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in the past

Had to shelve as I was getting very bored with the systems, but my time with the different characters so far was tremendous. some really interesting ideas on how to do a vast-feeling open world on a small budget/scale, definitely cried in my time.

Really respect this title, but ultimately I could not get into it at all.

cute cute cute!! can get attached to the characters and the storyline is adorable
somtimes it can be kinda annoying though cause its a puzzle game
( the grind is hard :( )

le jeu m'a beaucoup aidé lors de la perte d'un proche, je ne peux que le recommander, c'est beau, c'est reposant et tu aides des âmes à connaître le bonheur pour leur permettre de partir paisiblement dans l'au-delà en voyageant dans ton bateau que tu peux agencer comme tu le souhaites

I know this game is good but I just didn’t really get into it I played roughly 8 hours of it and I did have a lot of fun but it quickly goes away with how tedious some things are this is one of those games I’ll likely revisit when I have motivation the game just didn’t click with me on my first time around

I enjoyed most of the hours I put into this game; once I hit 32 hours, the game was losing it's charm. It became tedious and the end play was bare.

Let's start with positives first. I adore the art style of the game: bright colors, animal designs for the spirits, and interesting locations to explore. The music was uplifting and I found myself humming to the song when I wasn't playing the game. Exploring new islands via boat was awesome; you can get off the boat and run around. That was my favorite part of the game: exploring. Helping the first handful of spirits was a rollercoaster of emotions. Through their quests and short conversations you start to learn more about them as individuals. When you have to say goodbye, it hurts.

Unfortunately after maybe the fifth spirit, the rest felt bare boned. It made me care less and less the further I went into the main character's story. The final two spirits (which are optional) did NOT feel worth the challenges. It was very disappointing to play while I felt punished by the game. The last spirit was extremely rude, self centered, and if you fail one of their challenges they became verbally abusive. It made me feel AWFUL. I have no idea why they added this character? The game calls itself's not cozy to be told I was terrible. The end of your story went where I feared...and I was disappointed by that.

Don't mistake this game as story heavy. It can be an emotional toll but it doesn't give you a full story. It's a management game. You may be puzzled on a few points. If you want the full story and explanation of the have to buy their art book for ten bucks. The player should be able to understand the story well enough in the game that you shouldn't have to buy something else to understand what you just played.

jogo muito lindo, música marcante e linda, arte linda, gameplay legalzinha, mistura fazenda com história e tristeza,
muito bom, recomendo demais, stardew valley de triste

Very cute and wholesome! Cried my eyes out saying good bye to some of my favorite companions but gives a bittersweet feeling to the concept of loss and acceptance. The game mechanics are so fun too.

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Quite saddened by this one. The early game of Spiritfarer is solid, the resource gathering makes sense and your initial companions on your journey are all likeable and filled with personality. But the more I progressed, the more frustrating it became. Starting first with the resource management, the core mechanic of the game. It baffles me that after the first 20hrs there is still no way to automate resource creation. There is a kitchen, crusher, foundry, sawmill, loom, smithy, all the farming ones and that is just what I have unlocked and yet absolutely none of them have the ability to automate. That means that in the later parts of the game, when I need to craft higher level materials through various processes to complete quests, I need to manually go to multiple buildings and go through the same annoying mini games to make them. It is baffling in the long term that even through upgrades, there is no automation of resource creation.

Now for the characters. The initial bunch of spirits are all great, but I'd say from Astrid onwards I did not find a single one of them likeable and a few bordered on annoying. This might just be personal taste, but to have Giovanni, a cheater and by all accounts kinda shitty dude, get a full emotional send off while Atul, one of the longest serving passengers on board and a truly joyful person, just disappear overnight, is infuriating.

If you're one for lots of resource management and don't mind the need to constantly create new materials, you may enjoy this more than me. But at a certain point, I just couldn't push any further, especially when I didn't care for any of the spirits on the boat.

Você vai chorar TANTO, mas vai valer a pena

Made me cry a lot. Very sweet but got a bit repetitive after a while with each character

this game made me cry so many time

Good writing, great moments, but the tedious gameplay gets soooooo old. The Achilles heel of this game for sure.

Um pouco longo demais, terminei em 30 horas mas parecia 60, se vc farma muito depois de um tempo não tem mais nada pra fazer a não ser esperar os personagens darem suas quests. Mesmo assim, muito lindo o jogo e a história, vários personagens interessantes, recomendo.

I want to like this game but I just can't get into it

LOVED this. It's deep, but not dark. It's the right length and the right pacing. Characters I can connect with. Awesome game.

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Esse jogo é pouco comentado pro meu gosto. Tem uma história muito bonita, amei o sistema de montar as estruturas no barco e de como pegar alguns itens por meio de eventos aleatórios no mar. Eu chorei com a despedida da maior parte dos personagens, principalmente o Tio Atul.

For me, this is one of those games that I know is good, but just didn't click for me. I think I'm just not the kind of person that this game was made for. Maybe I'm not compassionate enough. Who knows.

acompanhei o lançamento, achei curioso e hoje é um dos jogos mais emocionante que eu já joguei, amo esse jogo, defenderei com unhas e dentes

I loved it, with a few problems.

First off, the story and characters are all well written and heartfelt, to the point I was sure id be sobbing throughout. But I didn't really, some things prevented it from hitting me the right way.

I think anytime story shit is happening is wonderful, and the core of the gameplay is one of my preferred resource MGMT/farming games. It has a good deal of engaging platforming, fun activities to break up gameplay, decent progression hooks and upgrades, perfect art and animation, music, visual style. But the pacing, if played the wrong way, sucked a lot from my enjoyment.

I do blame myself partially, as I naturally kind of hit areas and completed stuff in a way that caused shortages later in the game, but this unfortunately soured it a bit. Long stints of no new narrative interest and seemingly more or less maxing out my resources to collect, and I realized this too late that I should be doing more farming when the request comes in vs. a continuing factory assembly line of materials and refinement and so on. I get that it's supposed to be meditative but not having all spirits, but it feels like the pacing gap between all the moving pieces felt pretty unfortunate. and some more obscure information gets scattered by not doing every activity all the time, even if there's no reason for you to do so, such as one of the most important spirits obtained via fishing, when nothing indicates this is necessary, but is linked to an essential item for other progress. I also felt that when stacked together, the stories felt kind of mechanical and packed less punch for some of it, especially when it requires a lot of irritating travel, when you could have done it more efficiently if you had x just a little before, and then if you get it unoptimally, it isn't really worth getting it in the first place. Hard stuff to balance, I'm sure, esp with the way the story develops, but it did make me kinda sad about this. The core stories and gameplay again are so good, and it's worth playing, but not without some rough edges.


no way a deer smoking cigarettes in her free time has me emotional rn

A really heartfelt and emotional journey. I think the gameplay got a little tired over time, and the story actually slightly falls back on tropes in a way I didn't expect it to. It is still very accomplished in the story it does tell, have your feelings ready