Reviews from

in the past

Scribblenauts Unlimited delivers on its quirky premise: the power to summon nearly any object you can imagine to solve puzzles. The game's creativity shines brightest in its object editor, letting you design and share unique creations. However, the puzzles themselves often lack depth, feeling more like fetch quests than true challenges. Still, with its charming visuals and vast library of words, Scribblenauts Unlimited offers a playful and occasionally hilarious sandbox for those who enjoy experimenting with its unusual mechanics.

A criatividade desse jogo é algo impressionante, um dos melhores para crianças e muito bom jogo para adultos também.

Esse jogo me trás memórias muito boas, é bem simples porém divertido, os puzzles não são complicados mas é isso que o jogo se propõe, é descente e bem nostálgico pra mim, lembro de ficar brincando usando o caderno pra fazer diversas atrocidades quando eu era menor.

7/10 Bom

Scribblenauts is a fun game but i can't recommend it to people.
This is because the game is mainly focused on kids.
The levels are hardly a challenge and end up being repetitive and grindy.

Would recommend getting the game if you are not familiar with the language or have kids.

i rate 6/10

Solid game, solid scribble nauts game too, arguably the best in the series, but then again this is from my pov which hasn't finished like half of them. Love the paper puppet type artstyle that the game goes for, just a solid experience all around.

if it had 'rizz' and 'gyat' in its vocabulary, itd be over.

Im not kidding when i say this game made me write faster, entertaining as fuck, there are literally limitless possibilities, the after game is kinda boring, but i had fun finishing all the misions.

I'm surprised that a series like Scribblenauts, perfect for the DS, arrived on other platforms, Steam included. The definitive platform where you can feel all the potential also thanks to the mod and the possibility to add whatever, especially in a series like this that involves a lot your imagination.

Go on, say how your "super-hero" is "great" and "strong" when my dude here uses literature to create a black hole and ruin your dinner, only to create it again and make another copy of you that doesn't remember anything

Probably boring now but it fucked so hard when i was a young soul

You can solve every problem in your own unique ways. Or you can drop a nuke on the problem. That usually works for me.

Simple puzzle game. I'm definitely too old for it now, but I appreciate that it exists.

sonho de infancia de jogar e que não me decepcionou

Feels less replayable than Super Scribblenauts, even though there’s way more stuff to do. Making things can take up days of your life, but only if that’s the sort of thing you care about, otherwise it doesn’t really improve on its predecessors at all.

Recuerdo jugarlo porque ví en un gameplay del Rubius que podías sacar a Cuttuluh para pelearlo con Dios.

Juego entretenido, con puzzles sencillotes pero graciosos y bastante variedad de creaciones, sobretodo en la versión de Wii U donde podías invocar a Bowser, Zelda y más personajes.

i was older but i still tried to make bombs for any problem

i think this game was fun so ill give it a 3.5

got pretty tedious by the end, but i'd be lying if i said there isn't charm here. plus, this game is my childhood, so i could never be mad at it

It was fun as a kid but while replaying it I found the solutions to the puzzles kinda simple and repetitive. It really started to drag by the time I was done with it. But there is still some fun to be found here, just don't try to 100% it like I did.

i love puzzle games and killing innocent citizens with the forces of nature

i like using my brain
i also dont like using my brain
this game complements both needs of mine

this game is so cute! and fun!