Reviews from

in the past

Best Telltale game and best Borderlands game.

actually the best thing to come out of the borderlands ip

Solid story that fills in what happened between Borderlands 2 and 3, I like it

The consequences of assigning actual writers to a Borderlands story instead of 5 12 year-olds slamming Red Bulls.

Who would of thought that the Telltale Borderlands game would have been good but here we are. Tales from the Borderlands manages to hit that right balance of seriousness and the comedy style that the games are known for. While I don't care all that much that Handsome Jack is back (even though he is my favourite) however he is pretty funny so I don't mind it all that much. Also the two protags were decent.

The way you start this game laughing and end it crying ...

If you hate Borderlands gameplay, but love the setting - this is the game for you

Surpringly effective narrative with solid tone but terrible pacing. Gave the Borderlands some much needed worldbuilding it was lacking, did it surpringly well, and we're suffering for it now. Memorable and fun characters too, despite the future games' ignorance of them

This game is soo good and funny. So sad it doesnt have a sequel, specially with that ending :( but worth every penny

I still believe this is the best game Tell Tale has made. Having fun with an already outlandish setting, poking fun at themselves, while still creating beloved characters who fit into this pre-established setting so well that some come back in Borderlands 3 and adding incredible depth to the standout villain from Borderlands 2. I firmly believe this was Tell Tale at their peak.


el mejor de todos los telltale

the funniest game i've ever played. masterpiece

This game was fucking gold then, and its gold now.

As a fan of the Borderlands universe, the game is a real diamond. An interesting story, very well-written characters, old acquaintances from previous parts and most importantly, the madness of life on Pandora, created by Telltale Games, is correctly conveyed.

For everyone else who is generally unfamiliar with what it is and how to eat it, it will also be interesting to go through, but the reaction will not be the same.

Как для фаната вселенной Borderlands, игра настоящий алмаз. Интересная история, очень хорошо прописанные персонажи, старые знакомые из прошлых частей и самое главное, корректно переданное безумие жизни на Пандоре, созданное Telltale Games.

Для всех остальных незнакомых в целом, что это и как кушать, тоже будет интересно пройти, но уже будет не такая реакция.

One of it not my all time favourite telltale game, the plot, the characters, the intros, the cliffhangers, the tie ins to the main games, the humour, the variation of outcomes etc. Played it on PS3, PS4 and now the PS4 port on PS5!

The only Borderlands game I've ever liked

Lots of fun. Voice acting was stellar, writing was pretty good, though occasionally leaned into "Did that just happen?" Mid 2010's humor (which makes sense to when the game came out) a little too much. Gameplay wasn't amazing, but well-executed for what it was. Also, animation was mostly good, but occasionally stuttered, which may be a Switch thing, or a Telltale thing I don't know. 7.75 out of 10.

liked this game and the characters but i felt like it fell off in episode 5

"Tales from the Borderlands" foi minha primeira incursão nos jogos da Telltale, e foi uma experiência marcante. Apesar de alguns pontos fracos na mecânica e nas consequências das ações, a história me envolveu completamente, apresentando personagens ricamente desenvolvidos com características e motivações únicas, tudo isso em uma narrativa repleta de humor ácido. Mas os elogios param por aí. Ao olhar para trás em 2024, percebo que o jogo equilibrou uma história excelente com uma mecânica de jogo e consequências de escolhas apenas medianas.

O jogo segue a estrutura típica da Telltale, com mecânicas simples, estilo de arte em cel shading, eventos de quick time e um foco quase exclusivo na narrativa. No entanto, em relação às decisões do jogador, há uma falta de impacto significativo no decorrer da história. Isso pode ser frustrante para aqueles que esperavam mais liberdade na forma como suas escolhas moldariam o rumo do enredo. A sensação é de que, em certo ponto, somos enganados pela promessa de uma narrativa interativa mais profunda.

O lançamento do jogo foi marcado por atrasos significativos na entrega dos episódios, o que gerou frustração entre os jogadores e pode ter contribuído para o declínio financeiro da produtora. Embora a Telltale tenha antecipado obter um sucesso similar ao de "The Walking Dead", isso não se concretizou, em parte devido a erros na escolha de projetos e à falta de inovação em sua fórmula de jogo, que começava a se tornar previsível e monótona.

Apesar de seus pontos fracos, ainda recomendo o jogo hoje em dia para aqueles que procuram uma história envolvente e cheia de humor ácido, sem se preocupar muito com uma jogabilidade avançada.

Tales from the Borderlands is one of Telltales best and certainly funniest games. The openings of each episode and its use of liscensed music is superb. The writing is clever and the story unfolds at a timely pace, never feeling convoluted or unnecessary. The choices the player makes are not as consequential as say, the ones in the Walking Dead or other Telltale titles, but they can differentiate the way characters can percieve each other. When it comes down to it, character dynamics and the way each of your assorted party members play off each other is the name of the game here. Some of these characters are so well done they have become iconic for the Borderlands series as a whole. Muddied textures, stiff animations, and dips in framerate, (particulary within QTE sequences), are present, but they never truly hamper this quirckier than usual trek through Pandora.

pretty interesting very good for the die hard fans but nothing crazy i did like the world building in pandora

This game answers the seemingly unsolvable question "what if Borderlands had good writing?"

Na jednu stranu je to na herní prvky skoupé i na poměry Telltale produkce (a to je již sakra co říct) a jde tedy již čistě o seriál s občasnou možností volby, která však zdánlivě nemá zásadního vlivu na průběh. Zdánlivě, protože na rozdíl od jejich zbylé produkce se to tváří, že na nich příliš nezáleží a jsou pouze kosmetické a více o profilování postav než o směřování toku děje, aby se ve finální epizodě ukázalo, že na vašich volbách překvapivě záleželo více než by se v průběhu jednotlivých epizod zdálo.

Na druhou stranu je třeba uznat, že ačkoli je to z 95% seriál a z pouhých 5% QTE hra, tak jde o seriál natolik zdařilý, zábavný a skvěle napsaný i „režijně" podaný, že plně obstojí i sám o sobě bez oněch herních prvků či bez předchozího pozitivnímu vztahu či znalosti Borderlands universa. Nabízí totiž skvělou kombinaci nadsazené uvolněné komediálně bizarní šílenosti právě "mad maxovských" Borderlands s propracovanou a stylovou jakože westernovou heist žánrovkou "kde se každý snaží přechcat každého" a více než fajn neustále se škorpící dvojící Rhys/Fiona, která rychle přiroste k srdci a jejíž osudy, včetně osudů jejich (ne)přátel, nejsou hráči/divákovi lhostejné. Skvěle se tu pracuje i s nespolehlivým vypravěčem a dvojím pohledem na události a tak Rhysova verze je spíše vychloubačná, zatímco Fionina hraje zase na strunu cynismu a ironie.

Nečekejte tedy hru jako takovou, nečekejte raději ani, že na vašich volbách záleží (s čestnou výjimkou v podobě jejich zúročení v závěrečné epizodě) a prostě si jen udělejte pořádnou porci popcornu a pasivně se bavte. Pak (a jedině pak) tomu není moc co vytýkat, protože dějem, postavami, navozením pocitu „že o něco jde", akčními scénami i celkovým průběhem a skvostnou gradací jde v mnoha ohledech o to vůbec nejlepší, s čím dosud Telltale přišli. Jediná vážnější výtka je, že přes veškeré nesporné kvality je úplně nejlepší hned úvodní epizoda. Zbylé z jejího stínu již nevystoupí, byť nijak zásadně nezaostávají (tedy až na vatou vyplněnou třetí epizodu). Ano, na první pohled je to sice nemlich to samé co jejich zbylé série (nebo chcete-li hry), ale tohle je žánrově na jiném písečku. Žánrově samozřejmě myšleno v seriálovém slova smyslu a nikoli herním.