Reviews from

in the past

First missions are pretty cool but by the end i just wanted to finish it as soon as possible.

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The original Syphon Filter was my least favorite of the trilogy back on PS1. As a child I'd struggle in certain sections of this game. Revisiting it in 2022 was a rather enlightening experience... It made me realize that I've never actually beaten it. I think I got a little past the Helicopter battle and that's all. I funny enough, used the think the other games were a prequel since Lian "dies" during that fight only to never have the later plot revelations resolved.

As for the game, it holds up surprisingly well. The plot of these games used to be a major love of mine as a child but in 2022 they're beyond cheesy and poorly acted. The level design in this game is a major negative, however I even thought this back in 1999. A lot of levels give you objectives and just expect you to do things like "Find all the scientists" or "Plant all the explosives" if you for whatever reason miss one of these things while following the path the developers curated, the game will gladly remind you that you better backtrack through the level. Gunplay is serviceable with first person aiming being a giant time stamp on the era this game was released in.

I look forward to Sony's release of 2/3 on the PS Plus Premium tier... but with their lack of focus on classics it may be a long time unfortunately.

Syphon Filter possui uma história mediana, no qual assemelha-se aos filmes de ação Hollywoodianos, contudo, o enfoque é quanto aos detalhes nos cenários que são bem ricos nesse quesito.
Vale ressaltar, o jogo é totalmente contra indicativo, portanto, caso você não esteja jogando com um guia, provavelmente ficará perdido mas fases e consequentemente não conseguirá completar os objetivos.

Maybe knowing this is the first game in what would become a six part series might change some context, but taken on it's own, it's an average action game with one or two interesting tweaks on a third person shooter that mostly works on a console, and a spy story where most of the character motivations make zero sense.

Another one of those games I think is dated in a lot of aspects, but was probably cool for its time. And it's another game I wouldn't mind seeing make a return in the future.

Outdated in alot of respects but for ps1 era its pretty solid.

It's hard not to be too critical of these PS1 games since it's an era of gaming that has not aged the best. Syphon Filter very much feels like a game from over twenty years ago. It doesn't give you much direction and it's easy to get lost because everything looks the same and the in-game maps are terrible. The controls are weird and simple moving can be aggravating. The story is dumb with some horrendous voice acting. All that said though, I didn't hate playing through it. I got bored and frustrated a few times but I was at least willing to play through. Third person shooting, or any shooting on a console, hasn't really been figured out by then but that aspect wasn't as bad as I was expecting even if the crosshair movement is very slow. It's at least worth a playthrough but I'm very happy to use the emulator rewind and save states offered on Playstation Plus Premium. I don't have the patience for old game checkpointing anymore.