatively quick. House Beneviento had a great atmosphere. Takes a little longer to learn the routes of -THAT- segment. Nice to see they can still add new things. The final leg of the house is really well done. A lot of Little Nightmares vibes.

Village section was short, but the whole buildup to the end was pretty sweet. The way you traverse in these worlds was also fun to watch. Idk if we're finally wrapping up the storylines from RE7 now, but it feels a little hamfisted in. Final boss is a bit clunky and takes too long if you, like me, forget to read the prompts. Once you figure out all your options it is so incredibly easy.

Overall: It was a fun return after me not playing it for the last 3 months. Saw some old favorites and had new mechanics that really fit the world of Village. Plot was a little lacking and we didn't really get any answers to the questions people were wondering. But it's a cool set-up for Rose as a character. Can't wait to see what is (and if there is anything) in store for her next.

Son oyunda ana karakter Ethan'ın kızı Rose(bebek) kaçırılıyordu. Oyun boyunca bebeği kurtarmaya çalışıyorduk. Bu DLC o olaylardan 16 yıl sonrasında geçiyor. Rose artık ergen. Kendisi bazı güçlere sahip. Bu yüzden okulda "freak" olarak adlandırılıyor. (Halbuki hanım ağa olması gerekiyor.) Normal bir insan:) olmak için güçlerinden kurtulmak istiyor. Birimdeki bir arkadaşı da buna yardım ediyor.

Rose bir mantar aracılığıyla zihin yolculuğuna çıkıyor ve oyun burada başlıyor. Ana oyunun haritaları DLC'de değiştirilmiş şekilde kullanılmış. Çok büyük değişiklikler olan bölümler de var. Hikâye anlatımı için tatlı ve uygun bir yol tercih edilmiş.
Ana oyunun oynanışı ilk bölümlerde mevcut. Sonradan Rose'un güçlerini kullanmaya başlıyoruz. Bu güçlerin ana odağı mantarların kapattığı yerleri açmak, bir de düşmanları yavaşlatıp güçsüz bırakmak. Çünkü Rose zayıf bir karakter. İki sıkımlık canı var. Açıkçası mantığa uyduğu için bu fikri sevdim.
Bölüm tasarımı klasik Resi. Yine şahane. Anlatmaya gerek yok.

Sonraki bölümlerde silah gücü oyuncunun elinden alınıyor. Bir anda korku oyununa dönüyor. Bir kısımda bakmazsan harekete geçen mankenler kullanılmış. Özgün değil ama çok doğru noktada kullanılmış. En korkunç Resi sekanslarından biri olabilir.

Oyunun bu ikinci yarısı çok sinematik olmuş. Yani oynanış anlamında çok sinematik. Gizlilik var ama oyuna uygun değil. Sürekli Escape sekansları var. Bunlar çok fazla ve anlamsız şekilde zor. Escape sekansına zorluk konulmaz ki. Çünkü sinematik bir alan orası. Öldüğünde en baştan başlıyorsun. Aynı animasyonları defalarca izliyorsun. Yeni bir şey olmuyor ki.
Saklambaç kısımlarındaki gizlilik de tatmin edici değildi.

Hikâye sunumu güzel ama klişe. Mantar aracılığıyla zihin aktarımı fikri hoşuma gitti. Bir de karakterlerin hikâyesi noktalanmış oldu.

That Rose DLC was really whack

DLC mileage will vary depending on your enjoyment of the base game and 7. At its core Shadow of Rose has the same things that I dislike about both games. That being the game/story is super geared to the first time playthrough. It's a roller-coaster ride and once you know all the beats you see past the smoke and mirrors making it never as effective as the first time.

The """stealth""" in this dlc gave me flashbacks of the evil within one. Having you awkwardly shimmy around a box crouched trying to see if the monster is look towards you or not. Its like a bad game of game mechanics telephone started with the last of us passed to the evil within then now to re8.

The gameplay itself is fun enough and the set pieces are pretty creative but i can't see myself ever playing this dlc again.

Shadows of Rose was good enough but not anything too crazy good. kinda another rollercoaster thing that is quite linear.

Adding third person to the main game is pretty cool but not really necessary? but like it's cool that they added it, i guess it's nothing to complain about

Mercenaries is fun to play around in for a little bit and try to beat your scores and they added quite a lot of content there which is fun

I enjoyed my 3 hours with the DLC and I can understand where some people are coming from for the story not being there, but the people who complain about reused assets should shut the hell up. Get it with the gold edition of Village if you don't own it already.

Pretty cool DLC. Getting to see some of the areas in a new way was really cool and Rose's powers are a neat touch. Wish there was a bit more to it though.

Decent dlc, however I beat it in 2 hours and on normal difficulty this still doesn't feel like a survival horror (even though they advertised it as such). Although you can maximise your ammo by avoiding encounters, you still have more than enough to kill every enemy in the game.

shadows of rose was pretty badass but i don't have too much to say about the dlc as a whole

Shadows of Rose was a nice little revisit to RE8. I like how they emphasize survival horror a little more than in the original game. I also think the game is gorgeous looking. Maybe one of the best looking games I’ve played. And for me, the prettiness kinda makes up for having to play through the same rooms that we already did in the base game. Which I was a little split on actually. I thought it was cool to revisit the environments I really liked like the demitrescu castle but then when we had to revisit other environments that I didn’t care for too much, I kinda wished for something new. But yeah overall it was cool. It was like a RE8 Best Hits album. Oh and what everyone is saying is correct, there is a very scary part in it lmao. It was so scary that I was falling asleep while playing it and then the scary part started and it woke me the fuck up lol. 3rd person mode is way better for this btw imo tbh.

I really enjoyed playing the campaign again in third person, which will be the way I play going forward easily, even though it still feels like enemies and balance still feel like they were designed for FP view. I don't care. Greatly prefer third person.

Don't care about Mercenaries add ons as the base merc mode wasn't very good or what I want from a side RE game.

The rose story I felt was overal okay but felt completly unnesseary. Glad this is the end of the Winters saga as I feel it's the lowest point for RE.

this franchise seems to have confused puzzles for instructions.

While Shadows of Rose doesn’t quite take Village to the next level, it’s kind of insane that they were able to create something worthwhile out of so many reused assets.

It’s a bite-size campaign that condenses and simplifies the RE8 experience: key hunting, some puzzles, some shooting, an unbelievably scary bit, and a bombastic/very Japanese final boss fight. Not groundbreaking, but it works despite obvious conveniences.

I was invested in the Shadows of Rose story, but the dialogue can be corny and overwrought. The Mercenaries additions are neat (play as boulder boy, booba lady, and neckbeard!), although I still wish it were more like Mercenaries from RE4. Third person is a welcome inclusion but isn’t entirely necessary (aside from getting people to stop asking for it). If you enjoyed RE8, it’s likely you’ll enjoy this, but you probably knew that going in.

I personally love Village and am glad to have more of it, but part of me wishes they would have created tons of all-new environments and weapons and enemies and made it a full game… and called it Resident Evil 9.

But that’s a lot to ask from a $20 DLC.

im just reviewing shadows of rose here, i havent played any of the new mercenaries stuff yet or third person in the main game

it was fun! i kinda wish there were some new setpieces and was a little disappointed that most of the game takes place in the castle and house beneviento again. insane steam reviewers saying the dlc only took them 1 - 1.5 hours to beat. it took me about 3 hours and i wasn't going slow or anything. also whats up with the end credits song trying to sound like bjork

It has one of the scariest moments I have experienced in gaming.

I wanted this DLC to expand on the ending and it did in a way and didn't in another. I really enjoyed the gameplay and horror vibes. It was perfect to release late October. I encourage anyone to play this despite giving it only a 7/10. It will give you a lot to talk about with how you think the future of RE will be.

- More time spent in the gloriously immersive world of Resident Evil Village.
- Wraps up the Ethan Winters story nicely.
- Creative implementation of Rose's power set and a smattering of standout new enemy types (the mannequins that only move when you are facing away from them)...

- ...the mould creatures are still just fodder.
- The two main set piece sequences are essentially remixed versions of sequences seen in the main game.
- Final boss fight can be a little clunky.

I liked Roses DLC (although being a fucking nightmare fuel, seriously fuck that Mannequin section).
The addition of 3rd Person View is such a great change to the game (I myself don't like 1st Person games THAT much but am willing to tolerate it).
The Additional Orders in Mercenaries is the best thing ever. Having the choice to play as Ethan, Daddy Chris, Hobo Dante/Heisenberg and Lady D is such a fun and wide experience.

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I genuinely love seeing creative reuse of assets and Shadows of Rose has that in spades. The story is much stronger from a vibes point of view rather than presenting any groundbreaking plot developments. A nice little remix of Village proper.

Ethan's strongest attribute is still the fact that he absolutely fucking LOVES being a dad which is such a refreshing take in a market that's saturated with stories about kids who have a tumultuous relationship with their parental figures. I do think Capcoms refusal to show Ethans face has crossed over into farcical territory now though. The lengths they go to to hide it made me laugh in what was supposed to be an emotional father-daughter reunion. Oh well. It's a stylistic choice and I can't resent them for sticking to it!

I hope we'll see more of Rose. She's a sweetheart.

Resi Village Third Person mode is a neat little addition and was a nice excuse to visit the main story again. A fairly solid DLC package overall.