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The gameplay is repetitive and story is pretty simple, but I've enjoyed the game for what it offers. Had a lot of fun trying the different snipers and just clearing the map off zombies.
There's also 16 different characters to choose from, 8 of them from the Left 4 Dead series. In my opinion the original survivors are fun in their own right even though they don't say anything.

Beat the game on 4 player co-op on Sniper Elite (Elite) difficulty. Truly Elite.

What can I say, it's Tekken.
The gameplay is smooth and the characters have their own fighting style which makes every character unique.

The addition of Rage Art is a nice mechanic to get a comeback or extend your combo.

The story is short but pretty nice.

I'd recommend this game for people that like fighting games or have played the previous entries. 8/10

(100% on PC and Xbox)

Scribblenauts is a fun game but i can't recommend it to people.
This is because the game is mainly focused on kids.
The levels are hardly a challenge and end up being repetitive and grindy.

Would recommend getting the game if you are not familiar with the language or have kids.

i rate 6/10