Reviews from

in the past

Esse sim é o melhor jogo de luta do super nintendo

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Okay. Normally, I'm not the biggest fighting game fan in the world. I usually stick to my Capcom and my SNK and wave my middle fingers at the crappy knock-offs that other companies try to throw at me. Having said that, I was shocked to find that this game is not only pretty good, it's fucking great. Bandai usually churns out ho-hum games based on anime licenses, but this is an exception. I mean, yeah, it's still an anime license, but it's not ho-hum. The graphics are very pretty, the music is rockin, and the gameplay mechanics are smooth as you could want them to be. If you're bored with Super Duper Ultimate Mecha World Champion Street Fighter 2 Omega3, give this a shot.
(editor's note: I agree, back in 2005 this was one of the first games I discovered via emulation and I was blown away by the superb presentation and gigantic sprites for an SNES fighting game)

lowkey the best fighting game on the SNES and just a great fighter all around

Robots! Robots! Robots!

So fast so fresh so clean!

Realmente uma surpresa um jogo de luta tão rapido e dinâmico no snes

Aww what can I say about this game? It's so wonderful! Gosh those sprites are just PERFECT

I am a huge Gundam and Gundam Wing fangirl and this game just delivers all of that in spades. It looks SO GOOD

Pretty solid game, with great graphics and exciting battles! It became my favorite fighting game on the SNES/Super Famicom.

Dorothy: Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has done battle. All war is based on the circle: attacking beats throwing beats blocking beats attacking. This system ensures that the most skilled warrior is the victor.

Relena: No using throws that's cheap.

Dorothy: Miss Relena Peacecraft, you just need to hit an attack button.

Relena: No it's my console and I say no throws. My dad says nobody should do throws.

Zechs: I'm going to throw the Famicom out the window I swear to God

Pretty solid fighting game. Kinda ticked Wing is the only one to get this treatment but the mobile suits look great and it's fun to play.

Literally the only fighting game worth playing

I've never seen a gundam before. I watched the first 6 episodes of the original series before the channel that hosted it on dailymotion was taken down. I have built roughly 15 gunpla models because it helps me deal with my anxiety. It is a very expensive way to deal with it, so I don't build them very much anymore. I downloaded this game because I heard it was good. I was right. This game is a lot of fun. I've never played it with another human because I don't think any of my friends could theoretically be convinced to play this game with me.

Played this a lot as a kid but finally beat it today after a long time away. It's tough, and encourages some fairly heinous strategies, but between the beautiful sprites and the shifting between ranged and melee combat based on fighter proximity, Endless Duel brings a lot to the table and can be really fun against a skilled opponent.

Definitely check it out if you're a fan of the series or of fighters from the era, but it will likely hit on some level even if you're new to the franchise.

I just can’t endorse an adaptation of anything that tells me to be a pacifist instead of using my fists

Uno de los mejores juegos de mi infancia. No lo supe entonces (mi criterio no estaba -ni aún ahora- formado) pero tiene un gameplay increíble para ser un fighting de Super Nintendo. Los controles responden tan bien como uno de la Neo Geo.

Natsume lo hizo.

Un des meilleurs jeux de baston de la SNES au niveau gameplay, très beau et une bande-son sympa. Dommage qu'il n'y ait aucune voix digit et peu de personnages mais la cartouche devait être pleine à craquer.

i wasn't expecting this, but Endless Duel manages to not only be possibly the best 16-bit fighting game, but one of my favorite fighting games ive played as well. tight, interesting combat and controls with moves that are practically begging to be combo'd into each other. every single hit feels extremely satisfying, especially in combination with the sound effects, making every shot, slash, or punch feel that much better when it connects. flying around by pressing two buttons is great, special moves are easy to learn, music is fantastic. you've gotta play this one.

thank you JohnHarrelson for the recommendation!

Surprisingly good fighting game for its time when not many fighting games had super moves, combos and dashing mechanics. This game and the Power Rangers fighting game feel very similar. The Gundams look great and it holds up well today.

Enjoyment: 6.5/8
Replayability: 1/1
Graphics: 0.5/0.5
Sound: 0.5/0.5
Total: 8.5/10

i don't know a single fuck about the gundam franchise but the intro is really cool

The best fighter I've encountered on the SNES, and one of the best exclusives to the SFC in general. Gorgeous sprite work, controls extremely well

the best opening in video games. legacy has endured on account of quality sprite work that has been shared as gifs since your favorite angelfire quatre x trowa yaoi page. captures those fast-paced mix-ups of gundam bouts glimpsed on sakugabooru but never in earlier gundam fighters.