Reviews from

in the past

The kusoge fighter in this might be the most interesting thing about an otherwise very bland and mediocre licensed game.

This game is a real childhood favorite of mine and still is fantastic. The gameplay can get a bit repetitive but seeing scenes cut from the movie and expanding on the story in the movie is a real treat. The duel mode is also great fun, especially with friends.

great gameplay aspects, everything else is so bad it's funny

Jank as hell controls but you could see the ending to the film months before the film came out.

Really good for a movie tie-in game. Campaign was good but the 1v1 mode where you unlocked characters from the campaign? That was awesome

The evil ending is absolutely hilarious

Mediocre, forgettable, and boring. The cool boss fights saved this game from being bad, as they're all pretty good. I just wish the game had more of them and less unnecessary filler that made me want to sleep. It makes a 3-hour-long game feel almost double its length.

Great game but Ps2 Anakin’s death scream still haunts me in my nightmares

To be clear. I grew up with the Prequel trilogy, so I don't have the same disdain for Episode III that some people hold.

Having watched a longplay to rejog my memory, it has an upgrade system very similar to the one found in Return of the King.

Effectively a Star Wars hack and slash action game, which honestly was the perfect companion to the movie. If you hatet the movie. There's a good chance you'll hate the game.

This game also features an alternative ending, which is well worth looking up, even if you never play it!

Played for alternate ending but the rest was pretty cool

It's a mix of a hack and slash and fighting game that doesn't do either one particularly well, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun. Toss in some light RPG elements and you've got yourself a fine weekend game. For further elaboration, the hack and slash sections are slightly tedious as you defeat enemy after enemy, occasionally broken up by you needing to operate a turret, damage a power box, or operate a console. There might be a boss battle against a big droid here or there, but it's overall pretty tedious.

Fighting is decently complex with grapples, parries, the usual. In single-player, the AI is a little too good at it, but the cracks start to show with how hilariously unbalanced some characters are. Count Dooku and Grievous are the type of characters you'd wanna ban your friends from playing if they came over, because they'd make you incredibly salty.

Revenge of the Sith's only $10 on the Xbox marketplace, and well worth it for that price. If you want an adaptation of ROTS that takes a few liberties, including a notorious alternate ending with Anakin, this one's worth a look. Was a fun nostalgia trip for me since I do recall enjoying what little I played on PS2, so whether you emulate this one or not you're in for a ride.

I wanted to slay the younglings

I don'[t think I'd enjoy this much if I replayed it, so I refuse to. Back in the day, though, this was an amazing movie tie-in.

Y'know these licensed games that have a bit more budget than others but still end up doing the thing where it's okayish when it starts but it gradually gets worse and more frustrating, that's one of them.

First of all, if any of you aren't aware, this game was released 10 days before the release of the movie, could you imagine getting to know the story of this movie via the game that only showcases the action part of the movie and uses completely different voice actors? (which would later end up being the Clone Wars cartoon voice actors)

Outside of this fun fact, this game is extremely forgettable, it's a generic hack-and-slash game that feels like a shittier Force Unleashed. It goes over most parts of the movie where either Anakin or Obi-Wan kills robots or clones but not the younglings obviously, sometimes like most video game adaptations of a movie it starts being a little whacky and creative by adding original content to pad out the game because this game is only 4 hours long, it's almost as long as the movie itself I can't imagine paying this 60$ at launch just to get some Revenge of the Sith movie clips on my Xbox.
Yeah, this was a big selling point for the game it uses clips from the movie which was not out yet at that point, though it uses different voices so it feels wrong.

There's really not much to say about this game, the combat is just mashing buttons over and over fighting the same enemies over and over, the only different missions are the boss missions which focus on Jedi fights like the Count Dooku boss and they suck, like really most of them are just "Mash the button and hope that the boss isn't blocking your attacks".
I just described the whole game, that's it, it's just that for 4 hours but it does have a secret ending where you play as Anakin during the final boss (it's the exact same shitty final boss) but you get a special cutscene where Anakin kills Obi-Wan AND Palpatine and it just makes me wish we'd get a Star Wars "What If".
It also has a secret Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan from Episode 4 using clips from the movie and it's really neat but short too.

Is there any reason to play this game now? Not really unless you feel like being in 2005 again.

"Just because there are two of you, don't assume you have the advantage."
I'm sorry, what? What did you just say?

There are few things as satisfying as just slicing through battle droids. Except maybe Jedi. Just plowing through the Jedi temple is the best. I need more Star Wars games where you fight through hordes of lightsaber wielders.

I love how intricate the combat system is. Especially for a movie game. The different characters even have somewhat different combos. It takes a while to get used to, but once you get there, and once you get some upgraded skills, it's a hoot. I love how the characters will sometimes, almost instinctively, just block some blaster bolts without you doing anything.

I love how the developers made some very cool imagery themselves in the non-movie cutscenes, like when Anakin's and Dooku's lightsabers clash in front of Palpatine like Luke's and Vader's in Return of the Jedi.

And I love how the main menu music is the music that plays when Anakin finds out about Shmi being kidnapped in Attack of the Clones. The first real turning point towards Vader. These people cared about this game.

They really went above and beyond.

They incorporated a—now pretty well known—multiplayer duel mode that kept me entertained for hours as a kid, and is still pretty fun today. Serra Keto is awesome.

Not only did they (for obvious movie–game reasons) create a bunch of segments of Anakin fighting through the Jedi temple that aren't in the film (probably my favorite part of the game)—they inserted segments a lot throughout the game, obviously, but it's never not warranted, and it's always based on either earlier concept art or architecture from the movie, or (as is with the Jedi temple) based on locations and characters you see in earlier films—but they also have bonus missions that don't specifically follow the movie at all which are few and short, but pretty awesome. Especially the New Hope duel.

They clearly had a blast making this game, and it rubs off on the player.

I played this at a friend's house on his PS2, and although he finished most of it by himself I can't deny myself the pleasure of logging this as complete, because I beat the final stage for him!

Best fighting game in history, nostalgia strong with this one

A fun, but ultimately frustrating and overly-difficult arena fighting game.

Always wanted this one really badly for some reason. It's fun, not outstanding, but alright

Es burdo en jugabilidad, pero entretenido. De la misma calidad que la película

This review contains spoilers

This game surpasses any expectations Prequel watchers could possibly have. The Story is the same as the movie, but with non action moments that tell it reduced to cutscenes, or text, this isn't bad, since this makes the action the focus, although Windu's argument in their fight makes Anakin's turn to the Dark Side even more easier to notice how dumb it is, why didn't Nute Gunray leave the moment he was on the ship, instead of trying to stop a Force powered person, who in the Phantom Menace they established that he doesn't even understand all their abilities, and as cool as it is to play as Anakin in the final battle if you want to, to see what would have happened if he won the fight, why did he kill Palpatine afterwards when he could have done that anytime after he became Vader? The Characters are the same as the movie, including voice acting quality, except Windu is noticeably better, while the separatists voice acting is worse. and the characters you meet shortly do an alright job for what little time they had to establish themselves. The Graphics are good, and look like the movies, but better with no bluescreen. The Gameplay has you play levels that allow action from the movie, fighting droids and other Force users with your many skills, moves, and upgradable options, these are what make the game good enough to be underrated, made even better by the dueling option where you can fight other players you played as, or fought against in the game, and against their evil counterparts too, the AI makes this the most fun thing is the game, is really tests you, but not so much that it feels impossible to win, it's a balance between both sides, LOL, and the multiplayer option makes it fun to play against friends, without having to hit each others real bodies with toy Lightsabers, the only thing I wish they did was have it be possible for the evil counterparts to play against other characters than only their good selves. The Music is ported from the movies, and they are as great because of it. Revenge of the Sith is the best thing that came out of the Prequel Trilogy, and I suggest you play this for fun even you you don't care about Star Wars.

Excelente adaptación a juego del episodio 3

Love the slight story changes, just a fun faithful movie title. I mean its old but that about it

Filme favorito, logo um jogo favorito. Lembro de perceber as limitações na época, mas valeu a pena.