Reviews from

in the past

(i bought the game on pc again because of mods) i loved it! though it's easily the buggiest and less polished part of the game, the pop-in is even more apparent here than the base game, characters are either overleveled af or they're underleveled, the towers difficulty are inconsistent and so are the trials, the final trial on hard mode before the patch was stupidly difficult (mostly the 2nd boss fight), and the final boss doesn't give you an indication on what to do which can make you get stuck for a while. but besides all of that, i loved the update! the characters are fun, the new ending is much better narratively, and the final boss fight itself was really climactic and awesome. don't got much to say except for playing it on normal difficulty

ehhhhhhhhhhhhh pretty good least it fixed the final boss battle

can't say for other difficulties, but on normal mode the Master King trial was challenging but really fun. Amy, Tails, and Knuckles I also found really fun to play, and while the final boss was confusing, you can't help but adore how cool as hell you feel playing it. Idk why this added story is this hated tbh, I thought it improved Frontiers greatly

All of the DLC really improved the base game a lot, and the final horizon in particular is very enjoyable and has probably the most memorable sequences in the entire game. While the boss rush near the end is really difficult, I prefer this ending to the base game's ending as it is much more fun and visually entertaining. The other playable characters is also such a massive improvement to the flow of the game. There are still a few wonky controls but otherwise this is a great way to cap off Sonic Frontiers.

Most DLC like this tends to make a game better....however Final Horizons only really served to put a big fat super scope over all of Frontiers problems and now that the dust has settled, it can't hide behind it's spectacle anymore.

I didn’t enjoy this expansion very much. I was excited for the new characters but they all just feel like Sonic with some sort of choppy gimmick and none of them are given much time to breathe. A lot of the expansion is just “You are this character, get all the things around this area, good job, here is a new character”. I didn’t enjoy it very much but I could see what they were going for. The writing was okay.

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Pretty good update, the trials were pretty good here, I'm glad they balanced them to not be extremely frustrating, the new characters are pretty good as well, they control as well as sonic, the final boss was a huge improvement from original frontiers.

i beat this before the patch released that fixed most issues

a step in the right direction but not enough, trust me i had a blast breaking this game to bits with the character upgrades, so much so i 100% the whole thing, because i actually had a lot of dumb fun with this one. just running through the island as all the characters is so cool it kinda brings me back to the old days back when sonic had friends. I know people hated the final trial and they have every right to. but I loved it. I love the bosses from frontiers that having the game force me to master each one was exhilarating and fun to experiment with, even if it took me 95835182048902 times to beat them, the awesome music also helped with that. the final boss was good they just needed to give more direction on what to do, I never would've figured out that you could rip the cord off of supreme without a walkthrough. the levels though? love and hate them. I love how much freedom and experimentality they give you it really makes it feel like an adventure stage from time to time, some of the levels have fun gimmicks like anti gravity or ultra boost which i had a blast with. what i don't like are the missions, they suck ass to say the least. i don't mind the token collecting or whatever, but the stupid flicky finding is so stupid and the numbers are also stupid, i got way to frustrated when 100% these stages, luckily you don't even have to play a signal one to beat the game i love that. the writing also sucks ass it feels like it was written by a fan fiction artist that wasn't even passionate about their work. i never really understood what was going on and the characters were explaining thing that the game thinks i should already know (which i don't) so it ends up being the confusing mess of words and garble to me. seriously they NEED to fix the characters in the next game for crying out loud.
overall this game is jank enough to get a good pass for me and i highly recommend it for people who enjoyed frontiers, but for people with better tast i say look elsewhere. thank god this was free.

How do you manage to make the final boss even worse lmaoooooooooooooooo

As reviewed at launch. They completely butchered knuckles. The ending was also pretty mid, the cyberspace levels have no checkpoints for some reason, and this overall felt rushed. the Level design was pretty good though all around

C'est une horreur, les nouvelles mécaniques des persos sont pas plaisantes, les combats ridiculement frustrants, et les phases de plateforme aussi. Ils se sont crus sur Only Up les frérots. Je préfère ne pas parler du boss rush (obligatoire pour finir le jeu) ridiculement dur et qui nous force à tous nous retaper à la moindre erreur, sans pouvoir passer les cinématiques bien sûr. Le boss de fin est une catastrophe en terme de game design, j'ai jamais vu ça de ma vie. Vraiment y'a des moments où je me suis demandé s'ils avaient testé la mise à jour avant de la publier.

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All this to resurrect a character who was coming back via a post credit scene in the main game. This is the equivalent of going back to your house and checking to make sure the door is locked when it already was.

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Heureusement que ce carnage est gratuit, et encore...

Pas de nouvelle carte, on rejoue la dernière du jeu de base mais complètement défigurée par un surplus de plateforme Roses, Rouges et Jaunes car au lieu de faire un level design qui appelle à l'intelligence des joueurs de comprendre quel personnage est adapté à quelle situation, autant l'indiquée direct avec des couleurs criardes dégueulasses de partout.

Les tours sont un enfer à escalader, les combats une fois le sommet atteint sont merdiques au possible, le boss Rush est immonde de difficulté et pue le manque d'idée flagrant, et est malheureusement obligatoire pour atteindre la fin.

Les bons points étant de pouvoir jouer 3 personnages autres que Sonic possédants chacun leur arbre de compétence qui se ressemblent tout de même et sont assez pauvres, et la fin qui est meilleure que celle du jeu de base même si le boss de fin est assez dégueulasse aussi en terme de game design

Voilà j'ai pas grand chose d'autre à dire à part de vous conseiller de ne pas vous infliger ce DLC

Eu gostei dos novos personagens jogáveis, os novos desafios do open world tb foram legais... em parte e a OST é linda mas que boss final ruim, nunca mais reclamo do boss final do Frontiers. O Boss é exatamente o contrário do que você iria querer fazer pra um boss, o setting é legal mas é só isso.
Ah e o final é bem bonitinho.

Me when I'm in an ass kicking contest and my opponent is Sonic Frontiers: Final Horizon: 😮😦😨😰😵💀

damn can't believe all of this was free they pretty much listened to all the feedback and gave us this huge experimental campaign

A poorly-executed sloppy add-on to Sonic Frontiers carried by a banger OST and a fantastic final fight.

This sucked balls however that final battle made me remember why I'm a sonic fan and for that alone it gets 4 stars

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Okay, I think I've had enough time to think this expansion over a good bit, so here's the review.
Being able to play as Tails, Knuckles, and Amy again after so long without being able to is awesome, especially Tails and Knuckles with the Cyclone and the punch glide loop that you can use to bypass pretty much all of the puzzles with.
Now, here's the weakest part of the DLC....Sonic.
Not character wise, he's still written very well, I'm talking about what he's given to do in his gameplay sections.
You have to climb the stupid towers again and guess what? THEY'RE HARDER!
I had to switch the difficulty to Easy in order to actually get up the towers without going insane, and when you go up them, you're given really annoying little trials to do where you have to beat enemies in a certain time limit, sounds simple right? WRONG!
Ya see, the game decided to bring you back to Level 1 for all of them, making all of that levelling and grinding completely pointless.
I don't even understand why these trials exist to begin with, especially the last one, which involves you fighting every single one of the Titans again (excluding Supreme), only this time, you're AGAIN, set back to Level 1, meaning you only have 400 rings to work with, that sounds okay, right? Except IT ISN'T!
Because you won't be able to get more in between fights, meaning whatever ring count you have at the end of each fight is what you're stuck with in the next one, so try not to get hit as base form Sonic, oh yeah, they have you climb the Titans again as well, meaning you have to climb them hitless in order to actually get through it, on top of that, the game takes away your normal parry for these trials and replaces it with a Perfect Parry, meaning you have to time your parries PERFECTLY in order to beat them, and remember that, cuz it becomes important later.
Fortunately, you can swap the difficulty to Easy, which extends the parry window by a bit, so there's that.
But yeah, back to what I mentioned before, why do these trials exist? I get that it's the Titan riders testing Sonic's might, but here's the thing, the last trial is him fighting the Titans......Something he already did......And is the entire reason that he has to go through these trials to start with, you see where I'm going with this?
Okay, now for the final boss, you have to fight Supreme again, because this expansion doesn't have enough padding with the tower climbing and the stupid trials, it's easy enough, but they really should've just skipped it for this expansion, just saying.
But the real fight starts after you beat him, where The End connects itself to Supreme, and the connection keeps Supreme's health from going down, meaning you have to sever it in order to be able to do damage to him, do I need to say it?
You literally have to sidestep in order to be able to lock on to the connection and attack it until it's severed, the game gives you no indication that that's what you need to do, so you'll basically just be here wailing on it, not knowing what to do, which is what I did, and it pissed me off when I found the solution, cuz HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?!
Not only that, but the boss also shoots energy balls at you that SAP YOUR RINGS! And if you're on Hard, it saps a huge chunk of them and you can't parry them until you become Cyber Sonic (I'm not calling him Super Sonic 2), meaning that before you can really start fighting the boss, you have to take three energy balls to the face and lose most of your rings, LOVELY.
Also, remember when I said they took away your parry and replaced it with a Perfect Parry? Yeah, they did that here, too, and you better have this on Easy, cuz if you have it on Hard, GOOD FUCKING LUCK!
The timing on Perfect Parry is insane to time and you better parry those energy balls, cuz again, they sap your rings, and even if you have the max number of rings, on Hard, you're FUCKED!
Not to mention that at certain angles, the FUCKING TREES BLOCK YOUR VIEW AND MESS UP YOUR TIMING EVEN MORE!
But hey, if you're able to get past all of that, sever the connection, and get his health down, you'll still be stuck trying to figure out what to do, because again, the game doesn't tell you what you need to do to proceed and also doesn't even make it obvious what needs to be done.
And if you take too much time trying to figure it out, The End will repair its connection and heal him all the way back to full, meaning you'll have to do it all again.
How the hell are people supposed to know that you have to perform a Cyloop on the hole in its back to bring out its gun, then perform another Cyloop to finish Phase 1?!
And now, you have to DO THE SAME FIGHT AGAIN!
Meaning you have to sever The End's connection AGAIN, and beat it AGAIN!
And no, unlike before, you can't just sever the connection immediately, because Supreme decides to throw a tempur tantrum that keeps you from attacking the connection and wastes time before it finally decides to attack Eggman and the others.
Oh, and at one point in the fight, Surpreme fires a huge energy ball that takes down your rings even more, basically rushing you to finish the fight, there is no way to avoid this, there is no time limit, it is a scripted Fuck You attack, so you'd better hope that your parries are on point and that you have his health down pretty low, otherwise, you're fucked!
But hey, once you beat him, you get a cool cutscene where Sonic is shot out of Supreme's gun at The End and you do hear Roger do a really cool scream, which was awesome, but from there, the ending is pretty much the same as the main game, except Eggman is with Sage this time, which is a really wholesome scene, followed by an equally wholesome song, which is a lyrical version of the song from the original boss fight with The End.
I'm sorry about all of the complaining, but seriously, they made this expansion way too hard for casual players, even if you have it on Easy, seriously, how're kids supposed to beat this?
And if any of you are going to say "Git Gud", kindly shove that statement up your ass, Sonic games shouldn't be hard, and yeah, the main game was easy, even on Hard, but it's Sonic, these games aren't meant to be challenging, you want challenge, go back to FromSoftware and leave Sonic alone.
I get that the developers were listening to player feedback, and it's great when they do, it shows that they care about the people that play their games, but they really went overboard with the difficulty on this one, hopefully, they learn from this and make the next Sonic game the perfect balance of easy and difficult, like they did with the Adventure games and Unleashed.
Oh yeah, the new music is really good, each character having their own music to fit their gameplay sections is really nice and the new version of I'm Here done by Kellin Quinn is now my new favorite version of the song, and I'm With You, the wholesome song that I previously mentioned.
Also, this was completely free, so there's that, I hope this, on top of God of War Ragnarok's Valhalla DLC is an indication on what direction some game companies will start going with their DLCs, I say some, cuz you all know EA and Ubisoft ain't gonna do that.
TLDR: Basically, I like playing as Tails, Knuckles, and Amy again, I hate playing as Sonic, cuz of all the bullshit he has to do, trials feel like unnecessary padding, the final boss is cool, but bullshit, you essentially have to have it on Easy in order to actually have fun or have an easier time, the new songs are great, the DLC is free, so no use being too mad at it.
Now I'm gonna go back to patiently waiting for the next Sonic game, which hopefully will feature Shadow as a main character again, bring my boy back in the spotlight, and actually write him better, please?

Instead of fixing some of the many major flaws that the base game had, Sonic Team instead decided to make a small story addition with 3 completely new playable characters. The result is a vastly more varied game than the original release, at the cost of breaking the game in half. To be blunt, this trade off is awful. Don't get me wrong, I love breaking games in half, but there is a big difference between a well designed game with a high skill ceiling (Sonic Adventure 2 for example) and a game so utterly dysfunctional that doing anything in the game feels unintentionally broken and manipulatable.

The broken physics are made even more apparent with the addition of the spin dash. I love that you can hold LT to keep the move going, unlike the boost which loves to stop working even though you never let go of RT. However, if you launch off of a slope the right way (and it's way too easy to do so) you can launch yourself so high and far that it's almost disorientating. That part is not fun. In my opinion, it isn't restricted enough.

The other characters are just as janky to control as Sonic, and even more broken. All 3 of them have some way to just float or fly for a long time which defeats any incentive to do the mini challenges spread across the island when you can just fly to the end of all of them. It feels like they did too much with the new characters and not enough at the same time.

The traditional levels suck. Each of them has a gimmick that hypocritically restricts the explorative nature of the new spin dash. They also never fixed the bug that doesn't carry your custom controls into the levels. I didn't feel remotely bothered to do all of them.

The "challenges" are hard, but not actually challenging. Instead of testing your skill, they test your patience and input latency. You have to have superhuman speed to do any of them above normal difficulty or you have to replay each one dozens of times until you memorize every aspect of the challenge.

There is nothing to talk about in regards to the story as it is barely present and what is there is confusing and uninteresting. Don't even get me started on the final boss.

I think my disappointment comes from a desire to see this game in a good state. Instead of that, I got something new that exaggerates the issues that I wanted to see fixed by now. The spin dash is merely a bandage on top of the horrible boost and the new characters remove all incentive and fun from the game. Everything outside of the open zone is dysfunctional and not worth the time.

This Expansion pack has some neat ideas: playing Sonic's friends each with their own skills and collectibles. The story not taking place after the main game but rather being an alternate finale. Too bad it had to be in the hands of Sonic Team.

I don’t think I’ve ever had my impressions of a base game soured by a DLC, but I guess there's always a first for all. This thing has challenges that were clearly not designed with Frontiers' Sonic movement and thus they are bullshit hard and impossible because they seem to require a completely different set of physics than the ones in the game.

The different playable characters don’t reach their full potential. The difficulty curve for the new guardian challenges resembles a plate of spaghetti thrown at a wall. Master King Koco's challenge is just straight up dog shit. And the final boss, while a neat concept and, in theory, better than the final boss in the base game; it just ruins it by having an attack in the final phase that is basically a "fuck you, start again" if you don’t parry it, no matter how many rings you have.

I think Sega knew how absolutely shit this DLC was and that’s why they gave it out for free with an update, because had they charged money for this, I guarantee all the goodwill Frontiers gardeners would’ve gone down the drain. Fuck this DLC, not even being free justifies it.

Playing this on Hard was the most brutal tartalizing experience I've ever had.

And I'm a masochist.

Glad we had a proper final boss this time around Tho.

PS: Tower vietnam flashbacks and pop-in.

Story wise: It's definitely a crowd pleaser, seeing all the characters work together like the old days to gather the Chaos Emeralds, find a way to weaponize the Cyber Corruption, and defeat The End in an epic final boss fight was fun, Adventure era fans are in for a treat.

Though, part of me wish they stuck with the original ending, since it left a stronger emotional impact compared to the new one, imo.

Also, you get to talk to several characters scattered around the island while romaing around as any character, some of them provide cute and funny Easter Eggs and callbacks to previous games, and more info that expands the lore behind the Ancients and Starfall Islands.

Gameplay wise: Getting to play as Tails, Amy, and Knuckles in a mainline 3D Sonic game was way overdue, since they haven't been playable since 06, and they all feel good to play (especially after the later update, which tweaked their movement a bit, most notably Knuckles), I love how Amy can float in the air, Tails can glide like in SA1, and Knuckles has almost all his movements from SA2, all three of them also have their own moves that can only be unlocked be collecting XP points, especially from certain Kocos who are scattered around the island.

But yeah, I really hope the trio return for future games.

If there's anything I can criticize about the DLC, it's the difficulty, holy shit, they really cranked it up to 11, unless you have the patience of a Saint, I recommend setting it down to Easy if needed, especially during the Master King trial.

The new Cyber Space levels have original level designs instead of being straight up taken from previous games, and some of them will truly test your skills and knowledge with Sonic's moveset, if you thought 1-2 was hard, you've seen nothing.

Also, whoever thought not having any checkpoints in any of them should be fired, same with whoever added rescuing 3 small animals as part of the collectibles.

The music is top notch, really some of Sonic Team's best work, from the emotionally driven open zone theme songs of the characters, to the remixes of the Guardian mini bosses, and the insanely loud but catchy remixes of the Cyber Space levels, it's good stuff, imo.

But yeah, if you felt Sonic Frontiers' last island and boss fights were underwhelming, The Final Horizon should fix that for you, it's a free update, and only requires a save file where you've already reached Ouranos Island, so, you're not losing anything from playing it, it's not perfect, in fact, it's a bit janky in some places, but hey, it's free.

Just...brace yourself for the whiplash you'll probably gonna get from the increased difficulty...and some of the jank.

It tries its best to fix the rushed final island from the base game and falls along the way. It can be really janky and has an insanely hard difficulty curve. And some of the base games issues become even worse with the crowded new island. I still had a great time and cant really hate cause its free but wish they took more time.

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Fucking hated it until the Supreme fight, which nearly made up for all the bullshit I had to endure to get there (I still like the original final boss more tho rofl)

É bem 8 ou 80, as partes boas são MUITO boas e as partes ruins são Muito ruins

Esta actualización me parecio un aburrimiento tremendo, los nuevos personajes rompen el juego, dificultad estúpida. condiciones para el jefe final exgeradas. Esto es un "What if..?" del final, realmente lo más relevante es que Saege no muere.
Actualización completada al 100%.

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A frustratingly uneven experience, with some great highs weighed down by disappointing lows. Amy, Knuckles, and Tails were good ideas that could have used some more time being tested, but as they stand I just found them generally unfun to play as most of the time, with Tails being the most redeeming of the bunch and Knuckles being unbearable to play as. The Sonic challenges up the towers were great fun, with a high degree of difficulty I really enjoyed. The boss gauntlet, while a great idea and generally fun to play through, could have had a few quality of life changes to make it truly enjoyable, such as removing the original Sonic segments, especially the Wyvern one. Final boss was not great in my opinion, once again I can see the idea of something good but implementation that just feels too unfinished to really enjoy.

heureusement qu'il était gratuit ton dlc pourri là