Reviews from

in the past

A pesar de que Double Helix Games no hizo un mal trabajo en el desarrollo del juego, la presentación del protagonista, Alex Shepherd, resulta vaga y distante en comparación con los personajes principales de entregas anteriores. Alex parece funcionar más como un vehículo narrativo que como un personaje con una historia profunda y convincente.
La mezcla entre terror psicológico y elementos de acción en Silent Hill: Homecoming también es un tema controversial. Al ser la sexta entrega de una franquicia que se caracterizó por su calidad y su enfoque en el suspenso y la exploración, la mayor importancia del combate y las secuencias de acción en este juego hace que se pierda parte de la atmósfera característica de Silent Hill.
Por otro lado, Silent Hill: Homecoming se ve muy bien y logra aprovechar la potencia de las consolas de la séptima generación. Las mejoras gráficas y de presentación son notables y aportan una mayor inmersión al jugador en el oscuro mundo del juego.
Sin embargo, Silent Hill: Homecoming no es fiel en su totalidad a la esencia de la saga. El hecho de que aparezcan enemigos del Silent Hill 2, como las enfermeras o Pyramid Head, no tiene sentido en el contexto de esta historia, ya que estos enemigos están relacionados con la psicología de los protagonistas de juegos anteriores. Este hecho, junto con la menor atención al suspenso y la exploración, hacen que Silent Hill: Homecoming sea otro paso atrás en la franquicia.
Aunque el enfoque del juego con respecto al culto parece interesante, en general, Silent Hill: Homecoming sigue estando lejos del nivel de calidad y coherencia argumental que caracterizó a sus predecesores.
Silent Hill: Homecoming representa una etapa de transición para la franquicia. Con un nuevo equipo de desarrollo y nuevas posibilidades técnicas, el juego intenta equilibrar la fidelidad a la esencia de Silent Hill con la innovación y el avance de la serie en una era de consolas más potentes. Sin embargo, el juego no logra mantener el nivel de calidad y coherencia argumental que caracterizó a sus predecesores, a pesar de que el approach que toma con respecto al culto parece dentro de todo interesante.

ну если представить что этот высер должен быть для конченых уебков и цели норм игру сделать не было то в принципе норм

UMA BOSTA!! Eu acho a história até legal, mas a versão de PC é simplesmente HEDIONDA! Os controles não funcionam direito, o jogo é travado a 30 FPS (Podendo cair pra 15), a dublagem é desconexa com os personagens e o combate é terrível! Não gastem dinheiro com esse jogo, pois a Konami não merece >:(

what a fucking dreadful game. ugly as sin, awful voice performances, worse technical performance than the fucking psp game with constant framedrops and glitches, music is good but is used so poorly it might as well not be there. story is completely incomprehensible dogshit that is just trying to rip off silent hill 2, half the creature designs are just stolen from the first 3 games and the other half are so bland and uninspired you'd think they were leftovers from an xbox live indies title.

it completely misunderstands the spirit and purpose of this series and isn't even remotely playable. evil terrible game. god will not have mercy on double helix.

Went into this one with some optimism since I really enjoyed Origins and Shattered Memories. I thought I was immune to the "bad" silent hill games but this changed that belief pretty quickly.

Really Really buggy on PC, way too bug.

but apart from that its not as bad as people say it is.

Somewhat decent plot that reminds me of Silent hill 1 but this time with a shitty ending

Its fun but sometimes frustanting, i think trying to make the combat more dynamic was a good idea but the execution was mediocre at best.

Good soundtrack and the visuals are pretty good.

level design is nowhere near as good as the original 4 games but i guess it does the job

No where near as bad as I thought it would be off of the way Silent Hill fanboys talk about it. From a detached view of the franchise its a good Survival Horror game that is held back by its forced on rails linearity and sub par oddly difficult combat that does not suit the game. The story and atmosphere are good thought even if the ending is a little lacking, its an enjoyable oppressive experience.

Não sei o que dizer sobre essa peça aqui. Não é um jogo de todo ruim, mas não tem nada demais a oferecer também. Possui uma história descente e criaturas legais, mas é só isso, o resto é pura deturpação de conceitos que a própria franquia já tinha como definitivo. Tentaram trazer uma estética americanizada que só deixou o jogo genérico.

The only good things in this entire game is Alex's Theme and Nurse titties.

I didn't mind this one, but nostalgia may be masking what this game really was. All in all I remember having a good time.

Combat roll your trauma away.

Good creature designs.

Algumas vezes, o melhor é ignorar

I played this late at night as a joke and only played through the intro nightmare section before stopping. The only way I can see myself playing through this game is when I eventually play through the silent hill games

Would have forced myself to play through the entire thing, so nice of the game to completely bug out half-way through during a boss-fight and i couldn't progress.

So nice to have an excuse, because this was not very good. I did enjoy parts of it, the idea of a Silent Hill: Modern Warfare type game amuses me. The superdetailed "tacticool" knife combat animations are hilarious.

But it never really goes fully over the top and bonkers, instead mostly feeling like the most generic version possible of an IP the dev studio was forced to make. At least the 2008 Alone in the Dark had some ambition. So much is just extremely linear walking but without any atmosphere and the combat is terrible.

If this game had any balls it would have given you an M4 and had you mow down surreal body horror terrorists while nu-metal plays in the background.


Homecoming feels like the video game adaptation of a SyFy original movie. It has some cool monster designs in it... but it's really hokey. More like a Silent Hill fan game, honestly.

O combate de silent hill sempre foi um aspecto fraco, para você não depender de matar todos os inimigos. CONTUDO, Homecoming "tenta" criar um combate dinâmico e ter boss fights, falhando e criando uma experiência miserável.

This review contains spoilers

The story follows Alex Shepherd, a young man who returns to his hometown of Shepherd’s Glen following a supposed military discharge and time spent in a hospital for combat related injuries. Alenx returns home only to find that his father and younger brother Joshua have vanished without a trace, as have many others throughout the town. He finds his mother in a depressive, near catatonic state. Alex searches through the town for his missing brother while uncovering the causes behind the strange events and the dark secrets of Shepherds glen and the neighboring town of Silent Hill.
The story is kinda lackluster to me, I really liked the boss fights as I did learn how to read their movements and attack patterns. We have unlimited inventory again and weapons do not break in this SH. The problem is ammo, you can only carry a certain amount of ammo so you are somewhat limited with ammo and if you do not have any then you won't have any until you find some. The monsters are easy to deal with and the puzzles were not bad, No tank controls everything is used with both analog sticks. The combat is hit or miss because you could get stun locked. Also looking back at it, it really is a bad Silent hill game.
There are 5 endings to this game and it will differ for each playthrough because there will be decisions you have to make and depending on what you choose it changes the ending. I got the “good” ending, other endings “Drowning”, “Boogeyman”, “Hospital” and “UFO” ending.

an interesting reimagining of the silent hill storyline but it rather fails trying to copy silent hill 2 it has its own concepts but it continues to fall back over and over trying to prey on the nostalgia of silent hill 2

One of the worst games I’ve ever played.

It's actually insane how this game is available on Steam and it's the only SH game there. The vanilla version runs at 30fps, has broken qte's, crashes a lot, it makes an already poorly made game even worse. I installed a patch that fixed those issues for the most part, I probably wouldn't have finished it if not for that.
The game's story is meh, it could be better but it's also not the worst thing in the world. The main character isn't very interesting but he could've been worse, it's the same thing with side characters. I also can't believe they used Pyramid Head in this for like 3/4 scenes, it's hilariously bad. The voice acting and sound design is mostly bad, with sound effects often just not playing.
The atmosphere is nice during a few sections but it's mostly lacking.
The combat system here is kinda bad, it's not that responsive and sometimes your attacks don't even affect an enemy when it should. It's pretty barebones but it's an interesting change from previous titles, just not a very good one. The game also makes you fight some enemies or you'll have a hard time exploring some sections so that makes you get even more bored of the combat and the way it works.
The enemies are a very mixed bag, some have interesting designs (specially bosses) but they're mostly a chore to fight against.
Overall, it's not a good SH game. As a horror game, it's playable (with a patch) but you'd be better off with pretty much any other horror game.

Someone killed Konami's dog and we have to suffer for it

Irredeemable piece of dogshit. Worst combat in the series, worst story so far in the series, worst characters in the series so far and FUCKING PYRAMID HEAD THAT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING.

It's good, people just take stuff too literally
Combat sucks but the plot is solid and does not break canon, just use your brains accordingly

This game should be used at guantanemo bay for torture

This review contains spoilers

This game is a mediocre mess that comes so close to doing some things right but ultimately falls flat on its face over and over again throughout its duration to create a game that is a complete slog to experience. It took me over TWO YEARS to finish this game. Two years this game has tormented me as MY own personal Silent Hill hellscape. And now that i've beaten it, I'm going to go in-depth as to why I hate it so much and think it is a completely bland, uninspired, frustrating waste of time.

The elephant in the room and perhaps the biggest headache of the game. Silent Hill Homecoming introduced a new combat system, accompanied by the shift from tank controls to over the shoulder action. Silent Hill has always had clunky, dull combat that could be frustrating at times. However, enemies are often meant to be fought as a last resort. While the combat was never great in Silent Hill, it wasn’t the focus. In comparison, SH:H does have a certain focus on combat. It’s almost impressive how the developers took a jank PS2 combat system and made it ten times WORSE. Gone are the simple light and heavy melee swings and auto-aim, in its stead is bad RE4-styled shooting and an extremely frustrating melee system that includes button combos, ineffective dodging, and ridiculous Dark Souls circus rolling.
I’ll start with the guns. The weapons feel weak and bad to shoot, and it feels like you barely get enough ammo to even use them for half the game. Even worse, the ammo in your inventory actually has a MAXIMUM that caps at a completely pathetic amount (I think you can only carry around 10 shotgun/10 rifle/30 pistol ammo at a time). Due to the limited ammo, and the fact that the gun’s aren’t even terribly strong: you’ll be using the new and “improved” melee system this game offers. Yay… (Note: the lack of ammo partially stems from the fact I am bad, and I honestly constantly had an excess in the 2nd half of the game. Perhaps I am unfairly judging the game, but still I feel like it could've given more ammo. If you experienced an ample amount of ammo in the first half I am jealous.)
The melee combat is TERRIBLE. At best, you spam a combo (more on that later) and stunlock all enemies to death. At worst, you get in a couple hits, fail to dodge because it's horrible, and then get YOU get stunlocked, smacked around, and knocked down repeatedly. To be fair, I did vastly improve at the combat by the end of it, but just moving around, dodging, and attacking DOES NOT FEEL GOOD even when you’re decent at it. The dodging feels heavy and unresponsive, and the attacks feel slow and ineffective. Even worse, the game FORCES you to do combat all the time. Either by making the environment unfriendly to run past enemies, or by legitimately not allowing you to progress until something is killed (less common but still). Maneuvering around enemies can be difficult, which is bad because enemies like the Needlers, Smogs, and Siam’s are best attacked on the side/back (when in Melee). Not to mention, having a fleshed out combat system removes from the horror. Being weak against monsters is scary. Doing knife spinning ballerina combos to stunlock an enemy to death is silly.
I think if the game just had classic Silent Hill melee combat with more ammo around, the
game would be FAR more tolerable. Frustration is one of the biggest detractors of horror, and the combat is beyond frustrating and dull. Something simpler would’ve done the game wonders in terms of playability.

Level/Puzzle Design
The areas in the game are frustratingly boring. Gone are the large levels in SH1-4 that you’d spend hours working through and exploring and solving the puzzles of. Instead, we have completely dull environments that are barely visually distinct from each other. Basically, the levels require you to walk to a dead-end, and pick up something, and then backtrack. There is almost absolutely nothing of interest in these areas, no moments to look back on, no good scares. I’ll always remember the hoof beats in the SH2 prison, the mirror room in SH3, the room full of Twin Victims in SH4. All the memorable moments from the first four remind me of how much NOTHING is going on within the levels of SHH. No interesting events, no interesting creatures to gawk at, NOTHING. Just walk around. Pick a thing up. Backtrack a little. Walk around some more. Do terrible combat and resist the urge to shut off your system and never play this boring game again.
The puzzles are also atrocious. The vast majority of them are completely brain dead. Such as inputting a code where the document with the code is approximately 3 feet from the door (extremely impossible). A couple of the puzzles are okay, (The Church one, the one at the end, the prison one at the end), but the vast majority either require 0 brain power or are busywork puzzles (slide puzzles, wire puzzles). This is really disappointing, because I thought the first four had some great puzzles. They’re usually decently challenging, and at the very least clever and satisfying to solve. I also sorely miss the option of puzzle difficulty, a cool feature from the older games. I guess that would require effort to be put into the puzzles so it makes sense it’s absent here. The puzzles did feel like a big part of the older games, so for them to be completely shafted here feels wrong and lazy. The areas are dull enough, and the puzzles within them being equally dull only massive exacerbates how uninspired and empty each area is.

Enemy Design
I actually find the (original) enemy designs in this game to be pretty good. Of course, some are just rehashed versions of old enemies. Here’s a list of enemies that are reused/rehashed old enemies: Ferals, Smogs, Siams, and Nurses. And then not rehashed but extremely boring: Bugs. And men in gas masks (terrifying). However, I think the Schisms, Needlers, and all the bosses actually look AWESOME (the Lurkers are whatever). I wish the game had more original roaming enemy designs, as the majority are borrowed ideas or uninspired (men…). The most aggravating offender of this is Pyramid Head, who randomly appears for basically no reason to the point where you don’t even interact or fight him at all. Actually, there is a reason: he’s iconic and Konami wanted to turn him into a mascot. Yuck. Fighting the enemies themselves mirrors the combat, ranging from easy stunlock to making me want to bash my head into a wall. As a result of all of the reusing, the enemies don’t feel strongly related to the story at all as opposed to SH2’s direct manifestation or all of SH4’s ghosts. I don’t think this is a huge deal however, plenty of Silent Hill monsters in previous games don’t really have a super special significance to the plot or characters. Again, while I don’t particularly like how many enemies are reused from previous entries, this game does have good enemy variety: something older Silent Hill desperately lacks.
The boss designs in this game are really awesome. I find them all to be unique and memorable, and they all represent something from the plot. The fights themselves are often terrible and frustrating(nothing can save that combat) but the designs themselves were all pretty great and unique.

Graphically, the game looks fairly good. The Otherworld transitions in particular look really cool (even if its inspired by the movie). I think the Otherworld itself looks fairly cool, but not as good as Silent Hill 1 or 3’s Otherworld. I think the presentation is weakened by the fact it pulls from the movie so much, as the movie is not very well-liked, leaving a bad taste in my and many other’s mouths. As is consistent with the level design as a whole, there’s just not really a whole lot going on in the Otherworld sections. The aesthetic itself is fine but I find it could use more flourish in it, SH1/SH3 had a lot of cool set pieces to look at in the Otherworld that are just absent here.
The colors of the game look very muddy and washed out to me, I would’ve liked to see more vibrant or distinct colors in some of the areas. And while the graphics themselves are good, the facial animations and lip syncing is a huge step down from past Silent Hill games. The faces just look… off… and the lips are noticeably bad in some scenes. Character’s like Judge Holloway are distractingly ugly. The people and faces in SH3-4 look SO good (Heather in particular comes to mind) and are great at showing emotion (when they want to, maybe don’t look at poor Henry) so to see the graphics be a DOWNGRADE in some ways on newer hardware is beyond disappointing. Overall, the game looks okay and has okay aesthetics, but is ultimately a step down from previous entries in my opinion.

Atmosphere/Sound Design/Music
I think this game has a good atmosphere at points but for the most part lacks great sound design to back it up. The sound design was a big part of the classic Silent Hill atmosphere. SH2 had me terrified at points not because of a monster, but because it was playing spooky sound files at me. SHH lacks this great synergy and creativity between sound design and atmosphere. I enjoy the fleshy noises it plays and it does have overall fine sound design, but I think it fails to create the fear from sound alone that older Silent Hills managed. The lack of interesting set pieces within the environments as I previously mentioned also creates a weaker atmosphere. I loved seeing the unsettling things in the background of SH1-4 (such as Valtiel in the background, PHead menacingly standing there, Eileen’s fat head), as they were often scarier than any actual monster. SHH has a decent atmosphere but lacks interesting things and sound to keep it scary.
The music is fantastic. I have zero complaints, it’s the best part of the game.

There’s not much to say about the characters because they’re all extremely bland and forgettable. There’s really nothing to say about any of them, which tracks with the extremely uninspiring and bad story. To extremely briefly summarize: Alex is a war veteran who returns home to his home of Shepherd’s Glen. As typical, he finds the town crawling with monsters and his young brother, Joshua, is missing as well as many other members of the town. Later, Alex discovers two things 1. He isn’t really a soldier and he actually killed his brother in an accident years ago and 2. The town was founded from four families splitting off from Silent Hill and agreeing to sacrifice a child every 50 years to appease their God. Alex was meant to be one of those sacrifices. After Alex learns this, he defeats the final boss and apologizes to Joshua for killing him and then one of the endings plays. Parts of the story have interesting ideas (the cult and sacrifices for instance) but I think they ultimately fall flat and fail to be fully realized. The twist with Alex not being a soldier and actually being in a mental institution instead of in combat feels silly and overused (all in le head) and the twist of him actually killing Joshua feels like a dollar store SIlent Hill 2. It’s exceedingly obvious that Joshua is dead the second you meet him (he is constantly reappearing and running off and disappearing) and the twist that Alex killed him doesn’t nearly hit as hard as you don’t give a shit about Alex or Joshua, and Joshua’s death was a genuine accident. What makes Silent Hill 2’s murder such a great twist is that it integrates itself with James’s character and the truth he learns in turn allows him to complete his character arc. Alex cries about it a little and then says sorry to Josh and the game ends. Alex doesn’t really need atonement for what he did, as he did something stupid and reckless but it was ultimately an accident versus James’s act of malice.
The main issue I have with SHH’s story is that it fails to really do much of anything. Alex learns his brother is dead, and the truth about his upbringing, and doesn’t really go through any emotional journey. He also doesn’t stop the Order or anything (as far as can tell). So the credits roll and all you're really left with is: “Why?” Silent Hill 1-4 each had clear goals for each of their protagonists. Harry wants to find Cheryl. James wants to find his wife (and in failing to do so he goes through a psychological journey). Heather wants revenge for her Dad dying. Henry wants to escape his apartment. Alex wants to find Joshua but the story provides almost no sort of emotional pay-off when he learns that Joshua is dead. He finds out the truth of the town and his family and the game ends, leaving an all-encompassing “Whatever” feeling.
Parts of the story do have potential though. Alex being a soldier could’ve been a great basis for war-trauma induced Silent Hill. The whole idea of having to sacrifice children to appease The Order is a neat idea. Unfortunately, the game fails to really deliver any big moments and the story feels like it has no kick or climax to it and just feels like wasted potential with a side of trying to be like Silent Hill 2.
Ah, the final cherry on the shit story sundae. The endings in this game are BAD. There are 5 and only one of them manages to be decent. The majority of them range from laughable to actual nonsense. Even worse, you can get the JOKE UFO ending ON YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. In fact, I DID get the UFO ending on my first playthrough. So even if you are invested in the story, hope you like all the tension being killed by a meme ending. Of course, to get the good ending you have to forgive your neglectful parents that planned to partake in child murder. Because duh, why wouldn’t you forgive them. The good ending is fine, standard Silent Hill ending of leaving the town with girl. The other’s include Alex’s father drowning him in a bathtub and Alex being in a mental hospital and the whole game a dream woooooo. They’re bad and lame and do not feel like a satisfying conclusion. SH2 is the other Silent Hill game that has multiple endings like this (SH1/SH3 technically do but there’s an obvious “correct” ending) and it just does it in such a better way. All of SH2’s endings feel like a valid end to the story. Most of SHH’s endings feel like a weird slap in the face that leave you scratching your head. I haven’t even mentioned the ending where Pyramid Heads, sorry, “Boogeyman”s turn Alex into a fellow “Boogeyman.” (??????). So yeah, the endings are equally bad at providing closure to the lacking story.

I can’t talk about this game without mentioning how EMBARRASSINGLY it performs. I played on PS3, and the worst I got was frame drops. Obviously, not the end of the world. One of my favorite games is Deadly Premonition, I more than tolerate bad frames. However, in a game like Silent Hill where atmosphere and presentation are EVERYTHING… the poor frames are a really terrible look and outright damage the atmosphere. It just looks incredibly sloppy, especially since we're in the PS3 era now and updates were possible. Not to mention there’s a plethora of game breaking bugs in the game that are still unfixed. I have not played the PC version, but from what I can tell it is nearly impossible to play without installing mods to fix it. All of this together gives a very poor impression and is outright lazy.

This game is not good. It almost is at points, but it never truly is. Save your time and money, at best watch a playthrough or something to save yourself the headache if you really must see what the game offers. If you wish to experience the best (and perhaps only consistently good part of the game) simply look up “Silent Hill Homecoming OST.” You’re welcome. Don’t play this.

sometimes when you're young, you make decisions without giving a lot of tought, and without any sort of guidance or orientation. life is an experience that will give you some jeepers every now and then, and the things you decide to do to yourself - do not be fooled - 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭, and will mark or scar you in some way or another, forever, maybe showing up again to haunt your memories only several years down the line. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝. all it needs to come back is you remembering it, even, barely, a little, and then its there again.
now why the fuck did i decided, in 2011, to not only play, but also to beat this shit game. did i thought i had all the time in the world? that i wouldnt grow older and remember that i played it? now i can never erase that. i did this to myself.
i have to live with it and learn to not repeat the same kind of mistake again.

Acho o plot e o twist legaizinhos, pena q todo resto é fraco, chato, duro, travado, sem graça, sem vida, sem personalidade

As with Downpour, Silent Hill: Homecoming is another Silent Hill game that squandered the opportunity that could have been a game with potential. First of all, I guarantee that you will be disgusted while playing because of the noise effect and 30 FPS lock that cannot be turned off in the original version of the game. I really don't know whose idea it was not to set the setting to turn this off. As for the PC port, it's a complete joke. Because again, like on console, there is 30 FPS lock, noise effect that can't be turned off, and worse, a crappy job constantly crashing. There are patches for the PC port in the community, but this time you may encounter other problems (when I tried, the game was not saving my progress after the patch was installed :P). I finished the game on PlayStation 3 emulator with 60 FPS patch and noise effect turned off, and I think this game can be played this way best at this time. As for the game, the story is intriguing and contains a few interesting plot-twists, but overall, I can say that it still stays away from the classic Silent Hill atmosphere. A common problem I find with Silent Hills that comes out after 3 is that the storylines of the side characters are not given any importance and that's why the side characters feel extremely boring and unimportant. Unfortunately, this also applies to Homecoming. The combat system is the best in this game in my opinion compared to Downpour and The Room. You can use the dodge mechanic and the weaknesses of each enemy with various attacks and weapons. This has been an important factor that diversifies combat for me. The graphics aren't bad, the lighting is pretty dark, but it's not a reactionary kind of darkness, just unnecessary darkness. In the game, we mostly spend the daytime in Silent Hill, but we only play a very small part of the game at night. It would be better to spend more time in the game at night, I think the night atmosphere of the game looks much more reactionary. The variety of enemies and bosses in the game is quite good compared to Downpour, I can say the same for the music. Homecoming's music is quite successful compared to Downpour. As a result, Silent Hill: Homecoming has a story that can be considered good with its combat system, music, but it cannot escape being an average Silent Hill due to factors such as bad game design, limitations in settings, meaningless dialogue choices in the story, and the poor use of Otherworld as in Downpour. If you're a Silent Hill fan like me, it wouldn't hurt to try, but don't have high expectations.

The pc version is a complete joke. How Konami wasn't sued for releasing this in such a broken state, like CDPR was with CP2077 (just to name an example), is beyond me.