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Sonic and the Black Knight swings onto the Wii with a unique blend of fast-paced platforming and sword combat. While the storybook setting and Arthurian characters are a surprising twist, the core gameplay retains Sonic's signature speed. Wielding a magical sword, you'll slash enemies and rack up combos while navigating vibrant, linear levels. The controls can feel imprecise at times, and the game is on the shorter side. However, Sonic and the Black Knight boasts a charming story, fantastic music, and a novel combat system that offers a fun, albeit brief, Sonic adventure.

they call me Excalibur because I wanna put my magical sword in Deb Turnbull's stones.

Sonic and the Black Knight is legit my first Sonic game I tried and completed, so I have a lot of attachement to it.

It does a lot of things that makes him stand out even compared to every other titles.

The idea behind it is weird but really cool: Sonic stuck into a magical book and helps a magical girl to stop MF KING ARTHUR OF THE ROUND TABLE. And the rest of the knights of the roound tables are SHADOW, KNUCKLES AND BLAZE (AND JET? Why tf is Jet there???). It's a wild idea, that leads to Sonic weilding a talking sword, fights that come close to Dragon Ball hype levels, and a story with the message of "Life is short, and not all the things we love are gonna stay forever... that is why we gotta live it to the fullest, and enjoy every single moment of it!"
Black Knight was the last game to be written by the same dude responsible for all the worldbuilding and characterization of the cast from the adventure era. ANd it shows, as the story is a really strong aspect of this title.

That said... the rest of the game is not incredible: it feels too short, even by sonic standards. It loks your progression behind dumb side quests in the levels, that not only slows you down immensely and are hard to find... but can force you to restart the whole thing if you mess up one single button.
THe game has multiple character... but it makes you play as most of them in one or two extra levels.
The scenery is unique compared to the rest of the series, but it's also kinda boring, and could have been more inspiring.

The obligatory sections with the Wii Motion Controls leads to really unpolished sequences that slows down immensely some sections of the game. And optional things like the multiplayer mode are not really the best the series has to offer.

Black Knight takes a weird formula started by Secret Rings and improves it... but I feel doesn't really fix it.
Still a decent time, if you don't try it at least give a listen to "Knight of the Wind". That song is a banger.

Yeah it sucks, but the soul gauge was pretty fun right?

Can't get past The Cauldron, putting it on standby for now but I will finish it later.

The controls are very unresponsive for the whole game but at least this isn't Sonic and the Secret Rings

I completely forgot I played this game until I saw someone post about it lol. I remember loving it but being a bit frustrated with the controls. It could have been me being 10 years old or also the fact that I was a stupid kid (and am now a stupid adult). Anyways, the atmosphere was cool. Such a sick concept and I want to replay this game at some point.

It really drags at the end but I really liked it. Especially the story

This review contains spoilers

Genuinely the only thing keeping me from giving this game 5 stars is it's gameplay, it's so aggressively easy and simplistic it's boring. But the story, my god, probably one of my favorite stories of any Sonic game ever.

Never expected the blue hedgehog to teach me that death is inevitable and that's ok but hey, here we are.

Probably has one of my favorite antagonists in the franchise.

It's fun, requires at least some small degree of skill, and you get the Sonic characters as Arthurian knights.

El concepto más duro de cojones que ha inventado sega jamás

A pesar de las muchas criticas que tiene recuerdo este juego con mucho cariño, controles algo pulidos que los anillos secretos pero ambientacion y historia bien construidos

Sonic. Una espada. Edad media. Si.

En fin. Al menos la OST es la polla

Same with shadow the hedgehog, the idea of sonic with a sword is cool as hell and all the sonic characters portrayed as king Arthur characters is fun too. Sonic is at his best here they really nailed his character and Jason Griffith voices him the best in this game too bad it was his last performance as sonic. The final boss is really cool and the whole theme and moral is also pretty deep for a sonic game and they manage it well. The game itself thought sucks balls and dick. It's laggy, the controls are unresponsive and the missions structure can just be confusing, and talk sword is annoying. But I would recommend it to sonic fans but if your looking for a fun Wii game look elsewhere.

SOUL, fun even if it's the slop kind of fun, also anyone that says it's best played with a traditional controller is lying

Half of my playtime was spent solely on the King Arthur boss fight. Controls are jank but it feels fantastic when you pull off major damage to an enemy. Biggest heights here are the visual style and soundtrack (obviously). The story is pretty good too.


Game's alright btw.

Posiblemente este sea el juego que más quería jugar, no sabía nada más allá de que Sonic utilizaba una espada, y la verdad me sorprendió bastante.

Sonic and the Black Knight nos presenta una especia de Isekai, algo que pasaba también en Secret Rings, en donde somos teletransportados a un mundo de fantasía medieval ambientado en la historia del rey Arturo, pero de una forma muy distinta ya que es este el cual se nos muestra como villano desde un principio, y nuestro trabajo es ayudar a "Merlina" a detenerlo.

Un punto que no me gusta en este tipo de historia que como dije anteriormente, pasa también en Secret Rings, es que en vez de que todos los personajes cuenten con diseños nuevos, en este caso los caballeros de la mesa redonda, se nos muestra a personajes de Sonic adoptando estos roles, obviamente sin pertenecer al mundo real de este (o sea, no lo conocen de nada, son personajes intrínsecos en este nuevo mundo), y la verdad, yo hubiese preferido personajes y diseños inventados en vez de reciclar, se que tiene buenos gimmicks como el tema de que Sonic los confunda, pero más allá no aportan nada relevante al universo real del erizo.

Jugablemente es muy simple, es solo avanzar, de vez en cuando moverte hacia los lados, y atacar con la espada usando el sensor de movimiento de la wii, que a mi no me dió ningún problema, era responsivo y entretenido de usar, los niveles son cortos pero frenéticos, y esto hace que la aventura sea muy amena, me sorprende que una habilidad sea defensa/parry, ya que si bien, los combates contra los jefes no son la gran cosa, hace que estos puedan ser más interesantes.

En tema de diseño lo amo, ese estilo tipo lienzo que usa en las "escenas" queda bastante bonito y acorde con la época que quiere representar, los diseños de los personajes extra como merlina o "black knight" son bastante buenos y no desentonan.

Musicalmente hablando me saco el sombrero ya que los temas son muy buenos, potentes, sobre todo en los jefes, son muy variados y hacen que la experiencia sea bastante disfrutable, muchos temas vocales me encantaron, tanto que se me hace difícil elegir una canción favorita.

Finalmente quiero decir que este juego ha sido muy criticado, y lo entiendo, sin embargo en mi experiencia no me aburrí en ningún momento, hay cosas mejorables como el control del personaje o la repetición de enemigos, pero más allá no hay mucho de lo que me pueda quejar o haya encontrado malo directamente.

Canción Favorita:

It's crazy how everything BUT the gameplay is mostly good! Seriously, just save yourself the time and watch the one hour's worth of cutscenes on YouTube for the best experience.

Such a great game though even besides the story, but with it it's absolutely excellent.

As much as people dont like this game it was really such a great experience for me! The story is interesting, the armor and weapons are amazing, just seeing Sonic going through medieval times with a sword at his hand alone is something to live for. The music was amazing too!!! Knight of the Wind will always be iconic to me.

I really like the combat, especially the special slow motion chain attack, it really feels fun to mow down knights of the underworld as knight Sonic. Though it may have been pretty simply and shallow, for what this is about i think it does well. Either way the combat is definitely the thing that draws me in the least about this game

The levels were okay, i can appreciate what theyre going for, though some things were pretty counterproductive to the flow of the game (more specifically the fire rings in the lava that are timed to hit you blindsidedly if you just run at sonics normal pace), sure i got angry at like two levels but i think if i played just a little bit differently i wouldve gotten through them a lot more easily.

All in all the thing i thought most while playing this game is "oh my god this is SO cool" and i after completing the game that thought has only magnified.

This may be my most contrversial opinion I have on games, but I honestly adore this game.

It's really by no means perfect, and I understand most peoples complaints with the gameplay, because sure it doesn't have much depth, but to be honest I have so much fun with it I just don't really care to be honest. Very rarely there'll be a time in a level where I might annoyed but even then I find that quite rare.

I'll admit though my main reason for liking the game isn't because of the gameplay, sure I really enjoy it but everything about this game is really good. From the music, the voice acting, the visuals, story etc it's honestly the best Sonic's been for the most part.

In terms of Voice acting this is by far the best Sonic has ever sounded (In English at least, I haven't heard enough of Jun'ichi to judge) but Jason Griffith knocks it out of the park, Shame this was his last game because he nailed it, defintley my favourite Sonic voice (and Shadow voice actually). Everyone else does a good job too.

Music is insanely good, (and it even has the first American to work on Sonic, tommy talarico !!) Jun Senoue kills it, and all the Crush 40 songs are great, Knight of the Wind is by far my favourite Crush 40 song. The regular music as well is great, and the use of old Adventure motifs is crazy cool too, hearing It Doesn't Matter again is so cool.

Visually the game looks pretty stunning especially for a Wii game, though I don't really have much to say here other than it looks really good.

I adore the Story and charcterization, Sonic is written the best he's ever been written here, and basically captures why I love Sonic as a character, his willingness to be the bad guy in order to help people for example are just why this version of Sonic is so great. Sonics dynamic with Caliburn is good as well, you'd really expect the talking sword to be annoying but he's really not, it's kinda like the dynamic between Sonic and Shara in Secret Rings except their relationship changes throughout the story and is way more interesting. The story as well is really good and tells a pretty sweet story about coming to terms with our own mortality I guess? which is always neat to see, and it's also quite funny to see that in a Sonic game. I won't write much about it due to spoilers but that's what it be + it's real good.

I do get why people don't like this game, both Sonic fans and non Sonic fans seem to all have their issues with this game, and honestly I thought that maybe I misremembered the game and it does actually suck, since I first played it about 2 years ago now, so after replaying I gotta say I just kinda love the game more now. I really hate to say this but this game has so much heart and care put into it and that's just something missing from modern Sonic, there's still something there, but it ain't up to this level yet. This and Unleashed were the peak of Sonic for me, and I only played them like 2-3 years ago, so this isn't really nostaglia, so something might just be wrong with me, so I don't know at this point. But I honestly think this game is cool as hell and I have a huge smile on my face for 95% of the game, though I gotta say that other 5% is during the stupid boss agaisnt King Arthur that sucks ass due to way too precise timing on motion controls, but apart from that I'm having a blast.

Ultimately Sonic with a Sword is cool as hell and this game rocks.

Peak Fiction, low key iconic, one of the best in the series

I've only like the cutscenes and have forgotten how mindless it plays

Secret Rings but good, dope story

Eterno infravalorado va duro de cojones no dejes que las malas lenguas te digan que este juego no es bueno

Best story in a Sonic game, kinda mid gameplay though.

Se que muchos lo odian pero a mí me encanto de pequeño

Pinche caballero dorado nunca le pude ganar
(se quemo mi wii)

Sonic gets an awesome sword and its cool as fuck