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in the past

A masterpiece it is not but it is hauntingly beautifull, i do think a later reread will help a lot but from what i read im satisfied, amazing music and eerie atmosphere as well as for negatives there are definetly parts where urobochi could have held back

i really liked the concepts and the beginning of the story but everything goes downhill as the story proceeds, not in a good way. everything is just so needlessly edgy, making it such a hollow story

se ignorar as h-scenes, é um jogo perfeito. queria jogar de novo pela primeira vez.

god historia god diseños terrible todo lo demas

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i love the concept of fucked up meat/bile/organ vision and alongside the incredible score it's really easy to get engrossed within the opening minutes. unfortunately it ends up being wasted on a story with a few good moments and too many shameful scenes which serve no purpose besides sexual gratification. even outside of those incredibly distasteful scenes it still often ends up too edgy for its own good, the unfitting score choice during koji and fuminori's final confrontation as well as koji's conversation with his hallucination during his ending come to mind. i think the endings themselves are all pretty interesting but the fast pace the last two take to come to their conclusions are a bit unsatisfying. it's all a real shame because it could absolutely be something way better than it is

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An amazing read. Probably the most tense I've felt reading anything. The writing builds tension and suspense wonderfully while throughly disturbing you with moments of horror and the mere idea of other aspects of it. It toys wonderfully with lovecraftian esque horror and the deep rooted psychological fears of what lies beyond the veil of human reason. It does bother me that at points characters will be stupid or act stupid for little reason, such as how the final and best written ending only happens if Koji decides to act retarded. Yoh's "death" also feels a bit lackluster in terms of her reasoning for going there. Has the same issue most horror movies have where when people die it doesn't feel like it was out of their control. Might be a personal issue though, still a fantastic read! - 2022

"You know the dandelion flower? The one that scatters its seeds on the wind?

The wind carries those fluffy seeds far, far from where they were born. What if one of them ends up in a desert where not even a single blade of grass is growing? If you can imagine how that lone seed will feel... then you might be able to understand me.

That seed is still a baby flower. If it does its best, it can turn even a desert into a garden.

Maybe that little seed will decide to thrive. Maybe it will decide to grow and multiply, so that it can turn the whole desert into a field of dandelions.

What do you think can give it the strength to do so?

All it needs... is to be loved by just one person in the whole desert. All it needs is to be told how pretty dandelions are."

im not a huge VN fan if there isn’t any actual gameplay, but i did enjoy this one. pretty gross and i love the concept. the fact that there are only 2 or 3 choices is BAFFLING. i have no idea if thats normal but im shocked by it.

Was hugely influential when working on a horror VN myself. Incredible direction making the most grotesque, uneasy, bonechilling atmosphere with nothing more than still images and music. Phenomenal OST.

On the other hand, gets a little too comfortable being gross and horrifying for shock value. MULTIPLE rape scenes doesn't scare me it just makes me wonder what your goddamn deal is. Found out the version on Steam was actually the CENSORED version too. Christ.

Either way, an essential horror experience if you can stomach that kind of stuff.

extremely overhyped. play literally any other visual novel.

ive always been curious about this game as i've talked with people who loved it, and people who hated it. but this is. not very good.

and cool concept goes completely wasted in this VN, and MC and saya become so insufferable that i was looking forward to every POV switch, which i think were actually pretty good.

the gratuitous use of rape for shock value, and the excess amount of sex scenes made me stare blankly at the screen for their entire duration.

the breaking point for me was when some pretty good dialogue was delivered in another POV, at MC, only for it to switch back to MC's POV and he was getting a blowjob through the duration of the call. i almost burst a blood vessel.

i liked ryoko and koji. the soundtrack was very good. not giving this a rating. my curiosity was sated but those are hours im never getting back <3

EDIT: i fuckinfg forgot to mention the weird loli shit going on with saya. anyway! blowing myself up

unhinged madness. It's pretty fucking great if you're not a pansy little bitch.

GOES SO HARD BRO ryoko pov was so fucking good i busted

Really amazing visuals and sound are completely overshadowed by the gross stuff. Really astounded some of these reviews completely blow past them. Like I don’t even feel comfortable writing out a one sentence summarization of a certain scene I have in mind. You all really need to be on a list.

All the gross shit is written like erotica, not like horror. There is just weird fetish porn you’re supposed to jerk off to in the middle of your horror media. Imagine if Angela from Silent Hill 2 started giving you jerk off instructions while she’s on the burning staircase. Yeah.

a história e tematica, tensão, suspense são muito bons mas o romance é um coco

Maravilhoso, três finais muito bem feitos e assustadores

Horrible, pero el segundo final me gusta....

Zerei pelo youtube pq esse jogo é um inferno de achar de forma legitima, saya no uta é um jogo no minimo unico. O nivel de pertubação da narrativa é a personificação do termo "não existe fundo do poço pois vc sempre pode cavar mais fundo" todavia esse jogo sofre da sindrome do punheteiro japonês com uns momentos que vc vê um puta momento sendo jogando no lixo pra agradar um pervetido do outro lado do mundo

Don't tell god, I played this game

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Has a strong hook and an interesting concept that is ultimately bogged down by a lack of any substance whatsoever. While the score is fantastic, I'm afraid I can't give the story the same praise - it's edgy torture porn that leaves much to be desired.

I think it does a great job at setting a tone, and it's packed with some genuinely chilling scenes - the mystery, disgust, and morbid curiosity I felt going through them had me on the edge of my seat, and that's one of the few things I'll give this game credit for. The h-scenes, however, were completely unnecessary; there's one in particular that serves no purpose to the plot other than appealing to the author's barely disguised rape fetish. And in the off-chance it's not that, it's just a cheap way of making the story "dark" with minimal effort.

The plot itself was barebones. The build-up was there, but the climax was unsatisfying no matter what ending I got. And while I can normally appreciate a game that leaves me unsettled and uncomfortable, by the time I reached the final ending I just had a sour taste in my mouth from how cheap and pointless it all felt.

The characters were just... boring, too. I found myself mixing up the main character's friends names so many times it's not even funny. Saya herself was interesting for about a minute, but it felt like the author got too tired to finish developing her and decided to whip his dick out instead. She spends about half of her screen time having sex and sucking the cock of the most irredeemable protagonist ever conceived in fiction.

There genuinely could've been something here - the twisted relationship between the protagonist and Saya could've been so much more, and it frustrates me that the author chose to make it so shallow and honestly gross. There's a few attempts to dive into psychology - particularly the fragility of the human psyche - but they ultimately don't lead anywhere other than highlighting the apathy and despair these characters feel.

Honestly, I'm disappointed that such an incredible OST was wasted on something like this, because it was the track "Song of Saya" that got me curious about the game in the first place.

It has some cool ideas and I ended up reading it all the way through, but ultimately, I don't think I'd ever read this again. I don't recommend it unless you've got thick skin, a strong stomach for gore, and enough self-loathing to justify making a purchase like this.

First "anime" visual novel I read. Terrible scenes but entertaining at the same time

"Are you ready for the sexualising minors in your story lesson?"

Kazutaka Kodaka gulped.

Katsura Hashino nodded.

Nisio Isin blinked nervously.

"Yes, Gen Urobuchi" they said in unison.

I think Fuminori should be beat with rocks and hammers

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I felt my heart sinking while reading most of the ero scenes. Not for the faint of heart.

"Of course Joselyn has played Song of Saya. She's Joselyn."

Kan ve etle kaplı grotesk bir dünyada, "yalnızca Saya beş duyusunu tatmin eder." Fuminori, yalnızca Saya'nın estetik güzelliği nedeniyle, bu büyük bozukluğuna tahammül etmeye motive oluyor. Kendi deyimiyle, “Eğer Saya ile tanışmasaydım, bu çarpık, pislik dolu dünyada yapayalnız olsaydım, şüphesiz deliliğe yenik düşerdim. Beni yalnızca Saya'nın hayatta tuttuğunu söylemek abartı olmaz." Bu, Saya ile ilk temasına geri dönen daha sonraki bir sahnede doğrulandı. O sıralarda deliliğinden kurtulmak için hayatına son vermeye hazırlanıyordu ama şans eseri kurtuluşun simgesi olan Saya ile tanışır. Sadece o, şiddetli kan dolu bir dünyada bir elmas bile olsa, bu Fuminori'yi yaşamaya motive etmek için yeterlidir. Fuminori sonunda, bilişsel bozukluğu nedeniyle sıradan insanları itici bulmasıyla aynı nedenden dolayı Saya'yı da çekici bulduğunu fark eder.

Fuminori, sıradan insanları isyan ettiren şeylerden ziyade bir zevk duygusu çekiyor. Bu, Omi'nin kazadan sonra ilk kez evine ilk girdiğinde açıkça ortaya çıkıyor. Üzerinde "burun deliklerine anında boğucu bir koku hücum ediyor" yazıyor. Kısa bir süre sonra Omi, Saya tarafından vahşice yutulur ve kanının ve çürüyen organlarının keskin kokusu odaya yayılır. Fuminori eve geldiğinde bir şeylerin farklı olduğunu fark ediyor ve şöyle anlatıyor: “Bir şeyler hoş olmasa da garip kokuyor. Aroma aslında oldukça rahatlatıcı. Bana Saya'nın saçını hatırlatıyor." Yeni estetik ve duyusal tercihleri ​​yalnızca yamyamlık zevkini akla getirmekle kalmıyor, aynı zamanda Saya'nın kasaplık et gibi koktuğunu da gösteriyor. Saya insan değildir ve Fuminori'nin, insanların iğrenç olarak değerlendireceği şeylere karşı yeni keşfettiği takdir, onun insanlığını da sorgulamaya yol açmaktadır.

Fuminori Saya ile kalmayı seçtiğinde yeni bir sayfa açtığını kabul eder. “Kazada neyi kaybettiğimi artık biliyorum. Saya onu geri alabileceğimi söylüyor ama yapamayacağımı biliyorum”. Saya bozukluğunu düzeltse bile eski haline asla geri dönmeyecekti. Kaybettiği, gerçekte ima ettiği şey, insanlığıdır. Saya'ya olan aşkını adamaya karar verdiğinde, az önce öldürdüğü komşusunun bir organını parçalara ayırır ve onunla ziyafet çekmeye hazırlanır. Teknik olarak yamyamlık olsa da, gerçekten de kan ona insan yemeğinden daha iştah açıcı mı görünüyor? Bu algı ve estetik sorununa indirgeniyor. Okuyucu ekmek olduğunu bildiği şeyi yemeyi ve çiğ bağırsak olarak görünmeyi mi tercih ederdi? Yoksa çiğ insan organı olduğunu bildikleri şeyleri mi yemeyi tercih ederler? ama tatlı jöle gibi mi görünüyorsun? Bu soru, eğer duyularınız yediğiniz şeyi kötülüyorsa, sizi kusmaktan ne alıkoyabilir diye düşünmenizi gerektiriyor. Fuminori'ye göre insan yemeği sadece çirkin görünmekle kalmıyor, aynı zamanda tadı da var. Kendisi için hazırlanan sıradan bir yemeği anlatırken “Tadı beklediğim gibi mide bulandırıcı” diyor. Fuminori, Saya'yı gerçekte olduğu gibi kabul ederek ve deliliğinin yönettiği yeni benliğini isteyerek kabul ederek bir parça mutluluk buldu.

é de pensar e eu não gosto de pensar. apenas visceral

Good visual novel with scare elements, careful of the minor