Reviews from

in the past

Na época eu adorei, mas tentei rejogar faz um tempo e não consegui, os controles e a câmera ficaram muito datados para mim.

Tenho um carinho muito grande por esse jogo, e ele até que é bom, mas a história dele é mal ajustada. Aqui você não controla um membro da saga de filmes tipo o Michael Corleone, você cria o seu próprio mafioso mas ele não tem muita personalidade. Gosto das mecânicas de tomar estabelecimentos com as barras de ameaça e até negócios secretos dentro da firma, mas por outro lado não curto explodir as casas das outras famílias porque é sempre o mesmo design de casa, o que não torna a experiência muito boa. Além disso, fora as missões e a tomada de territórios de outras famílias, aqui não tem muito o que explorar, o que procurar em si, deixando você apenas com a história que já não é tão boa (os filmes são ótimos, curto a trilogia), mas essa adaptação pro jogo não segue o padrão.

the fact this game even fuckin exists and completely straight faces it goes exactly like the “My Dinner with Andre the Video Game” gag from the simpsons. where’s my sunset boulevard game where’s his girl friday the video game?

A very good game based on a Very Classic movie. The character creation is all right, the vintage new york is pretty well made and the gameplay is good. A fun experience on PS2.

uff juegazo lo jugaba en la play 2 chipeada boludo con mi primo ivan boludo mientras mirábamos los partidos de boca vs river bld y mi familia era brutalmente reventada a golpes si a boca le metían gol

The Godfather tem um principio bem basico e até que interessante, te colocar no mundo como um dos personagens do filme classico, mas sempre como aquele cara que fica na sombra e que a principio não tem muita importancia na trama.
Na questão da gameplay o jogo até que é bom, as unicas coisas que me pegam um pouco é a questão do tiroteio que é meio frustrante as vezes, no qual você morre com um tiro sem nem saber daonde. E outra questão é as perseguiuções de carro que dão nos nervos de tão quebradas que são, os inimigos não te seguem, eles spawnam em cima de você, te batem e te jogam pra fora, isso quando não te matam...
No geral é um jogo mediano, cópia de GTA e que serve só pra nos lembrar que o filme existe.
Resumindo: É um classico não obrigatório!

la baja que el final sea una garcha pero god 👍

*Beaten once. It's an open world tactical mob shooter with a unique spin on the "grand auto" pseudogenre.

the game was as good as it could get for the time,a fun experience that holds up still today

6.0, Um mundo aberto bem divertido, que falha um pouco na variedade de missões e cenários, mas não perdendo a virtude em favor do divertimento e verossimilhança.

Needless and doesn't understand the movie at all but despite this, well made and quite a bit of fun. If possible play the version that allows you to hire a goon so you can have a bullet sponge to distract enemies when this shit gets fucking hard. When I was ten this map felt like the actual size of New York state.

Ahead of its time, One of the best open world games ever made, fun and playful but also a bit repetitive in some areas. Good story, nice level design, and very good animations and combat, for a game from 2006

juego para pibes cine 2, esta mierda es mejor que todos los gta de ps2, menos el SA obvio

It's very funny that this game has the same problems open world games still have (not enough to interact with and barely any reason to grind all the side stuff out), except it's from 2006 and has great combat

This game is surprisingly beloved online, and while I found it to be alright, I genuinely don't know where that's coming from. I guess it was good enough for them to make a movie out of it, I should check that out.

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This game is heavily underrated to me. The Story has you follow a gangster who was apparently involved with a number of scenes from the first movie, trying to build up his position in the Corleone Crime family, this is an interesting idea for a Godfather game, and shows its respect for the franchise. The Characters feel like game counterparts to their film ones, and well voice acted to, none of the voice acting is bad, and voiced by the actual cast from the film, amazing. The graphics are not the best, but aren't bad either, they look good as an Xbox 360 game from 2006. The gameplay is the fun that succeeds expectations. You go around the cities recruiting other businesses for the family by either applying pressure without going too far, a task for the owner, buying rackets hidden inside these establishments, bribing officers to look the other way, shoot gangsters with guns, that really pull you into the godfather gangster world, firing guns is fun too thanks to the crosshairs and impact they put on people, buy ammo from street traders, you can get other Corleone members to help you in shootouts or rob a bank, rob warehouses for illegal merchandise, the better you do at extorting businesses the more money you get, and you can accessorize your character too, improving the gameplay to more realistic and yet levels. Music and sound effects are both great, fits perfectly in tone for the Godfather franchise. The First Godfather videogame is one of the best gangster games of all time, and although not a masterpiece like the film, it's still worth it's recognition that most people don't give it.

I want a remaster. No other game let's you choke out random people on the street or throw a baker into an oven.

Gets an extra half star because it's the first (and perhaps only) game I remember where other drivers actually get out of your way if you honk at them.

They really let you play through the mission where you leave a horse's head in a man's bed. Truly the pinnacle of gaming.

I’m going to give this game a review it can’t refuse

Never understood but enjoyed a lot

GTA San andreas le come los huevos

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