Reviews from

in the past

These ps1 visuals are hard to look at but throwing snowballs at peacocks was fun ngl


I remember people talking about this so much back in the day. It's a really shitty South Park game and a really shitty FPS. I guess it being the first South Park game and launching on the N64 was enough for it to garner attention.

Holy shit, here it is here it is...The absolute worst game I've ever played!

The weapons are neat and it has the voices....and that's where the positives end. Single player is just a hoarde of the same enemies over and over again with the same behavior, with huge N64 fog to disguise the laughably low draw distance. The one boss, the final boss, is utter bullshit and next to impossible to do legitimately. In fact, use cheats the entire time if you absolutely must go through this slog. The weapons will all feel old by the end though, as will the voices.

When even the creators shit all over this one, you know shit went horribly wrong.

If you ever wanted to play Doom but thought it was too fun, don't worry, I got just the game for you.

I just remember being very confused.

genuinely the worst video game i have ever played. i never thought i would find such a heinous product in my lifetime.

Eu sempre gostei do Kenny, então a única coisa positiva desse jogo

While first booting up the game an FPS with South Park characters built on the Turok engine seems promising, but soon enough you'll find out that it's basically just moving room to room fighting mobs of the same enemies over and over again.

By the end of the first set of stages you'll have killed the same turkeys so many times, listened to the same tiresome stock sounding music and have heard the same voicelines from the characters over and over again to the point that you'll feel the brain cells literally leaking from your ears.

This game only gets one star, because the control is nice and that's about all the good I have to say about it, aside from the humor also being on-brand for the early seasons of the show(aka tiresome and hard to go back to).

Now in contrast to chef's luv shack which is cool with friends and looks and sounds nice this game is dog balls

The graphics were poor and gameplay wasn't entirely user friendly, but it was a very fun experience when I was 8.

A truly horrendous game. They got the "South Park" part of it right to be fair, with unique weapon types to this game, like snowballs being your regular weapon, dodgeballs that act as good indoor weapons due to bouncing off walls, nerf guns for rapid fire, Terrance and Phillip dolls for poison grenades. The humour is pretty good for what you'd expect from that era of South Park.

But as a game it is so BAD. The first and worst is the controls. The movement is so unbelievably sensitive, making trying to actually aim at anything near impossible, which became a huge problem in boss fights that only have a tiny area you can actually damage, or air-borne enemies, or skinny enemies like the aliens. I honestly gave up on the alien stages because trying to hit a target like that, with these controls, while they could fire off their projectiles that ate at health was just too much when the levels have no checkpoints.

Speaking of no checkpoints, the levels just feel like they drag forever. Not helped by the fact that the level design is pure ass and the only gameplay is to fight the exact same hordes of enemies over and over. Literally you start a level, move forward a few feet and fight a few mooks and a tank, walk a few more feet and do the same. It's so boring, repetitive and the bland aesthetics don't make it any better.

Sound design is also terrible, with the same character stock phrases said over and over.

If the controls were any better I could probably have at least played this to the end, but as the game got harder the controls just became too much of a handicap.