Reviews from

in the past

joguei muito quando criança, mas nunca consegui zerar... foi uns dos 1° contatos que tive com action RPG.

Nothing but respect for Baron the wolfling

Yeah I watched a friend play this and it was just amazing. the gameplay had so many deep mechanics and the characters are just written in a very unique way. Sure the voice acting is bad but honestly what doesn't have bad voice acting.

This game saved my marriage.

Perfect soundtrack, perfect story, perfect audio design, perfect level design, perfect everything.

When I showed this to my wife who was about to divorce me at the time, I showed her only the intro, and she once again was reminded as to why she fell in love with me.

The first named Shining Force game for consoles after Camelot departed for Nintendo - don't know why it bears the Force subtitle tbh, it's a Diablo-like instead of a strategy RPG. I haven't played Diablo but I like the core kill->loot->sell->upgrade->kill loop here, and the fun dynamic between Max and Meryl helped get me over the gargantuan 50-hour runtime. Could be a LOT better - I'm told EXA is, but I also don't know if I want to jump right into another one of these just yet.

Shining Force definitivamente mudou. A franquia que outrora era um jogo tático rivalizando aí com Final Fantasy Tactics e Tactics Ogre mudou para um RPG de ação.

Neo é na real um hack'n'slash bem rápido e mais próximo da série Ys do que da origem tática. É um jogo bem divertido e com ideias bacanas que mistura conceitos que soam familiares pra jogadores que curtem o gênero diablolike.

I'm shining on the inside and outside now. I feel like am improved, stronger me. A Neo me, you could say. In fact, at this point I may as well be a Shining Neo Force of sorts