Reviews from

in the past

I can barely get past the first region.

This game fucking sucks ( I have 450 hours )

Littéralement le 1 mais en beaucoup plus complet. Toujours aussi punitif.

Have not gone to CO yet, only beat “the hard ending”

This game builds on Spelunky 1 in a lot of ways but it’s also kind of the antithesis, Spelunky 1 is a lot more methodical and didn’t require as much “guide gaming” as this one, this game will fuck you sideways without a second thought if you don’t know what’s up. The guide game to end all guide games, but I don’t really mind.

The different environments are super cool and I love how there’s branching paths! Which is super neat! I do think it sucks that the right answer on most runs is generally gonna be Volcana-Tide Pool though, but I appreciate the option existing and the unique benefits each area provides

I really like this game, Spelunky 1 felt antiquated in a way areas such as graphics whereas this game is gorgeous, and I’m not even gonna get started on the multiplayer since somehow it makes the game HARDER but it’s better for it. Overall, good shit Spelunky 2

essential co-op experience.

this game made me develop early onset dementia

soulful fair challenging platforming heaven. this is my favorite rouge like. some of the most rewarding challenges in any game ive played. its fun to loose in this game. this a once ina generation title steaming beautiful hotness.

Somehow manages to make random bullshit fucking you over fun and funny. Painfully hard the beyond the first ending

In theory better than the original but suffers more from uncontrollable bullshit and there's way too much deterministic stuff this time. All of the bosses are terrible. I feel mixed on this game but I do still enjoy playing it.

*Review written on steam day one, "ported" to backloggd

Spelunky HD was always one of my favorite games, and something I named multiple times as "the perfect game" and "the best of the decade" throughout 2015-2019.
For that very reason, I was very afraid with Spelunky 2, as it felt a bit empty in the trailers, too wide, and MUCH easier, which terrified me.
I saw critics saying it was a 10/10, a 9.5, etc etc, while users complained about "unfair" deaths and bad design of everything in general.
From my experience, I never believe the critics, and that's why I was really afraid that Spelunky 2 won't be what I expected...
Now that it's finally in my hands, I could understand where all these voices were coming from, and realize why there was so much frustration from the Spelunky HD fans.

You see, everywhere they say that Spelunky 2 was made to screw over those who played the first game. Almost everything feels different, but at the same time it's familiar, and basically it's playing Spelunky without knowing anything new, but with some familiarity.
I really thought they were referring to some item or enemy or something like that, since the movement is the same, but the problem is that the hitboxes are much more precise and better made. The AI of the NPCs is frighteningly human, and overall all these changes make most players feel useless. It makes them feel useless for having spent so many hours on the first one, remembering that mythical run where you didn't have to grab any gold to earn an achievement, or the numerous failed eggplant runs....
It just made you feel bad.
But, in spite of everything, they forgot about another nostalgic feeling, which was that of feeling Useless. That same feeling was also present in everyone when playing the first Spelunky. In my case, I played it in 2014, but it wasn't until 2015/2016 that I really got fond of it, that it really had a space in my heart, as to the day I write this, I have 500 hours in the first game, with all the achievements. That feeling of feeling useless, slowly turned into eustress. Fear. Anguish, but above all, fun.

Funny, isn't it? Exactly the reason why we all love the first Spelunky, is the same reason why we criticize so much to its sequel, because waiting for the continuation of the "perfect game", for many it is an improved version, and the minimum "error" or thing that we dislike, we already reject it, because we have the idea that by having a link with the previous game, we automatically have the doors open, but it is not so.
Honestly, Spelunky 2 is a love letter. A love letter to the whole community that loves this wonderful game. A love letter to the player, and especially, a love letter to the creator's daughter.

If we analyze a little more, Spelunky 2 is just an expansion of the first game. Absolutely everything that was there before is there now. The only thing that happens is that we get used to it. It's like going from bitter chocolate to semi-bitter chocolate. It's a familiar transition, but you know it's not the same, and that feeling of unfamiliarity is what pulls many of us back, because at the same time "we know it".
Spelunky 2 doesn't live up to anything I imagined, and that's exactly why I love it.
Playing Spelunky 2 is like starting to play Spelunky for the first time in your life. It's devastating, it's addictive, and above all; it's unforgettable.

After realizing this, I gradually stopped being so objective, and started watching it quietly, and I must say that just like before, every time I die, it ends in a laugh, a scare, or a relief, mixed with laughter. Quickly, that feeling of uselessness, was gone, and I must say that relearning to laugh at your mistakes, is a very funny thing.

You may have already noticed with this review, but I'm a sentimental person, and I'm 100% sure that once I get to the end of this odyssey, I'm going to bawl my eyes out.
Thank you Derek.
Really, thank you very much.

Christ this game was hard to 100%

i wanna snip that girls fat red nose off

Tough as nails, borderline "Guide Game." Fun to lose with friends.

great sequel, evolves on everything compared to the first game

muito bom jogar com amigo, confia

Man, I am not good at video games

Roguelike platforming perfected. Also this games' secrets are absolutely insane and I implore you to try and figure as much out as you can without looking things up.

amazing platformer, quality controls and game mechanics... this is peak platformer gaming

such a well made game and i come back to it often but WOW is it difficult even for me

makes dying fun! better in co-op imo

This game is endless fun. Soundtrack is so well done. So much fun to die over and over again. One of my all-time favorites.

A very punishing game, sometimes unfairly so. Despite this its still a very fun game and is extremely addicting.

Might legitimately be my favorite game ever. The accomplishment I felt reaching Cosmic Ocean is, to this day, unmatched by any other game.

No es que sea malo pero se siente muy uncanny después de jugar el primero, el contenido resulta abrumador de la forma en la que se presenta y el movimiento es ligeramente diferente. Creo que me gusta menos, pero debería jugarlo más.

There are so many cool secrets to discover and exciting routes to follow... I just wish I was good enough to experience it firsthand.

what a demented game. it's great