Reviews from

in the past

SO CUTE!!!!!!!

also surprisingly well put together it has animations and nice music too

Very cute and short visual novel. My only wish that it was longer, and if a full-fledged sequel was created, it'd be an instant pickup.

Oh to be a mildy misanthropic but very sapphic gardener with a six-eyed bee alien wife.

Socorro pero que cosa más linda, las amo incondicionalmente

Lesbians! In! Space!

Seriously though this short VN is so cute and chill.

Cute and gentle visual novel that is beautifully drawn and and in less than 20 minutes manages to speak about flowers, tea, aliens, love, exclusion, and rejection of humanity.

i am gay girl girl (gay) girl homolesbian (that means gay)

Short, sweet and very, very wholesome. Such a feel-good game.