Reviews from

in the past

A very unique game for the time it came out, and with an interesting gameplay that unfortunately hasn't aged nicely at all. Unnecessarily hard and some design choices that would be deemed questionable today, but it's still quite a fun experience even if you use save states (which I really don't blame you for doing)

Like many titles of the early 1990s, StarTropics was inspired by the success of The Legend of Zelda. While the results of such ventures are often mixed, the title has the merit of delivering an adventure of rare quality. Mixing the gameplay of a Zelda - albeit with a grid - and a Dragon Quest for the movement on the world map, StarTropics achieves an elegant result that stands out from the productions of the time. Apart from the difficulty, which skyrockets in the last world, the title's dungeons are generally well balanced, even if a few particularly devious traps still litter the route. The chaptering with automatic saves makes the adventure more enjoyable and allows for the development of a small story, at the crossroads between heroic-fantasy, an almost ecological nature tale and absurd humour - in the manner of Mother. Ultimately, StarTropics is an original attempt and specifically designed for American audiences. It brilliantly meets the challenge it has set itself, standing at the crossroads of genres, which gives it a little avant-garde edge. It is a pity that it is so little known to the public!

Kinda a fun game, but I just think because the controls and mechanics feel so dated I lost motivation to finish it.

Probably my favorite NES game of all time. It is VERY hard but it has excellent level design, music, graphics, you name it. The secrets, items, and puzzles are made very clear and fun to find unlike many games with cryptic level designs that are commonly found on the NES. Not perfect because there are some blind traps you may fall into but for the most part it’s aged like fine wine.

Really impressed by the scope and execution of this game. It was well-paced, had Earthbound-esque dialogue despite being older than EB, was challenging but not totally evil, fairly forgiving, unique locations and storyline, just altogether really a special game.

I can't imagine a much more fleshed-out and polished game than this on NES, but I suppose I now want to see how the sequel holds up!

A simple but really fun and well designed dungeon crawler for the NES. Some annoying difficulty spikes and cryptic navigation does slow down the pacing but otherwise an overlooked NES game worth your time.

One of the more underrated adventure games on the NES. Sort of like Zelda, but with a lot of tile hopping. Pretty fun playthrough.

Fluffy easy going fun. If you’re going to play this one, I highly recommend checking out the patches that fix the broken music and removes the control lag.

It's okay, but just play Legend of Zelda.

Zelda but Sci-Fi and underrated.

Like a Zelda game that hates you, but wants you to love yourself.

Truly underrated. Basically a pretty good Zelda game.

The gameplay can be a bit of an acquired taste for some, but once you get used to its almost rhythmic platforming, and how to deal with nasty creatures in its unique yo-yo based combat, it's a really great game. I was lucky enough to get this game from a Wolworth's "going out of business" sale, and loved it. Some time later, the local K-Mart also went out of business, sadly, and I was ironically able to get Startropics 2 from THAT sale, the year the game came out, actually. It's probably the only reason I would've wound up being able to get either, so for me those sales were a godsend.

Startropics is a very unique game, and was made by Nintendo, specifically for the NA market. And I'm glad it was. You play young Mike Jones, who comes to visit his kooky archaeologist uncle, who has gone missing, and so you the player set out on a quest to find him.

At first glance, I've noticed people have a tendency to assume this is just some kind of weird Zelda clone. But it couldn't be further from, except for having a top-down view. There really isn't any other game QUITE like ST, except ST2 of course. It's one part precision/timing based platforming, one part "figure out which angle to tackle the enemy from" combat, and one part puzzle solving.

It's a very weird game, but it really is wonderful, once you get the gameplay down. If you've never tried it, I'd say it's absolutely worth a go, if nothing else to play something not quite like anything else you've ever played.

My favorite nes game of all time. It’s a linear zelda type dungeon crawler focusing on combat and a strong sense of adventure.

I love this games tropical setting and it’s sense of humor reminds me a lot of earthbound. It’s cool hidden gem in nintendo’s library and I’d love a modern take on this series.

The Yo-yo is kick ass. I know this won’t happen but I would love to see Mike Jones in smash.
Strong 4/5

When I was a kid, I played for 1 minute and then never played it again because I didn't know you had to go to the village.

This game posits that when Mike Jones dies he becomes a ghost and gets a halo harp and wings and floats straight to heaven. I feel like it’s extra cruel because even after failing to solve the mystery of the alien presence on the islands and rescuing his scientist uncle, the game denies him even the small consolation that all the philosophers of old agreed that every man gets in death, the immediate cessation of one’s worldly cares. A life eternal in empyrean bliss for you? No! Get your ass back down to the profane earth and kill some more rats with your yo-yo.

Anyway pgood but the dungeon design could have done with a little more variety I think and also maybe it could take a little less time for mike to turn around on a dime

Solid, original story. Youre a regular modern day kid running through dungeons, killing monsters with a yoyo? Before earthbound?

I remember getting stuck a lot in various dungeons between challenging rooms/bosses and even just navigating. I feel like the navigational challenges were due to intentionally low conveyance. Games back then were designed to be challenging and confusing, and when you beat them it fealt rewarding. It was a different age.

I feel like Startropics was well thought out and presented a solid challenge for an aspiring your gamer.

The Zelda for cool kids.

Yo, for real I'll never forget this cartridge came packed with a PAPER LETTER in the box that had a SECRET MESSAGE written on the back in INVISIBLE INK. Discovering that might've been the single raddest thing that had ever happened to me up to that point in my young life. Some straight-up Kojima shit, a decade before MGS.

Its fine but i'd rather play Link's Adventure, which is not something that should ever have to be said about a a game

+ Game teaches you to be better by design
+ Feels like it's own game / style
~One of the best endings for it's time
~ Outside task needed to complete game
- Chapters are not paced well
- Chapter 3
- Not difficult by design
- Trial and error

Best Zelda game on the NES.

This game became too much for me when the dungeons started being about walking into a room and having to memorize the layout in a split second before it becomes pitch black.