Reviews from

in the past

Probably the game I replayed the most back in the day - breezy, great visual style and really smooth to play. The Ratchet games were "mine" in a way that this never was but always really enjoyed it.

I had a lot of fun with this one. As a fan of platformers I'm really glad I finally got a chance to play one of the Sly Cooper games and am definitely look forward to trying more! It definitely sets itself apart from other platformers by doing some cool and unique mechanics throughout the game and that variety in gameplay really elevated the experience for me!

I'm kinda surprised with just how much I enjoyed this game. Granted, I don't think it'll blow anyone away, but the game overall just has a lot of charm to it in my opinion that elevated it over its flaws. It feels practically tailormade to lend itself to a truly great cartoon or comic series, to the point where I was shocked to find out it had neither. I really love the animated cutscenes and the fun cast of characters; I am excited to get to Sly 2 once I grab the game.

The gameplay's pretty good. I will say, you'd think that stealth would be more of a central mechanic here than it actually is, but it really isn't that all-encompassing and the game is pretty forgiving if you mess up stealth bits. This is kind of a blessing in disguise for me since I am pretty bad at being stealthy in games. There are definitely levels where you need to sneak around, but this is definitely a platformer through and through so the platforming is the focus. The platforming here is good, took a bit to get the feel of and sometimes it can be janky (mainly with those special parts of the environment you need to interact with through pressing circle) but it still feels good overall. Those segments where you need to swing from hook to hook with your cane were probably the hardest platforming segments for me since I had a tough time getting the timing down between jumps to reach the hooks. I never really felt like I was super "in the flow" like some of my other favorite platformers, but nonetheless it was fun to make my way through these levels. I think the only real downside with the gameplay is that they shove a lot of different play styles in here, which sounds good on paper to break up the monotony but they all feel either half-baked or just plain mediocre. Twin-stick shooters were never quite my thing and this game throws a good number of 'em at you, same with racing minigames where you need to get first place. There's also a few escort missions that are still shoot-em-ups but done through first person and you gotta have pretty quick reflexes for some of those. One boss has a rhythm game section that felt like it went on forever and was pretty challenging for me, I hear the PS3 collection of this game messes up the timing in that minigame and I can't imagine how much worse it would be if I was playing it that way lol. I also died a lot in this game but I'm not sure how much of that I can chalk to the game being actually hard or just me being a complete doofus at 3D platformers. Nonetheless, aside from the rather disappointing forcing of different play styles, I did think the gameplay was solid overall; I just think the game should have stuck to more pure platforming. My favorite levels were in the China world and the Haitian jungle world.

The game doesn't have much story, so I will use this paragraph to talk about the minor stuff making up this game that I enjoyed. I know I already mentioned this but I did quite enjoy the characters, Sly's crew feels very much like a typical cartoon series team dynamic with Bentley being the verbose and nerdy brains of the operation, Sly being the cool charismatic leader, and Murray mostly being the comedic relief sidekick. I think Bentley talks a little TOO much and for some reason his voice feels much louder than the others, but I suppose that suits his character well. Carmelita Fox has a fun dynamic with Sly Cooper, with the master thief often teasing the detective and just barely avoiding capture every time. It was nice to see them come to an understanding and work together briefly at the end, even if they went right back to business as usual after. Also, shoutout to the animated cutscenes in this game, they look really great and it makes me wish we had an animated show that looks just like it. There's a surprising amount of them, too, and you even get a little surprise one at the end which is a reanimated version of the opening trailer stylized to look more like an anime (complete with Japanese narration). From what I hear you can unlock a few more of those in the game but I didn't bother with it.

Overall, Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus is a fun time. The game's got some noteworthy flaws that I complained about, but the positives outweigh the negatives in my opinion. I am looking forward to playing the whole series (although I hear Thieves in Time is rather divisive).

A classic PS2 platformer with anthropomorphic animals playing cops and robbers.

All that theft and it couldn’t steal my heart :(
Not bad though, just whatever.

Crash Bandicoot but like cool and good. One of the best ps2 games.

Except for the cameras problem and the hitbox problem that appears mostly in the Time Trials, the game is just awesome. I know the sequels are diffrent and more open, but I still like the straightforward adventure and the little story about the thievius raccoonus.

It's just sad that the parts with the jetpack of the final battle against Clockwerk are boring.


I am a big platfomer fan so this has been on my backlog for years now but I was not expecting it to be this good. This is a must play OMG.

The best way I can describe it is better crash bandicoot. Which is not intended as a insult to crash because I love crash. This game is designed very similar to crash (3 specifically) but does it better!!!

Start of Peak

Great platforming, probably the best gimmick missions in the series, charming characters, only real problems is to do with it being sucker punches 2nd ever game

I really enjoyed this game but the controls in the mini games feel jank as hell.

Platformer envolvente que me conquista pela simplicidade cativante de seu gameplay, humor ácido em certos pontos e seus personagens estranhamente familiares. A diversidade das fases e o visual nostálgico, reminiscente dos desenhos animados da transição entre os anos 90 e 2000, contribuem para uma experiência super divertida que contém uma duração bem dosada. Jogão.

Great lil platformer. On the easy side, and the minigames definitely have NOT aged well, but they just don't make games like this anymore. The visuals are stunning for an early PS2 game, and the sound design is immaculate as well. The little strums of bass while sneaking are seared into my eardrums.

Fun and simple platformer. A bit too heavy on the gimmick side especially stuff that involved turrets. For being a thief, there sure are a lot of not thief segments. Fun game no matter what with fun story and writing to boot.

A fun introduction to the stealth games genre, a shame we don't get more of theese

It's been a long time since I last played this, but I remember having a lot of fun getting 100% completion in this. The reward for speed running a level and beating the high score was developer commentary for that level. It's one of the best rewards I've seen for absolutely mastering a game and I wish more games had the development bandwidth to implement something like this.

Great start for the series, though it starts to lose itself in the second half (c'mon guys! we don't need this many railgun levels!).

I have so much nostalgia with this game. I first played it at my neighbors house and as soon as I did I bought my own copy. The minigames in this were hot ****, but the overall stealth gameplay was fantastic and led into what is one of the more loved series to this date.

While the minigames aged like milk, the core platforming/stealth gameplay holds up well. Sly's moveset is a little limited at the beginning, but as you grab collectibles you expand what he can do. Most of the abilities have a use that allow alternative ways of solving problems, such as the Dive allowing you to be more aggressive against some enemies or the smoke bomb to take people out from far away. The models look a little aged but the art style still looks good. Overall my biggest problem with the game are the minigames, some of which feel very half-baked and I just want to get back to the strong core gameplay of swinging, sneaking, and collecting.

Made the mistake of playing after the second game, just highlights how good the sequel is

Crook Racoon hits everyone with a stick, very ooga booga of him

Yeah, Carmelita Fox is a babe. I'll admit it.

An interesting tidbit to start off with - Sly Cooper & The Thievious Racoonous actually ended up being a game I played way later than its sequels. Which makes for a peculiar experience, considering Sly 1 vs Sly 2 & Sly 3 is a very apples to oranges comparison. You still do a lot of the same things in the sequels (varied missions, sneaking around, collecting different valuables) but it’s in a different avenue because Sly 1 is more straightforward than it’s sequels. Going for a smaller hub in general, not really featuring Bentley/Murray much outside of the odd level once a blue moon, combat being harder, etc.

Fortunately, nobody said that because it’s a different context also must mean it’s inferior & in Sly 1’s case it still stands well on its own. It still has a lot of the Sly charm which the whole series has (the comic book-esque aesthetic & generally memorable characters) & while combat is different to its sequels it’s not a deterrent. Because enemies go down just as quickly as you - hence it makes the challenge not feel insurmountable.
Probably the biggest complaints I’ve seen is that some missions felt gimmicky & while I do see where people are coming from there were only 2 “gimmick” levels which led to personal frustration, being the chicken level & 1 of the bosses. However I felt the games deviation from more standard gameplay more often than not led to an enjoyable experience.

And that’s also how I’d rate this game - mostly enjoyable! It’s a slight outlier compared to its sequels, but it holds up fairly well with quite some years removed since it came out. I’d recommend it to any fan of 3D platformers.

Not at the level of it's sequels, but still a fantastic game. Punishing gameplay and truly difficult missions at times. It's a fantastic start of an iconic trilogy.

this game is way more fun than i remember but the goofy mini games are just bleh

Easily one of the most formative moments for me as a life-long "gamer" starts with this game right here.

This review contains spoilers

- Fun, snappy platforming
- Addition of stealth is a nice extra to a classic platformer
- Collectibles and time challenges were a good amount of padding for the game
- Cell-shaded art style keeps it looking current, even after all these years

It's a classic but a game that introduces the other 2. Not really worth playing again now.

"Hey boss, I know the platforming levels we made for our platforming game are great but what if we sprinkle in some terrible mini games to make sure the player isn't having too much fun. Oh, and let's make the entire final mission a sequence of mini games just to end on a low note."

This seems to be common occurrence among developers from the era, inserting non platforming sections for the sake of "variety". What were they smoking back then.

I had an overall good time with the game, but I constantly bounced back and forth between loving and hating it.

I wish Carmelita Fox was real