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in the past

Sem duvida, um dos jogos que eu mais joguei no meu Playstation 2, lembro até hoje quando descobri um modo de jogo que era herois contra vilões, nada mais assustador que 3 yodas correndo na tua direção.
Quando comprei na steam tinha um bug bizarro, pesquisei em tudo que é lugar até ver uma solução esquisita, quando o jogo estivesse abrindo eu teria que conectar um fone de ouvido na entrada traseira que desbugava e pior que funcionou.
Esse jogo é basicamente um Battlefield 3 com Star Wars, Batalhas terrestres e Espaciais. Varios modos de jogo, instant action, galactic conquest(que era o meu favorito) entre outros, tinha um modo campanha que era simples e funcionava com um tutorial e se passava entre os episódios 3 e 5.
Acho que o meu vicio em Battlefield veio desse Jogo. Não acho que esse jogo merece 5 estrelas mas, não tó nem ai

BIZARRO de tão fiel a saga, jogo perfeito.
Por causa desse jogo, devo saber o nome de no mínimo 10 planetas da saga, nome de algumas tropas e fora os "condutores" dos sabres de luz.

Played this so much it broke my ps2

It's been a while since I've had nights like this.

As an adult with a busy life, it gets much harder to find the time to spend with friends. Thankfully, things have been changing for me in that regard, and now I'm getting to spend more time with the group of people I've known for the past 10 years or so. Tonight, three of us gathered at a friend's place, looking forward to a night of fun and conversation. After thinking about what we wanted to do, we settled on doing a playthrough of Star Wars: Battlefront II on the original Xbox. Now, I had heard plenty of praise for this game in the past, but I haven't had enough interest to give it a shot. Now, I had no excuse to not try it out, especially since you could play the campaign in 4-player co-op.

This game, with friends, certainly is an experience.

One minute you'll be on the battlefield on foot, mowing down enemy troops, occasionally shooting a blast or throwing a grenade in the path of one of your friends, and working as best as you can together to complete objectives. Another minute, you're soaring through space, shooting out fleets of enemies while trying not to crash your ships just trying to land (or yelling in agony as you careen into a wall due to our lack of flight experience, which always gets a laugh out of the group.) You may also find yourself gaining the ability to play as a key character from the movies, such as Yoda or Darth Vader. You may also find yourself accidentally wiping out half of your friend's health as they're playing as this character because you started firing at a grunt just as they swooped in to do a lightsaber attack on the same foe. You'll take control of vehicles, even getting to pilot AT-ATs, feeling powerful as you fire strong blasts into enemy troops and turrets, as well as your friend who was just trying to capture the objective.

I guess with all that I'm trying to say that Star Wars: Battlefront II is messy, chaotic fun in the goofiest of ways. You'll laugh and bicker playfully with your friends as you explore stages and try to progress. You'll laugh every time the game sharply cuts to a screen that just says "VICTORY" when you complete a mission. You'll scoff as the framerate drops to like 15 fps because they crammed you all in a hallway with like 20 other NPCs all shooting at each other, and you'll all laugh again as one of you fires a blast in said hallway that kills at least 10 people on both sides, including themselves and the rest of your group.

Star Wars: Battlefront II gave me an experience that feels seldom rare in the modern era: a fast-paced objective-based shooter that can be enjoyed on a couch with a group of friends that isn't looking to nickle-and-dime you in some weird way. Outside of the framerate issues, you'll easily have a wonderful and hilarious time if you can get three friends together to sit down and just blast through stage after stage. The game overall is pretty short, maybe like 2-3 hours max for the campaign, but doing it in a group will make it feel like an adventure.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you can experience this game in 4-player co-op, go for it. I can't speak for how this game plays as a single-player experience, but as a multiplayer one, I can guarantee that you'll have a great time!

PC: good but the cd version can be a pain to set up; dvd is better but steam is king here
PS2: ok performance on some maps horrendous for others 5/10 port
XBOX: analog controls sucks dicks but it runs and looks fine 7/10 port
just buy the pc one on steam

A classic I always come back to eventually.

I don't even like Star Wars, but this game is so good.

One of the few games I can still come back to when/wherever and still have a BLAST another one tied for my favorite game of all time but it has the most re-playability out of any game I think I've ever played. Unbelievable how well it holds up and is still a blast.

The sounds and feel of this game are super nostalgic. I love this game, but unfortunately it's not as amazing as it could've been. Lots of small things that add up

The game itself is godtier with its campaign mode, multiplayer, and private matchs againts bots. Fun and a must to every star wars fan.

Mostly a nostalgia rating but damn did I have fun playing galactic conquest couch coop in middle school

Nostalgia rating, really happy they added it to Steam and it was kinda working. I have big ass poster of this game.

Buen juego de star wars, arcade y se supone que tiene buen multiplayer pero creo que esta cerrado rip gamespy

No game has really managed to capture what the OG Battlefront 2 had to offer. Extremely fun large-scale battles with a SinglePlayer option, and modes that add hours upon hours of gameplay.

I booted up Quick Match all the time and spent 10 minutes racking up maps that would play in the queue, even if I was only playing for a few hours. I just wanted to jump in and play some Star Wars action, and it was good at that. It took a new spin on Space Battles so they weren't just meaningless dogfights - you could land on the enemy ship and blow it up from the inside, or blow it up from the exterior with bombers. It made me feel less useless for not being an adept pilot.

Heroes vs. Villains was a fun and ridiculous time too with how silly it was.

But the kings of this game were the Story campaign and Galactic Conquest. The story following the 501st Legion isn't canon anymore, but it was dark, and showed the fate of the 501st throughout the reign of the Empire, and the fall of Clone Troopers as well, all narrated by Temeura Morrison. It's just... Chef's kiss. Beautifully grim.

And Galactic Conquest! Why hasn't any game tried to make a mode like this? It's not only strategic, but it was so thrilling to boot up a campaign and to rearrange where my ships were stationed so I could be ready for the enemy fleet. I remember getting annoyed by space battles so I'd dodge my ships around when it seemed like the enemy was closing in on one of my planets so we could fight on the ground instead.

I could gush about why Battlefront 2 is a fun shooter all day honestly, but it really is a game I put a ton of hours into and I have a deep connection towards.

Score: 94

The best Star Wars game we will ever get and it will never be close. I have every voice line from this game permanently etched into my mind and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The greatest gift God has ever gave us.
This game is the quintessential Star Wars experience and nothing ever after has still reached its peakes. Godly large scale earth and space battles, large class selection, amazing single player, heroes vs villains and much, much more. You cannot make a Star Wars fan happier than this.

Favorite crunchy quote: SUPER BATTLE DROID! TAKE IT DOWN!

Battlefront 2 é um jogo muito bem elaborado e extremamente divertido. Nele, você pode participar de grandes batalhas vistas nos filmes, seja em terra ou a bordo de uma nave, escolhendo entre os períodos das Guerras Clônicas ou da Guerra Civil Galáctica. Além disso, é possível jogar com vários heróis e vilões da saga.

O modo campanha nos coloca em diversas missões na pele de um clone da 501ª Legião, desde batalhas contra a CSI até o grande expurgo Jedi. Após a queda da República, o Império Galáctico é criado por Darth Sidious, e a 501ª agora é conhecida como o ''Punho de Vader''. Como um Stormtrooper Imperial, somos designados para diversas missões a fim de eliminar a escória rebelde. Antes do início de cada missão, podemos assistir a trechos do diário da 501ª, mostrando o que cada soldado sentia antes de suas batalhas, revelando o desenvolvimento da divisão de elite de Darth Vader.

No modo Galactic Conquest, você escolhe um período da guerra e utiliza sua frota para conquistar planetas. É possível adquirir bônus para auxiliar seu exército durante as batalhas, como mais munição para os soldados, rifles aprimorados e regeneração de HP. A partida é vencida por quem dominar a galáxia.

O modo Instant Action proporciona partidas rápidas com os modos: Conquest, Space Assault, Capture the Flag, Hero Assault, Hunt e XL.

O jogo também oferece suporte a mods, o que pode aprimorar significativamente sua experiência e transformar completamente o jogo, adicionando conteúdo adicional.

Apesar do suporte oficial para o modo online ter sido desativado, ainda é possível jogar o multiplayer utilizando outros programas.

Passei muitas horas jogando Battlefront 2 no meu antigo PS2, e o jogo não perdeu nada de sua diversão. Recomendo não apenas para os fãs de Star Wars, mas também para aqueles que procuram um excelente jogo de tiro.

Star Wars Battlefront II is a robust and engaging game that provides a deep dive into the Star Wars realm. The game’s enhancements build upon the existing framework, resulting in another high-quality Star Wars gaming experience.

I love swinging my shit when im able to play as a jedi

I mean, it's a reasonably fun class-based shooter with some fun space combat, but this is probably the most overhyped game of its generation. Even online play in its heyday couldn't elevate this over its contemporaries (like, say, Halo 2?)

mudou minha vida. não sei como os novos jogos do Battlefront conseguiram falhar em replicar o sentimento incrível de jogar esse jogo